Yes, I'm still here. I haven't given up completely, but I have been HORRIBLE with my eating and non-exercising, basically this whole month. I had been so bad that I really was avoiding the scale because I didn't want to see what the damage was. But this morning I bit the bullet and weighed myself. NOT PRETTY! Honestly it wasn't as bad as I'd been expecting considering all the junk I've been eating, but still, not good. I'm not going to change my ticker till January 1st. It will be a big gain, but it will also be a new starting point. Truly I am a little disappointed in myself for how I've totally reverted back to old habits this month, but I also was looking at the pictures below and I still have come a long way since January, and I'm not done yet!
p.s. sorry about the great pictures for Dec. Hayden took them as we were heading out the door one day, and Sydney refused to move.
the person who can ENDURE TO THE END. "Whatever your work may be, endure in the beginning, endure through opposing forces along the way, and endure to the end." (Russell M. Nelson)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
anyone else???
Are either of you refusing to get on the scale after the holiday weekend?? I am!!! On top of the yummy food we had I am now retaining water like crazy!! It doesn't matter how much water I drink I am still retaining. I have a feeling it is because I've been on my feet so much. I don't think I gained any actual weight because I actually ate pretty well and stayed away from overindulging in the sweets. BUT...this water retention says otherwise. I am hoping to take the rest of the week to rest and put my feet up. Last night my feet were so swollen that when I was standing my toes did not touch the floor!! THAT IS BAD! I have never been that bad before.
I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend as much as I did!
I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend as much as I did!
Friday, December 24, 2010
My Complaint!
Well I did not quite make my goal! I had a great excuse and it was the rain! I hate that I used a excuse in the past nothing would have kept me from working out. Now if I can use a excuse I surely do and I look for them. But I did walk on Monday and today. So here is my complaint the other days of the week my kids were up by 6:15 am at sometimes even earlier. Monday they slept in till 7:30am and today 8:30am!!! What's up with that!! The two days I decided to workout they wake up late!! OH Well as usual I never like getting up to workout but it is something I never regret once I do it. Mostly with all the food I have been eating and enjoying!!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I'm here, really I am.
Sorry. I went out of town over the weekend and thought I'd post about my week and weigh in. I didn't have time. Oops. I am proud to report that I did lose 4 pounds last week and I did relatively good with my eating and exercising. This week.... not so good. I haven't dared get on the scale since I got home. I'm afraid of what I'll see. I asked Jerry this afternoon if he could tell me anything healthy that I'd eaten today because I couldn't think of anything. Dang these delicious holiday goodies!!! I haven't exercised all week because I've been getting Christmas stuff ready. I am determined to do something tomorrow because I feel pretty yucky right now.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
6 Days
6 Days without any of us posting anything!!! AHHH are we all still alive or enjoying Christmas a little to much!!! I think number 2 may win.(and I kind of hope it is the reason) But I have done something smart to help my scale. Gary is off for 2 weeks and I am beyond excited!! So for these two week I am going to walk 5 days a week!! I have slagging on motivation, so I asked Monta to join me in the morning to go for a walk with me. If I know she is waiting for me I will be there!! So I am sticking to this goal! And hopefully I can maintain over this holiday break. I am okay with gaining weight while I am pregnant, I just don't want to gain any of the excess weight that I really do not need. I heard it is normal to gain up to 50lbs while pregnant. I only lost 54lbs and I really do not want to end up back where I started a year ago. I am hoping to stay some what active to hopefully not start where I had to start last time.
By the way if anyone wants to join us walking you are more than welcome to!
By the way if anyone wants to join us walking you are more than welcome to!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Minor Victory
I did it!! I got on the treadmill! That was the first step, and it was hard. I ran 3 miles, and THAT was hard! Very hard. The first mile was the hardest, and it did get a little easier after that. It amazes me though just how fast my body has forgotten how to run for endurance. I did it though, and it felt great when I was done and I'll do it again. I'm planning to do weights tomorrow and maybe walk a little on the treadmill, or if I go to the gym I'll ride the bike. Can't swim yet because I have some stitches in my head. I'll run again on Wednesday for sure.
I've also been good with my eating so far today. But the night is young. First thing I did when I woke up was throw away all the left over birthday cake. If I don't see it, it is much easier! The week is starting off on the right foot so far!
I've also been good with my eating so far today. But the night is young. First thing I did when I woke up was throw away all the left over birthday cake. If I don't see it, it is much easier! The week is starting off on the right foot so far!
New Prego Pic!
I've been meaning to get a pic up for 2 months now and just haven't done it. So far my total pregnancy weight gain is 10 lbs. Not good for someone who only planned on gaining 15 this pregnancy, but its not too late!! The holidays are almost over and I'll have 3 months to get myself back in gear and get it under control. I have high hopes that I can keep to my goal. Not realistic, I suppose.
So as of today I am 24 weeks and 1 day. I got lucky because I always start a new week on Sunday so it is easy to keep track. I've got a big baby belly to go with my weight gain so I don't feel too bad about it.
15 weeks 1 day
So as of today I am 24 weeks and 1 day. I got lucky because I always start a new week on Sunday so it is easy to keep track. I've got a big baby belly to go with my weight gain so I don't feel too bad about it.
15 weeks 1 day
24 weeks 1 day
The black shirt is surprisingly slimming around my massive belly but all my other shirts are in the washer right now so it will have to do. I think we all get the idea. I have to say... the new haircut I got from Marlo does wonders for the way I look. LOL
4 months worth of picuters
By getting all these pictures together I have realized I have not really changed much. I enjoy to blaming the pouch on the pregnancy but it was their 4 months ago!

I went to the doctor last week and he looked at his paperwork to see how I was doing on gaining or loosing weight. And he said, "OH 87lb weight GAIN!!" YEAH!! Not happening. Something went wrong there. He said they would figure it out before the next appointment. By scale at home is 4 pounds gained. I think I will take my scale over theirs! I am going to try keep up with this, but it rather depressing watching the scale crawl up and up and up and away! Each week!
6 weeks(had no idea I was pregnant)

I went to the doctor last week and he looked at his paperwork to see how I was doing on gaining or loosing weight. And he said, "OH 87lb weight GAIN!!" YEAH!! Not happening. Something went wrong there. He said they would figure it out before the next appointment. By scale at home is 4 pounds gained. I think I will take my scale over theirs! I am going to try keep up with this, but it rather depressing watching the scale crawl up and up and up and away! Each week!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
I totally spaced weighing in on Saturday. I forgot to take a picture. I didn't exercise 5 days last week. I reverted back to the Sarah from last year. NOT GOOD! So I have some external motivation this week. I'm going to visit family in Utah next weekend, so I'm going to try to drink lots of water all week, eat good, and exercise so that at least I can take off some of the bloating, and maybe even get back on track for Christmas week coming up. I WILL take a picture this week, and I WILL weigh in this weekend.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Weigh in
I gained 2lbs. This month is going to be a hard month. No picture yet. Gary leaves to early to take a picture unless you want to see me in bed and when he gets home I am in my pjs! On Friday I will get a picture, if I decide to get dress for the ward party!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
100 cookies
Are just too hard to resist. I was weak. I gave in! DANG IT! But I won't beat myself up. Just going to change it. I'm going to resist the urge to say, I'll start fresh Monday. I'm going to do good tomorrow and get back on track. I know I will eat and enjoy more than I should this month, but I'm REALLY going to TRY to make a point of exercising at least 5 days a week.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Prego Brain
That's right I am blaming it on the belly. Its got to be good for something!!! So That is why I can't remember to weigh in! Tomorrow I have my doctors appointment. I will be exactly 4 months tomorrow, so I will take my picture along with my weigh in tomorrow. Which neither one will be pretty!! I always loose weight at the beginning of my pregnancy and then by the end I balance back out. But I have already started gaining!! I know it is normal to gain weight while you are pregnant, but it is still really hard on me. I have dedicated this whole year on getting healthy and being able to look into a mirror and to literally watch yourself grow. Is rather depressing to say the least. Last week all my pants became WAY to small, and the best part is I can't find my prego pants. I can find every shirt but no pants. Have no idea where I stored them, but here I am. I think I really may just have to go buy some. I am excited to go to the doctor tomorrow hearing the heartbeat gives me a boost of strength and reminds me how great this all is!
2 more days
I have 2 more days to lose my holiday weight. =( I thought I had more, but then I looked at my calendar and realized my appointment is on WEDNESDAY!! Ahhh! So, with this disturbing fact I hopped on the scale. I think I'll end up with a 2-4 lb weight gain, which isn't too bad I suppose. I know I'm supposed to gain and I have gotten BIGGER this month, but the fact that I'm not actually losing weight like my last 2 pregnancies is really irritating me. Although, the irritation comes from the fact that I haven't done anything to make it happen. It is all too easy to eat bad when you're on food stamps! I'm not even kidding!! You have all the healthy stuff available to you but you also have all the BAD stuff. We get a mixture of both and it is awful. My favorite guilty pleasure are the Etenmann's donuts you get at bad!! I gotta practice some self control when it comes to the shopping. I have gotten a lot better. My sweet tooth isn't as bad as it was last month, but its the holidays... I'm gonna have sweets.
My biggest problem at this point is my lack of energy. I have to pick and choose what I'm gonna do so I have energy to do what I need to do. I noticed a few weeks ago if I go to Zumba I have no energy the rest of the all. I can't keep doing that to Skyler so we're gonna start walking instead. Maybe I'll brave riding a bike. We really need to get our son Jayden out to exercise because he is my little addict. He loves food and it is starting to show in his weight. This 8 year old kid is over 100 lbs! He doesn't look it, but his belly is starting to get a little pudgy and I really don't want him to end up like me or his dad. If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is.
My biggest problem at this point is my lack of energy. I have to pick and choose what I'm gonna do so I have energy to do what I need to do. I noticed a few weeks ago if I go to Zumba I have no energy the rest of the all. I can't keep doing that to Skyler so we're gonna start walking instead. Maybe I'll brave riding a bike. We really need to get our son Jayden out to exercise because he is my little addict. He loves food and it is starting to show in his weight. This 8 year old kid is over 100 lbs! He doesn't look it, but his belly is starting to get a little pudgy and I really don't want him to end up like me or his dad. If that isn't motivation, I don't know what is.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Did you think I had abandoned the blog?
I thought I was going to check in pretty regularly, but I didn't. In fact I forgot to weigh in, so I'll use my weight from Thursday morning for my weigh in. Depressing. I don't want to, but I have to be honest with myself. I gained again. You'll have to do your own math to figure it out. haha. I am proud to say that I got out and exercised on Saturday morning. Sad to report that it was only the second time I exercised all week. And I ate bad all week. SO.... Tomorrow is day 1! New start! I know, not a good week to start fresh when there is a cookie exchange on Wednesday and I will be making 100 cookies, and bringing home 100 cookies. I will just have to exercise some major will power. I WILL exercise all week. My feet have been very sore this week. My cortisone shots have worn off and I want to let my feet heal, but I also want to make sure I get good workouts in. I'll be heading to the gym again this week to do some swimming and biking, and I'll continue running, but not the far distances for a while.
So- new Sarah! I'll post my picture for December on Friday. That will be my motivation to do well this week, and if nothing else get the bloating off. Wish me luck!!
So- new Sarah! I'll post my picture for December on Friday. That will be my motivation to do well this week, and if nothing else get the bloating off. Wish me luck!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Looking for motivation
Hard week. I did finally exercise on Tuesday. I walked 3 miles and ran the last half mile. It was so hard! How on earth did I run a half marathon just 2 weeks ago, and running a half mile was so hard. It probably didn't help that I hadn't eaten well at all that day. I WILL exercise today. I have to get back in the groove, but I'm having a hard time finding the groove. I've eaten bad every day this week. I am actually looking forward to Saturday's run as well, even though I know it will be hard, but it will be good to hopefully snap myself back into routine a bit.
OH To housework!
Since I am waiting for my laundry to get done to fold and Aiden and Robot Maynor(Aiden has a 3inch toy!) are cleaning and helping it is going rather fast! I only have 5 days left to get the YUMMY Thanksgiving feast off! My antibiotics are finally kicking in so I can swallow again!! But having strep throat all week has made it easy to resist food, see always a upside to everything! I keep jumping around on the scale hopefully next Tuesday it will be on the nice side. I have been a slacker with the working out, I really need to get a new schedule. I need to start doing workout video or something!! Looking forward to okay I just NEED! to do our run on Saturday!!
8 more days!
I have 8 more days to lose the pounds! So far I'm down 1 lb.... not much, but I'll take it!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Holiday Scale Scare!
Okay, you have posted about how bad you have been. Now it is my turn! At my last prenatal appointment I had gained 4 lbs mostly due to drinking soda. Since that appointment I have gained another 5!! Between vacationing at Disneyland and then coming home for Thanksgiving with LOTS of goodies around the house I've gone crazy!! To top it off I haven't actually gone out and "exercised" in 3 weeks!! That's not to say I haven't been doing enough walking around and cleaning to make me completely exhausted. I just haven't exercised. I think the box of cinnabon is what made me gain the 5 lbs... talk about weaknesses... that is definitely one of mine. Did you know 1 cinnabon has 737 calories?? Yikes!! Oh so good, but oh so bad at the same time.
So, I have 11 days till my next appointment and that means I've gotta eat good and at least go for a walk every day to get these 5 lbs off. We'll see how it goes!! Luckily soda is no longer an issue.
So, I have 11 days till my next appointment and that means I've gotta eat good and at least go for a walk every day to get these 5 lbs off. We'll see how it goes!! Luckily soda is no longer an issue.
Monday, November 29, 2010
What would you do??
I don't really think I even had a choice, nope. There was no way around it. Let me explain.
Sorry I didn't do my weigh in last Thursday. Honestly I forgot about it until after I'd eaten breakfast, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty. So I didn't change my ticker last week. I will this week, promise. Even though I'm not feeling too good about what the scale said this morning. And sadly, the scale was probably even being kind to me considering all the junk I ate all weekend. Plus the only exercizing I did was the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. Not good!
So for breakfast one day we ate Monta's delicious oven pancakes, with the dangerously good fattening syrup. Well, I bought buttermilk for the syrup, but only used a cup of it. That is pretty pricey to only use one cup of it, and I didn't want it to go bad in my fridge so I figured I should use it up before it went bad. Naturally I HAD to make buttermilk brownies TONIGHT. Weak, I know. I was supposed to be so strong today. I really HAVE to watch myself over this next month so I might be obnoxious, but I'm going to force myself to write a couple times a week to keep myself accountable.
Sorry I didn't do my weigh in last Thursday. Honestly I forgot about it until after I'd eaten breakfast, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty. So I didn't change my ticker last week. I will this week, promise. Even though I'm not feeling too good about what the scale said this morning. And sadly, the scale was probably even being kind to me considering all the junk I ate all weekend. Plus the only exercizing I did was the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. Not good!
So for breakfast one day we ate Monta's delicious oven pancakes, with the dangerously good fattening syrup. Well, I bought buttermilk for the syrup, but only used a cup of it. That is pretty pricey to only use one cup of it, and I didn't want it to go bad in my fridge so I figured I should use it up before it went bad. Naturally I HAD to make buttermilk brownies TONIGHT. Weak, I know. I was supposed to be so strong today. I really HAVE to watch myself over this next month so I might be obnoxious, but I'm going to force myself to write a couple times a week to keep myself accountable.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I just stepped on the scale!! AHHHHHHHHHH I may have enjoyed Thanksgiving a little too much!! And the weekend is not even over yet!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Turkey Trot 2010
I think a year ago when we decided to run the Turkey Trot is when we finally became serious with our journey. I know it was for me. Being able to run the whole thing was such a huge step for me in the right direction. My goal at that time was not to walk one step of it.

The sad thing is a year later and being pregnant my goal was the exact same. PLEASE don't let me walk!! Luckily both years I have been able to run the whole thing.
We did not get a picture with Kim she was not able to make it. But next year all three of us will be there with 2 babies in tote!!
Thanksgiving 2009
(WOW awful picture)
(WOW awful picture)

The sad thing is a year later and being pregnant my goal was the exact same. PLEASE don't let me walk!! Luckily both years I have been able to run the whole thing.
We did not get a picture with Kim she was not able to make it. But next year all three of us will be there with 2 babies in tote!!
Weigh In
I realized today that I have been lying for at least a few weeks. I thought I weighed something and seriously I have weighed this forever. I checked my trigger today and realized somewhere in this past month I gained a pound. Not sure when but it is there.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A growing family!
A year of changing! We have been up to A LOT of good all year!! This is probably the first year in a long time, that the kids are the only one's growing!
December 2009

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Valley of Fire Half Marathon!
I did it! (This will be pretty much the same thing I'm going to write on my own blog, sorry) This race was BY FAR the hardest race I have ever done! Honestly, it was, physically, one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I didn't want to give up. I kept going, and I ran the whole thing. Well, let me rephrase that. In my mind I was running as fast as my legs could take me, but I'm sure to any onlooker I looked like I was just walking and pumping my arms very hard. The "killer hill" on the Hurricane half had nothing on these hills. They were so steep and so many. They just kept going. It was an "out and back" race, so when I'd be going up a steep hill I'd just tell myself it would be so nice on the way back. But, nope, then the wind kicked up and those hills that gave a little reprieve on the way out were now monster hills that never ended. When I'd get up a big hill and got to go down the next, it didn't matter. The wind was so strong that I really couldn't go very fast anyway. There was also a good two mile stretch that was on loose gravel and sand. That was hard because I didn't feel like I could just let loose and go because I was worried about twisting my ankle so I'd have to brace myself for every step, which doesn't help with my plantar fasciitis. BUT, even with all those challenges I'm SO glad I did it. It's nice to prove to yourself that you can do hard things. And it was really so much fun running with all the girls. I also just love the race atmosphere.
As far as the rest of the week goes - I forgot a midweek check in. The first half of the week was VERY stressful with getting ready for the Tuesday Relief Society Meeting, and also for Rebecca's birthday. I did finally get to exercise on Wednesday, and kept going the rest of the week. Since it was also a tapering week and I didn't exercise as much, and I ate bad on Monday and Tuesday, I only lost one pound. I'm revising my goal a little bit. I'm going to be SUPER good next week till Thursday, and I'll make Thursday morning my weigh in day. I'm hoping to be down at least one more pound. Then throughout the holidays I'm hoping to maintain my weight. I'm going to give myself a little leeway. I'm going to try to not let myself go over last weeks weight. I have put on too much weight over the last month, which is so frustrating because even though I've not eaten the best, I've still been training for a half marathon, and putting in the miles. If nothing else it just shows me that I really can't just take a huge break over the holidays because I'll easily gain 15 pounds. Then once January hits I'll get renewed motivation and I'll start looking for another race to do, probably something a little less than a half. I need to let my body heal.
As far as the rest of the week goes - I forgot a midweek check in. The first half of the week was VERY stressful with getting ready for the Tuesday Relief Society Meeting, and also for Rebecca's birthday. I did finally get to exercise on Wednesday, and kept going the rest of the week. Since it was also a tapering week and I didn't exercise as much, and I ate bad on Monday and Tuesday, I only lost one pound. I'm revising my goal a little bit. I'm going to be SUPER good next week till Thursday, and I'll make Thursday morning my weigh in day. I'm hoping to be down at least one more pound. Then throughout the holidays I'm hoping to maintain my weight. I'm going to give myself a little leeway. I'm going to try to not let myself go over last weeks weight. I have put on too much weight over the last month, which is so frustrating because even though I've not eaten the best, I've still been training for a half marathon, and putting in the miles. If nothing else it just shows me that I really can't just take a huge break over the holidays because I'll easily gain 15 pounds. Then once January hits I'll get renewed motivation and I'll start looking for another race to do, probably something a little less than a half. I need to let my body heal.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Short Term Amnesia
Have I forgotten everything I've been working on this whole year??!! I swear, I have totally reverted to old eating habits this week. I did pretty good till after our big run on Thursday, but the run acted as a starting gun for an eating contest where I was the only contestant. So needless to say, the weigh in wasn't pretty. I'm going to use the Friday weigh in results rather than Sat. because Friday will make me feel better about myself.
BUT I am determined to make this only SHORT term. I really don't want to put on much over the holidays. I'm not going to expect myself to lose, but I'm hoping I can get down a bit within the next week and a half (till Thanksgiving), and my goal is to weigh the same, or within 2 pounds of Thanksgiving weight by New Years. This will be VERY hard, because all the Christmas goodies are so tempting. So I might just have to compensate by living on the treadmill for the next month. :)
Wish me luck!
BUT I am determined to make this only SHORT term. I really don't want to put on much over the holidays. I'm not going to expect myself to lose, but I'm hoping I can get down a bit within the next week and a half (till Thanksgiving), and my goal is to weigh the same, or within 2 pounds of Thanksgiving weight by New Years. This will be VERY hard, because all the Christmas goodies are so tempting. So I might just have to compensate by living on the treadmill for the next month. :)
Wish me luck!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
4 weeks already!!
My plan to maintain did not work. I have had MAJOR headaches this month... at least 2-3/week. These headaches are literally dabilitating. I cannot do anything when they come on. Worse than that, the only way I've been able to get even a little bit of relief is by taking tylenol with caffeine, aka PEPSI! It never cures my headache, but it always helps.
Due to my massive increase in soda intake I ended up gaining 4 lbs!! UGH! Luckily, I have a wonderful doctor, who is actually puzzled by my headaches because usually they happen because of high blood pressure, but mine is normal. However, I do have a lot of stress, so he thinks that might have a lot to do with it. Yesterday at my appointment I explained to him my problem and he was so nice. He gave me a prescription for the headaches. HOPEFULLY it works. I haven't had one in 2 days so I haven't had the chance to try, but I am praying it works.
Due to my massive increase in soda intake I ended up gaining 4 lbs!! UGH! Luckily, I have a wonderful doctor, who is actually puzzled by my headaches because usually they happen because of high blood pressure, but mine is normal. However, I do have a lot of stress, so he thinks that might have a lot to do with it. Yesterday at my appointment I explained to him my problem and he was so nice. He gave me a prescription for the headaches. HOPEFULLY it works. I haven't had one in 2 days so I haven't had the chance to try, but I am praying it works.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday already!?
I can't believe it's already time for the midweek report. Well, so far I've been exercising well this week, and eating ok. Not having sweets or desserts, but I know I could be eating even better. I've been way too tired this week because of the time change and how it is affecting my kids. When I'm tired I'm lazy. I don't know if I'll lose weight this week, but hopefully at least a pound. We'll see.
Weigh In
I forgot take my picture for 12 weeks, I will get on it tomorrow! And I maintained, I really wish I could keep saying that every week. But I realize the scale will shortly continue to go up and up and up and up!! Tomorrow we are running then 9 of us!! That is right 9 of us are running at Valley of fire are getting together to decorate our shirts!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
November pictures, and weigh in.

January, June, and November 2010

January, June, and November 2010
After eating horribly all week I did gain weight. Gained 2 1/2 pounds. My will power is really weak right now, but I will get it back. Almost all the Halloween candy is gone, and what's not gone by the time I go to bed will be thrown in the garbage, tonight! You might not want to talk to me tomorrow because most likely I'll be suffering from major withdrawls after a whole week of sugar. I didn't do too super well on working out last week either, so I was REALLY scared about the run yesterday. 12 miles!! I took it a little easier this week, and it was actually a really enjoyable run. Now I'm not quite so scared about the race in 2 weeks. Still scared, but not quite so bad. So my plan for this upcoming week is to get back to my motivated self. I want to lose those 2 1/2 pounds plus at least another pound.
Friday, November 5, 2010
I was even worse then Sarah by far. I make Sarah look perfect. I ate terrible and a hard time working out. Really I should have probably gained a thousand pounds this week. Some miracle I maintained!! I really need to get motivated!! OH MOTIVATION I need you!!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Bad, bad girl
In a nutshell - horrible! Halloween candy sitting around the house is too much of a temptation. Eating candy leads to a tummy ache (at least when I'm the one doing it because I can't stop at just one) which means I don't want to work out on a full tummy.
I did exercise finally last night - at like 10:30. The guilt got to me. I ran and walked on the treadmill.
Did weights today, and I'm planning to run tomorrow. Wish me luck on the 12 mile run on Saturday. I'm gonna NEED it!!
I did exercise finally last night - at like 10:30. The guilt got to me. I ran and walked on the treadmill.
Did weights today, and I'm planning to run tomorrow. Wish me luck on the 12 mile run on Saturday. I'm gonna NEED it!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Take Two
Last night I told Jerry I was going to try to go all week without eating any of the Halloween candy. He laughed at me and said, "Good Luck." I was so determined to show him the strength of my will power facing the huge bowl of Halloween candy. I even put it away in the back of the pantry when I woke up this morning so it wouldn't be there taunting me all day.
But about right now I'm thinking about going and digging it out of the pantry and enjoying. My kids are on a 3 day sugar high, and I'm in withdrawls. Not a good combination. I think I might HAVE to have some just to keep up with the. Really, I don't want to, I'm just being a good mom:)
But about right now I'm thinking about going and digging it out of the pantry and enjoying. My kids are on a 3 day sugar high, and I'm in withdrawls. Not a good combination. I think I might HAVE to have some just to keep up with the. Really, I don't want to, I'm just being a good mom:)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Halloween Weigh In
I ALMOST made my weigh in goal of losing 5 lbs this week. I lost 4 1/2. It was hard. I turned down so many delicious treats. I guess in a way it was the perfect week for me to be strict because of my love of sugar. I hate to think how much I would have gained in this week alone because I LOVE treats. I didn't even snitch on any Halloween candy last night at the trunk or treat. Nothing till this morning after breakfast. Then all my willpower came tumbling down. I've eaten myself sick this morning. Sick enough to stay away from the candy?? Um, probably not. We gotta get it out of here fast :) I'll just have to be super strong again next week. Besides it's the beginning of a new month, what better time to make a fresh start and reward myself on the 4th Thursday of November. Oh, and I will reward myself.
We ran 11 miles yesterday. It was HARD! My time was decent, but that's cause I was running with Marlo. She's very good at motivating - which is good and bad. I SO wanted to slow down at the end. That last mile was very hard. I'm sure she was rolling her eyes at my wimpiness. But it was very good to be with her because she helps me push it beyond my limit, which I need. It was also nice doing in on Friday instead of Saturday. It was so nice sleeping in this morning. Honestly I'm really not looking forward to the 12 mile run next week, but we're planning a little easier course without the steep hills. That's also why 11 was so hard yesterday. Only 3 weeks from today!! AAAHH
We ran 11 miles yesterday. It was HARD! My time was decent, but that's cause I was running with Marlo. She's very good at motivating - which is good and bad. I SO wanted to slow down at the end. That last mile was very hard. I'm sure she was rolling her eyes at my wimpiness. But it was very good to be with her because she helps me push it beyond my limit, which I need. It was also nice doing in on Friday instead of Saturday. It was so nice sleeping in this morning. Honestly I'm really not looking forward to the 12 mile run next week, but we're planning a little easier course without the steep hills. That's also why 11 was so hard yesterday. Only 3 weeks from today!! AAAHH
Friday, October 29, 2010
Weigh In
Its a good post. I gained the 5lbs back that I lost last week! I'm actually happy about this, because this means I have been feeling better!! I still get here or there or a few bad days, but really I am feeling tons better!!!! YIPPEE!!! Maybe I will make it through the next 7 months! Today I ran a 5k it actually felt really good till I got to the the last half mile. Maybe since I could see the finish line, I'm not sure but WOW it seemed to take forever. I was happy to text Marlo, Sarah, and Monta and say I'M DONE!!!! Just like 20 or 21 days till we run the race!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Midweek progress
I had kinda slacked off on doing my midweek reports and weigh in for a couple weeks while I was partying it up, so even though it's 11:19 pm and I should be sleeping I figured I'd better get this on here so I can get back in the habit again.
I've been MUCH better this week. I am proud to report that I didn't eat any delicious dessert (brownies and vanilla ice cream - one of my favorites) at our group FHE on Monday, and I didn't eat any cupcakes or even lick the frosting off my fingers that I made on Tuesday for the Harvest Festival. Tonight at the festival I didn't cheat and eat any of the cupcakes there. So eating wise much better than last week. I have been a little more munchy, but I've been munching on healthy things.
Working out has been hard this week for some reason. I only ran 3 miles and walked almost another on Monday. My legs were still tired from Saturday's run I think. Tuesday I went swimming. I haven't been swimming since before my trip to Utah, and it felt great. But I was slower than I had been before. Still it was a good workout, but I could tell I was tired. (Probably more to do with the fact that I'd been up till 1:00 the night before) Today I was truly dreading running 5 miles, but I did it. I wasn't very fast, but I did it. So, I've been working out, but not at my best ability this week. I'm looking forward to doing our long run on Friday instead of Saturday morning this week.
I can't believe the race is coming so soon, and I'm totally remembering those feelings we documented right before the first 1/2 marathon. I'm scared, excited, tired, etc. Only two more long runs, one shorter long run, then the race!
I've been MUCH better this week. I am proud to report that I didn't eat any delicious dessert (brownies and vanilla ice cream - one of my favorites) at our group FHE on Monday, and I didn't eat any cupcakes or even lick the frosting off my fingers that I made on Tuesday for the Harvest Festival. Tonight at the festival I didn't cheat and eat any of the cupcakes there. So eating wise much better than last week. I have been a little more munchy, but I've been munching on healthy things.
Working out has been hard this week for some reason. I only ran 3 miles and walked almost another on Monday. My legs were still tired from Saturday's run I think. Tuesday I went swimming. I haven't been swimming since before my trip to Utah, and it felt great. But I was slower than I had been before. Still it was a good workout, but I could tell I was tired. (Probably more to do with the fact that I'd been up till 1:00 the night before) Today I was truly dreading running 5 miles, but I did it. I wasn't very fast, but I did it. So, I've been working out, but not at my best ability this week. I'm looking forward to doing our long run on Friday instead of Saturday morning this week.
I can't believe the race is coming so soon, and I'm totally remembering those feelings we documented right before the first 1/2 marathon. I'm scared, excited, tired, etc. Only two more long runs, one shorter long run, then the race!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My Report Card
So it's weigh in time again. As you'll see on my ticker, not very good. Especially considering I was already up. NOT GOOD!
Here is my report card for the week:
Exercising: B+
Proper Sleep: B-
Eating Healthy: F+
Drinking Water: B
Did you know there was such a grade as an F+? Well, there's not. I made it up. I just wanted to give myself a little credit for starting each day out really good and motivated. But when ..oh.. 3:00ish rolled around everyday I gave in to my cravings and caved. Yes, every day. So I really can't be too surprised that I gained weight this week.
I missed working out Monday because we were traveling, and for some reason the rain made me not work out Wed. It's all the rain's fault. I was going to, but just kept putting it off and off, till before I knew it the day was done. But I did do all the other days, and I ran 10 miles this morning in pretty good time.
So the big test for next week is going to be getting off at least 5 of these pounds I've put on, even with SEVERAL Halloween parties. So make me accountable. I can do it!! I really don't need to sample any of the cupcakes I'm making for the Harvest Festival, so I won't. I'll just save them till Saturday after my 11 mile run. Then I'll really deserve them.
Here is my report card for the week:
Exercising: B+
Proper Sleep: B-
Eating Healthy: F+
Drinking Water: B
Did you know there was such a grade as an F+? Well, there's not. I made it up. I just wanted to give myself a little credit for starting each day out really good and motivated. But when ..oh.. 3:00ish rolled around everyday I gave in to my cravings and caved. Yes, every day. So I really can't be too surprised that I gained weight this week.
I missed working out Monday because we were traveling, and for some reason the rain made me not work out Wed. It's all the rain's fault. I was going to, but just kept putting it off and off, till before I knew it the day was done. But I did do all the other days, and I ran 10 miles this morning in pretty good time.
So the big test for next week is going to be getting off at least 5 of these pounds I've put on, even with SEVERAL Halloween parties. So make me accountable. I can do it!! I really don't need to sample any of the cupcakes I'm making for the Harvest Festival, so I won't. I'll just save them till Saturday after my 11 mile run. Then I'll really deserve them.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Weigh In
I am 9 weeks and 3 days today. This week started out rough, Sunday was the worst day. I had the worst stomach cramps and just felt terrible! The week as got gradually better as it has went on. Working out wise M,W, &F I worked out. Wednesday getting my 5k in and plan on doing something still debating if I want to run a 5k or bike the 11mile run with all the other girls tomorrow. Decisions Decisions!!
Eating wise- I'm still in the all day sickness. But hard candies make my stomach feel better. I have no idea why. I always have a few Jolly Ranchers in my pocket. Not the healthiest but Hey it makes me happy!! I have been eating tons of fruit and really have not got my appetite back just yet.
This week weight loss was 5lbs. Yup that puts me under my goal weight. My feelings I got here from being sick, so whatever, and to be honest I really hope I can gain it back next week, because that would mean I feel better!!!!
Note: I need to put this note on my pesonal blog but my countdown has been changed to my actual due date, not when I am having the c-section. Right now such big things happen every week, and I want to know what is going on now not in a week!
Eating wise- I'm still in the all day sickness. But hard candies make my stomach feel better. I have no idea why. I always have a few Jolly Ranchers in my pocket. Not the healthiest but Hey it makes me happy!! I have been eating tons of fruit and really have not got my appetite back just yet.
This week weight loss was 5lbs. Yup that puts me under my goal weight. My feelings I got here from being sick, so whatever, and to be honest I really hope I can gain it back next week, because that would mean I feel better!!!!
Note: I need to put this note on my pesonal blog but my countdown has been changed to my actual due date, not when I am having the c-section. Right now such big things happen every week, and I want to know what is going on now not in a week!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Long Time, No See
Sorry that I haven't reported in a while. It hasn't been on purpose, promise. It's been a busy and fun month so far. On the positive side I can report that I have kept up on exercising regularly. But, with stress and fun, and any celebration comes eating. I planned to just eat bad on my birthday, but it ended up being my whole birthday week. Then we went out of town last weekend and I ate & ate! Unfortunately I thought I'd do better once I got home. I did, till last night and that last piece of birthday cake was staring me in the face. I was weak. Anyway, it's just a little set back. I won't let it get me down. Besides I'm running 10 miles this weekend. And I'm getting ready for the race. I haven't lost motivation yet. Just enjoying life a little too much. But how often do you have a birthday??? OK, yes, my celebrating is excessive, but I'll be over it soon.
Another great thing to report is that I had my personal best time in the 10K I ran last Saturday!! My goal was to do it in 1:05, but secretly in my heart I really wanted to do it in 1 hr, but didn't dare wish for it, because I wasn't sure I could do it. I ran 6.26 miles (it was a little over a 10K) in 57 minutes!! I was shocked and so excited. Yes, I know if there is some stranger reading this that is a real runner, I'm sure 57 minutes is not as good as a real runner, but for me it is great! And I felt good the whole time! YAY!! Maybe all the cookies I ate on the ride up the day before the race gave me an extra boost of energy.
Another great thing to report is that I had my personal best time in the 10K I ran last Saturday!! My goal was to do it in 1:05, but secretly in my heart I really wanted to do it in 1 hr, but didn't dare wish for it, because I wasn't sure I could do it. I ran 6.26 miles (it was a little over a 10K) in 57 minutes!! I was shocked and so excited. Yes, I know if there is some stranger reading this that is a real runner, I'm sure 57 minutes is not as good as a real runner, but for me it is great! And I felt good the whole time! YAY!! Maybe all the cookies I ate on the ride up the day before the race gave me an extra boost of energy.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Weigh In
One thing about loosing a whole bunch of weight before you get pregnant, is thinking that only gaining 20lbs in a pregnancy is practical. The reason why I say this is, is because when you first loose weight it is so easy to put it right back on. For example on our cheat days we can gain 7-10 pounds then it takes us about 4 days to work this off then 2 days to loose a little extra. Now with being pregnancy, I can't diet. I can watch what I eat but I can't diet. As you can only guess I did gain this week one pound! I am not complaining I got some Zofran this week and it is really helping. I have really good days, and I have really bad days. It doesn't matter how many pills I take it just will not go away. I have noticed it is different part of the days. Right now I seem to fill bad in the Morning from wake-up till 9am then 1-4pm and then about 8pm it starts up again. I know doesn't sound great, but compared to the other 3 this really is good for me! So I am not complaining! I wanted to take one last picture before the prego belly hits. I saw Kim today in her cute maturity shirt today!

Monday, October 11, 2010
First Doc Appointment
Okay, I am developing a very bad habit of posting my family stuff on this one...ugh!! My brain has checked out. It will return in about 9 months. =)
So, my first doc appointment went well. I have my official starting weight, which is less that yesterday, but I'm not happy. I have slacked off with the food WAY too much! Skyler and I both feel this way so I have him and my parents on board. I cannot gain weight this pregnancy. I have a fear I'll end up with gestational diabetes so the goal is to eat super healthy, get back into a regular routine of exercising, now that I am feeling better, and maintain.
Here is the pic from today:
I am 15 weeks 1 day in this pic. I should have taken a front one but the process of uploading this pic on my mom's computer is annoying so we'll just stick with this for now. I have 4 weeks until my next official weigh in! I will post pics again at that time.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
3.1 miles!
So today I started my prego workout.... Sarah was gracious enough to run the first 3.1 miles with me. It went well I was very happy to hear Sarah say I hit it though! Then I walked another 3 miles. UGH! I hated having runners pass me or seeing runners on the other side of the road. It kind of stinks!! I don't look pregnant so I feel like when these old people run past me they are thinking, "Come on if I can run so can you!!" I know they are not but.... it is just my thinking. It is really hard, but whatever is best for the baby I will do, even though it is not always fun. I am beyond excited to go to the doctor on Wednesday and hear the heart beat. It just does not seem real till you hear that beat. I got a 10.00 gift card to Kohls I was debating buying shirts I could wear now or buying prego shirts. I found some really good deals on prego shirts two for $2.60 total! They look so HUGE! I took them home and Katelynn looked in the bag and said, "Those are some nice BIG shirts." Thanks Katelynn!! Luckily I don't fit into them yet!! At least now I have two cute BIG shirts to wear when my belly pops out!!
No weigh in week
I really had planned to weigh myself this morning and report that weight - even though I knew it would not be pretty because I had a very fun early birthday getaway with delicious food included. But when I woke up for our run this morning I forgot to weigh for some reason, and didn't remember till after I'd eaten a granola bar. Of course the granola bar is TOTALLY going to show on the scale, so I couldn't weigh in. :)
I ran 9 miles this morning. I was going to do 8.5, but then my OCD kicked in and I figured if I could do 8.5, I'd better just go 9 and end on the mile. (Yes, crazy I know.) I also figured that since I won't be doing the 10 mile run next weekend, I could push it to 9 this week, then 10 when I get back after the race next week.
My knee has really been hurting this week for some reason. My foot is fine, but just as that starts feeling better I have to get some other pain. I started thinking this week, "Do I REALLY want to do another half marathon? That is a LONG distance." So when I started running I felt my knee and thought, no, I'm fine just doing the 10K in Nov. instead. But after about 1/2 mile it felt just fine again, and once again I thought I wanted to do the 1/2. Then about 4 or 5 miles later when I was getting excited about my speed, and doing the 1/2 marathon my knee started hurting again, and once again I thought 10K. But I slowed a little bit and within a couple minutes my knee was fine again and I felt great. The thing is, if I decided to just do the 10K instead of the 1/2 just because I'm feeling a little worn out, and getting a little sick of the long runs I would TOTALLY regret it on race day. I remember feeling this way during the training of our first half marathon. Those miles are long, but if I can do the race I really want to. (Of course if it's going to hurt my knee/ foot, whatever to the point that I can't recover without outside help, I might rethink. But even now after the run I feel fine, and my knee isn't even as bad as it was earlier this week.
I'm giving all the credit to my miracle cream that we got at the first race:)
I ran 9 miles this morning. I was going to do 8.5, but then my OCD kicked in and I figured if I could do 8.5, I'd better just go 9 and end on the mile. (Yes, crazy I know.) I also figured that since I won't be doing the 10 mile run next weekend, I could push it to 9 this week, then 10 when I get back after the race next week.
My knee has really been hurting this week for some reason. My foot is fine, but just as that starts feeling better I have to get some other pain. I started thinking this week, "Do I REALLY want to do another half marathon? That is a LONG distance." So when I started running I felt my knee and thought, no, I'm fine just doing the 10K in Nov. instead. But after about 1/2 mile it felt just fine again, and once again I thought I wanted to do the 1/2. Then about 4 or 5 miles later when I was getting excited about my speed, and doing the 1/2 marathon my knee started hurting again, and once again I thought 10K. But I slowed a little bit and within a couple minutes my knee was fine again and I felt great. The thing is, if I decided to just do the 10K instead of the 1/2 just because I'm feeling a little worn out, and getting a little sick of the long runs I would TOTALLY regret it on race day. I remember feeling this way during the training of our first half marathon. Those miles are long, but if I can do the race I really want to. (Of course if it's going to hurt my knee/ foot, whatever to the point that I can't recover without outside help, I might rethink. But even now after the run I feel fine, and my knee isn't even as bad as it was earlier this week.
I'm giving all the credit to my miracle cream that we got at the first race:)
Friday, October 8, 2010
A new low
Thanks to All day sickness I am down another 3lbs. I am getting close to my goal. This week was a tough week. The morning/all day sickness really set in. Some days were okay other days seemed like they were never going to end. I talked to one of my cousins who works for my doctor and they ordered my a prescription for nausea medicine YIPPEE!!! So I am hoping I can start to feel half way normal. I also found out that I will not be able to run the half marathon in November. I was bummed at first but to be honest, there will be plenty of races but only one baby. Even the 10k is to much. So I will doing the 5k at Valley of Fire. A little disappointed but like I said plenty of races in the future! Through the sickness I have still been working out, I am determined to stay in some what of shape while I am pregnant. I will still be posting weekly gains or weight loss. My goal is too only gain 20lb through out the whole pregnancy. I will also be posting monthly pictures. I go to the doctor on Wednesday, so I will find out then how far I am and what exactly is the due date. I think I am 8 or 9 weeks along. So Wednesday I will know all!
I vote for Sarah's Birthday she gets a free week!! No weigh in and my vote is worth two now! HA
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Pie, Pie, Pie
The pie in my fridge is calling my name. I'm feeling very week, and I've already decided I'm having some tonight - don't try to talk me out of it! :)
I am feeling weak today for some reason. It could be that I'm a little frustrated that I'm not back at weigh in weight yet. Could be that I'm too tired from staying up too late working on projects. All I know is that I want that pie, and I am going to enjoy it. (Yes, I'm sure I'll regret it 10 minutes later)
Planning on doing 8 miles this Saturday. Yikes, now we're getting to the big numbers. Hmm, do I have it in me to keep up the big numbers for another 5 weeks? Hope so!!
I am feeling weak today for some reason. It could be that I'm a little frustrated that I'm not back at weigh in weight yet. Could be that I'm too tired from staying up too late working on projects. All I know is that I want that pie, and I am going to enjoy it. (Yes, I'm sure I'll regret it 10 minutes later)
Planning on doing 8 miles this Saturday. Yikes, now we're getting to the big numbers. Hmm, do I have it in me to keep up the big numbers for another 5 weeks? Hope so!!
Just some friendly advice to my favorite ladies!
My sister, Kristi, recently took on the challenge of an olympic sized triathalon. She was brave to do this because she has had a few knee injuries this year, a problem with her rotator cuff, not to mention she had to plan a wedding and was married less than 3 weeks before she did it. Anyway, she couldn't finish the triathalon because on her run she had major problems with her knee. The following is her diagnosis:
P.S. this is a message she sent to my brother, who also ran the race
"So i didn't tell you...but the Ortho said that my right knee has "PF Instability" which basically means that my T band & outer thigh muscles are SO tight & strong and my inner thigh muscles are so weak that it has pulled my knee cap to be almost perpindicular to the way it is supposed to be. (Instead of being parallel my femur) So lots of physical therapy and then if that doesn't work - there is a surgery. Common apparently for runners. So...word to the wise...beef up your inner thigh exercises at the gym."
With all the running you guys are doing, how much weight training are you doing? Your outer thighs are getting very strong because those are the muscles you use the most when you run.
Kristi is in physical therapy and she is having to squats and other exercises hold a ball between her legs. My brother was instructed to do squats with a piece of foam between his legs. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you strengthen those inner thighs because I would hate to hear that one of you ends up with this same injury.
Keep up the good work!!
P.S. this is a message she sent to my brother, who also ran the race
"So i didn't tell you...but the Ortho said that my right knee has "PF Instability" which basically means that my T band & outer thigh muscles are SO tight & strong and my inner thigh muscles are so weak that it has pulled my knee cap to be almost perpindicular to the way it is supposed to be. (Instead of being parallel my femur) So lots of physical therapy and then if that doesn't work - there is a surgery. Common apparently for runners. So...word to the wise...beef up your inner thigh exercises at the gym."
With all the running you guys are doing, how much weight training are you doing? Your outer thighs are getting very strong because those are the muscles you use the most when you run.
Kristi is in physical therapy and she is having to squats and other exercises hold a ball between her legs. My brother was instructed to do squats with a piece of foam between his legs. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you strengthen those inner thighs because I would hate to hear that one of you ends up with this same injury.
Keep up the good work!!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
New month pictures!

Can you believe it's been 9 whole months since we started this!!? Starting our 10th month, and I still haven't quite reached my goal, but that's ok. I'm still motivated. Sometimes I wonder if I'll just hover here forever, and really I shouldn't be bummed if that's the case. I've lost 50 pounds, which I'm not complaining about. But I'd REALLY like to reach my goal. On the positive side I did lose weight this week. I lost 2 1/2 pounds. YIPPEE!! I'm getting closer to that next decade. I've got two weeks to get there. (By my birthday) I've tried to be somewhat healthy today, but still not perfect, because tomorrow will be a big eating day. I'm going to shoot for losing 2 1/2 pounds next week. That would actually put me in the next decade! But I also know that after having a good loss this week that will be hard. Wish me luck.
I went running today. I missed it last week, although I did like riding the bike though. I had only planned to do 4, but Marlo and I were talking and before I knew it I looked down at my watch at I was at about 4.35 miles. The obsessive compulsive in me couldn't just stop then. I had to go to a landmark number. So when I hit 4 1/2 I still felt good. I decided to keep going to 5. Long story short, I ended up running all 7, and it felt great. Well, as great as running 7 miles can feel. My legs were tired, and it was hard, but my food didn't hurt at all. I have the 10K race in 2 weeks so I wanted to get a good long run in before registering so I could know it wouldn't hurt my foot any more.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sorry late at everything
I was going to wait and weigh in tomorrow until we went out to eat tonight. So I will take today weight. I gained 2lbs!! I am hoping next week I can work it off. Tomorrow we are running 7 miles so I am hoping to run it off!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Late check in
I was going to write last night for my mid-week check in, but forgot. This week has been good so far. I tell ya, I'm loving swimming. It feels great, and maybe it's just me, but I feel a little tighter - who knows if it's from swimming or something else, but I can tell it's a good work out. I did my first run on Tuesday. I ran a little over a mile. It felt great, and there were no problems. I am going to do just 2 miles today, but it will be hard to keep it to 3 on Saturday.
I had been eating good this week till this morning when my visiting teacher came and brought chocolate chip cookies. It's rude not to eat them right? Especially since she made them this morning just for me:) I had to do my part to eat them. They are delicious though. Right now I'm not regretting it, but tomorrow morning I will be I'm sure. Seems like I have to work so hard and eat so perfectly to lose one pound in a week, but if I give in and have a few cookies, ok, maybe 5, I gain 3 pounds in that same week, even if I'm still working out and eating good the rest of the time. I might be using this mornings weight for my weigh in if I'm not happy with Sat. number.
I had been eating good this week till this morning when my visiting teacher came and brought chocolate chip cookies. It's rude not to eat them right? Especially since she made them this morning just for me:) I had to do my part to eat them. They are delicious though. Right now I'm not regretting it, but tomorrow morning I will be I'm sure. Seems like I have to work so hard and eat so perfectly to lose one pound in a week, but if I give in and have a few cookies, ok, maybe 5, I gain 3 pounds in that same week, even if I'm still working out and eating good the rest of the time. I might be using this mornings weight for my weigh in if I'm not happy with Sat. number.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Kim's update
I haven't posted in a while! You guys are doing awesome and I'm so glad you guys have found such a large group to do the race with. I was considering it, but then Skyler and I discovered we may still end up going to Disneyland. He has no job prospects so far and the holidays are around the corner which means most of the stuff popping up is temporary.
Skyler and I are going to start walking every morning probably next week because this week is super busy. I'm gonna start posting prego pics and stats now that I can go to the doc. That should be interesting, right? =) My goal for this pregnancy is the same as the last...DON'T GAIN ANYTHING. My doc was fine with it last time so I'm sure he'll be fine with it this time. I'll be a zumba this week as long as I don't have a doc appointment. I'm not sure how soon I can get it so we'll see.
Keep up the good work!!
Skyler and I are going to start walking every morning probably next week because this week is super busy. I'm gonna start posting prego pics and stats now that I can go to the doc. That should be interesting, right? =) My goal for this pregnancy is the same as the last...DON'T GAIN ANYTHING. My doc was fine with it last time so I'm sure he'll be fine with it this time. I'll be a zumba this week as long as I don't have a doc appointment. I'm not sure how soon I can get it so we'll see.
Keep up the good work!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sarah's Weigh in
I lost weight this week! It was only 1 1/2 pounds and I was REALLY hoping for 3. At the beginning of the week I was feeling very hopeful that I might reach the 3, but then the weight loss slowed down. Still though, I'm happy because I had a fear that I might not lose anything just because when I run I am exhausted afterwards, and I feel like I burn so many more calories than I do biking or swimming. But I have to say, it has actually been VERY fun doing bike, weights, and swimming this week. It's good to change things around a bit.
I'm planning to start running again on Tuesday, but I'm only going to do a mile. I have to tell myself that and stick to it so that then after I'm done I can assess how I feel afterwards, not just during the run. Then I'll run maybe 2 on Thursday and I'm planning on 3 for Saturday. That might be hard though. I know I'm going to want to do more. If the other two days go well, I MIGHT do 4 - don't kill me Korina- but no more than that. Then maybe I'll walk a little farther. Or, I was thinking today as I rode the bike maybe I'll start by biking until everyone is around 3 or 4 miles, then I'll ride back home, and run the route backwards and meet up, and then turn around an finish. I really liked riding bike today. I've been doing stationary bike at the gym, but I got to ride outside today. It was fun, and a good workout. Not as hard as running, but still good. I rode almost 15 miles. The only problem is that my booty is SORE! That seat becomes very hard after 8 miles.
My goal for this next week is going to be to lose 3 pounds. I know, still ambitious, but better to shoot for the stars right?!
I'm planning to start running again on Tuesday, but I'm only going to do a mile. I have to tell myself that and stick to it so that then after I'm done I can assess how I feel afterwards, not just during the run. Then I'll run maybe 2 on Thursday and I'm planning on 3 for Saturday. That might be hard though. I know I'm going to want to do more. If the other two days go well, I MIGHT do 4 - don't kill me Korina- but no more than that. Then maybe I'll walk a little farther. Or, I was thinking today as I rode the bike maybe I'll start by biking until everyone is around 3 or 4 miles, then I'll ride back home, and run the route backwards and meet up, and then turn around an finish. I really liked riding bike today. I've been doing stationary bike at the gym, but I got to ride outside today. It was fun, and a good workout. Not as hard as running, but still good. I rode almost 15 miles. The only problem is that my booty is SORE! That seat becomes very hard after 8 miles.
My goal for this next week is going to be to lose 3 pounds. I know, still ambitious, but better to shoot for the stars right?!
That's right I maintained! I guess I should be happy but I am really not! But Oh well hopefully next week will be better! We ran 7 miles this morning. It felt pretty good, I'm still alive so that is a good thing right?! I am getting so excited about how big our group is getting, to run this race with! It is going to be awesome!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Another Week
Another week! In the routine I was really hoping to get to my goal weight this week. But I guess I really just need to be happy as long as I don't gain any weight or loose something. I'm trying to be okay with that. This week I have tried to be perfect for the fact that I really want to get there. But I did have leftover home made pizza in my fridge screaming my name here all day. It is no longer in my fridge! It was yummy! Today I did a 5k it felt good. And on Saturday we are running our last 6 miles!! Only 59 more days till the race!
My non-running week so far
I have been determined not to let this little set-back of not running take me off my course. I was able to go to the gym Monday morning and I did weights and rode the bike. Yesterday I went while Rebecca and Hayden were in school and I did more weights and swam. I will get there sometime today and I plan to do the bike and some more weights, targeting different areas each time. So far it hasn't been bad, and actually it's been kind of nice doing something different, and giving my feet and knees a break. I've also been able to get my weight back to weigh in weight and I'm hoping by Saturday morning to have lost those 3 pounds for the week.
I went to the podiatrist this morning. He doesn't think I have a broken bone because of where the pain is, and also if it were a broken bone the pain would still be as bad as it was on Saturday, and it has gotten gradually better. He also doesn't think I've torn the tendon, but probably stretched it from too much use. I think I did the initial damage on Thursday last week when I ran 4 miles then went to zumba after. Then Saturday was the nail in the coffin.
He gave me cortisone shots in both feet, and already it feels a little better. He suggested no running for about a week. I'm determined to stick to that. Even if I'm feeling great by Saturday I'm not going to run, I'll ride bike between everyone. Then he said when I do start running again to build up gradually. So next week maybe I'll run every other day, starting with a mile, adding 1/2 mile each time. Then hopefully by the next week I'll be ready to get back on schedule. He also said no zumba for a while for sure. I think the twisting, jumping, etc has affected it. So that's the plan for now. Hopefully these shots will take me through the race in Nov. and after that I think I really will have to cut back on my running and mix in more swimming and biking.
I went to the podiatrist this morning. He doesn't think I have a broken bone because of where the pain is, and also if it were a broken bone the pain would still be as bad as it was on Saturday, and it has gotten gradually better. He also doesn't think I've torn the tendon, but probably stretched it from too much use. I think I did the initial damage on Thursday last week when I ran 4 miles then went to zumba after. Then Saturday was the nail in the coffin.
He gave me cortisone shots in both feet, and already it feels a little better. He suggested no running for about a week. I'm determined to stick to that. Even if I'm feeling great by Saturday I'm not going to run, I'll ride bike between everyone. Then he said when I do start running again to build up gradually. So next week maybe I'll run every other day, starting with a mile, adding 1/2 mile each time. Then hopefully by the next week I'll be ready to get back on schedule. He also said no zumba for a while for sure. I think the twisting, jumping, etc has affected it. So that's the plan for now. Hopefully these shots will take me through the race in Nov. and after that I think I really will have to cut back on my running and mix in more swimming and biking.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I decided to weigh in this morning instead of yesterday because for the last several weeks I've been eating bad on Friday because I figure I've already weighed in. Then I eat bad all weekend. So I did good yesterday, but it made no difference. I still didn't reach last week's weigh in. I gained 1/2 a pound this week. At first I was mad, then bummed, then apathetic. Whatever.. But now I'm ok. I WILL lose it. I have 6 1/2 pounds to lose before my birthday and I can do it!!
So after my weigh in I headed out for my 6 mile run. I did 7 miles last week and it felt great, but I was worried about this run because I was going for speed with Marlo and my foot was a little sore. After my 4 mile run and zumba on Thursday my foot was really hurting. It isn't my same plantar fasciitis pain, but it feels similar to the pain I had when I had actually torn the fascia. The cortisone shots have worn off so I've been wearing the splint at night, and I wonder if maybe it hadn't completely healed yet, and when it is contracted all night it hinders the healing. Not sure, but that's what I'm speculating. Anyway. I just walked 1 1/2 miles yesterday and it didn't hurt quite so bad this morning so I figured it would be fine, it would hurt, but I could push through the pain for only 6 miles. The first 3 miles were great, and I was going at a really good pace. It was faster than I've gone in a while. Then at mile 4 I really started to feel my foot hurting. I tried to push it, but at 4 1/2 miles I couldn't go any farther. I had to stop and walk. It hurt even walking. I walked about another mile before Monta picked me up to take me home. Such a bummer!
So running is out for the next week or two. Part of me is ok with this and looking on the bright side, and part of me is scared to death. I am so scared to lose momentum. I don't want this to be something that gets me out of the habit. Obviously I like to eat, and running burns more calories than biking, and I HAVE to lose this weight!! But on the bright side, my feet have been hurting a lot and it will be good to give them a short rest. I've also loved going to the gym the last couple weeks, so I'm looking forward to that. And maybe, just maybe the change in routine will help me lose the weight and get over this eternal plateau. I think zumba is out for the next couple weeks too. All the jumping and twisting on your feet hurts. I can go to the gym at that time cause that's when Hayden and Rebecca are in school and I can put Syd in the daycare at the gym. It will only be a couple dollars, the same amount I was paying for the kids to be watched during zumba in the summer. I also have weights, and pilates dvds here at home. And on the mornings where Jerry doesn't go in till 7:00 I can wake up early and go to the gym before he goes to work. It will work. (I'm having a pep talk with myself) I have the tools, I just have to keep the momentum and do it!
My goal for the next week is to lose 3 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot, but that's weight I've already lost and put back on within the last couple weeks. I'm going to be so good this week and it WILL come off!!
So after my weigh in I headed out for my 6 mile run. I did 7 miles last week and it felt great, but I was worried about this run because I was going for speed with Marlo and my foot was a little sore. After my 4 mile run and zumba on Thursday my foot was really hurting. It isn't my same plantar fasciitis pain, but it feels similar to the pain I had when I had actually torn the fascia. The cortisone shots have worn off so I've been wearing the splint at night, and I wonder if maybe it hadn't completely healed yet, and when it is contracted all night it hinders the healing. Not sure, but that's what I'm speculating. Anyway. I just walked 1 1/2 miles yesterday and it didn't hurt quite so bad this morning so I figured it would be fine, it would hurt, but I could push through the pain for only 6 miles. The first 3 miles were great, and I was going at a really good pace. It was faster than I've gone in a while. Then at mile 4 I really started to feel my foot hurting. I tried to push it, but at 4 1/2 miles I couldn't go any farther. I had to stop and walk. It hurt even walking. I walked about another mile before Monta picked me up to take me home. Such a bummer!
So running is out for the next week or two. Part of me is ok with this and looking on the bright side, and part of me is scared to death. I am so scared to lose momentum. I don't want this to be something that gets me out of the habit. Obviously I like to eat, and running burns more calories than biking, and I HAVE to lose this weight!! But on the bright side, my feet have been hurting a lot and it will be good to give them a short rest. I've also loved going to the gym the last couple weeks, so I'm looking forward to that. And maybe, just maybe the change in routine will help me lose the weight and get over this eternal plateau. I think zumba is out for the next couple weeks too. All the jumping and twisting on your feet hurts. I can go to the gym at that time cause that's when Hayden and Rebecca are in school and I can put Syd in the daycare at the gym. It will only be a couple dollars, the same amount I was paying for the kids to be watched during zumba in the summer. I also have weights, and pilates dvds here at home. And on the mornings where Jerry doesn't go in till 7:00 I can wake up early and go to the gym before he goes to work. It will work. (I'm having a pep talk with myself) I have the tools, I just have to keep the momentum and do it!
My goal for the next week is to lose 3 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot, but that's weight I've already lost and put back on within the last couple weeks. I'm going to be so good this week and it WILL come off!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
I was complaining to Sarah yesterday. That is takes me till Thursday to get back to weigh in. Which as always that is when I finally hit weigh in. Then I feel like it is nearly impossible to loose any weight. I also have felt kind of BLAH lately. I am doing what I am supposed to do, but I used to do more. I only workout once a day. I used to workout twice a day. And I am still being good with what I eat, but if I am hungry now I EAT! Then I am being terrible with the water. Yesterday I finally started caring a water bottle around. And here and there I have a coke. Which before I only drank them on Saturday. So today when I stepped on scale and it said I LOST 2.5lbs! I am total shock I am not happy, I seriously weighed myself a billion times. Checked the floor, moved the scale, waited a while and weighed myself again. And it still said I lost 2.5 lbs. I am just shocked. I am not complaining. I just can't believe it.
By the way I finally got dressed and had Katelynn take pictures, so I will finally have my end of August pictures up.
By the way I finally got dressed and had Katelynn take pictures, so I will finally have my end of August pictures up.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Midweek report - Sarah
This week has been a little better than last week. I've just been struggling with my eating. I'm just SO munchy. I didn't do very good Monday. I was craving sugar so bad that I actually resorted to searching in my fridge and found an old tub of frosting. I had a spoon of it, but spit it out because it was so old and disgusting!! That's when I resorted to just giving in and having some cookies. Is that the sign of a desperate/pathetic woman or what. No excuse for myself, I just NEEDED some sugar.
But since then I've been pretty good, just too munchy. I went to the gym early Monday morning before Jerry went to work, and I also today. I am totally loving going to the gym and swimming. It is a great workout, but I have noticed I have a huge appetite on those days. Hopefully it's cause I'm burning so many calories:)! I'm probably just giving myself an extra excuse for eating more.
Yesterday I ran 3 miles outside with Sydney, and then walked an extra mile after that.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get out early since Jerry doesn't have to leave till 7:00 (yay!) If I have energy I will also try to go to Zumba. I haven't been in 3 weeks, and I miss it.
So not much to report, but it's keeping me accountable. I have decided on my main goal for Sept./Oct. My birthday is October 14. I HAVE to be in the next decade of weight by my birthday. Wouldn't that be a great birthday present to myself. I swear. I've been in this decade for 4 1/2 months. Enough is enough. Then maybe I can reach my goal by Christmas or New Years. That will make me be good through the holidays won't it?!
But since then I've been pretty good, just too munchy. I went to the gym early Monday morning before Jerry went to work, and I also today. I am totally loving going to the gym and swimming. It is a great workout, but I have noticed I have a huge appetite on those days. Hopefully it's cause I'm burning so many calories:)! I'm probably just giving myself an extra excuse for eating more.
Yesterday I ran 3 miles outside with Sydney, and then walked an extra mile after that.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to get out early since Jerry doesn't have to leave till 7:00 (yay!) If I have energy I will also try to go to Zumba. I haven't been in 3 weeks, and I miss it.
So not much to report, but it's keeping me accountable. I have decided on my main goal for Sept./Oct. My birthday is October 14. I HAVE to be in the next decade of weight by my birthday. Wouldn't that be a great birthday present to myself. I swear. I've been in this decade for 4 1/2 months. Enough is enough. Then maybe I can reach my goal by Christmas or New Years. That will make me be good through the holidays won't it?!
I realize
I realize I have not put a month picture up. I just feel blah! And have not really lost much weight this month. but this Friday I will take it and get it over with. I am just felt bloated and gross. Oh yes and I realized I can't get my promise if I don't my goal. I have the RS meeting that night, then the following week we are busy also. Saturday we ran 6 miles, it actually felt really good. Today we ran 3miles and well not so great! It was so hot we ran at 10am it was hot hot hot. But I am hoping I sweat off some of the extra weight!! But I realized today well I always knew but today confirmed it. I just have such great friends to support me this crazy thing we are doing. Sarah watched Maylee for me so I could go run and she made me a water bottle. Then Monica, Marlo and Monta worked out that morning and ran. Then they came and met up with me at 10am and ran with me so I would not have to do it by myself. I'm a lucky girl!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday, Friday, Friday!!
I made it through the first week of being back on the wagon. OK, That is a total lie! I still ate bad on Monday because it was a holiday, and it is only Friday and I'm going to The Cheesecake Factory tonight, so really I ate good for 3 days. Yippee! But this week I did lose 5 of the many pounds I had gained. Hopefully within the next couple weeks I can get it all off. I'm not going to stress though. As long as I don't gain I will try not to get discouraged because it isn't coming off as fast as I'd like. I did love going to the gym a couple times this week. I hope to keep that up. Hopefully I won't spoil it all this weekend!
Oh, by the way - I realized I lied. I never put up my new month picture on Wednesday, but I'll have Jerry take my pic today and get it up either tonight or tomorrow. PROMISE!
Oh, by the way - I realized I lied. I never put up my new month picture on Wednesday, but I'll have Jerry take my pic today and get it up either tonight or tomorrow. PROMISE!
Dealing with Stomach flu
This week has been a crazy week. I think everyday something went wrong. Along with Wednesday catching the stomach flu. I thought by Thursday I would be feeling better, but woke up still feeling terrible then. I took a nap and was feeling pretty good cleaned up the house. Picked up Katelynn and came home to get some really bad news, just to top off the week I guess. My dad came over to check on me, and brought over dinner and stayed till Gary got home. I ate one bite of dinner and was sick the rest of the night. This morning I am feeling a little bit better, I just ate so we will see... I am wondering if it is something I ate or something. I am the only one sick, and usually stomach flu spreads very quickly. So I really do not know, all I know is I felt the worse I have felt in a long time. I did not work out yesterday and I am hoping if I continue to feel okay maybe tonight I will add in a workout. I weighed in on Wednesday I was actually down .5lb from weigh in. After two days of stomach flue and I gained that .5lb back! So I maintained this week. The only good thing about the stomach flu is loosing weight!! And I gained!! I have to be the weirdest person ever!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I have just been a blah of a mood today. Not really all here, could have been getting up at 4:30am! I have been doing good so far this week. Not as good as Sarah. I have been bad a few times. But working out! YES YES!! Every day so far this week. That's about it again i am a blah mode and I just want to relax!
New Week - New Goals - New Motivation
I feel so much better than I did last week. In many ways. I don't feel sick to my stomach from all the junk I've eaten, I'm not so stressed out, and I feel more motivated than last week. I am still SO far from my weigh in before my binge. But I'll get there. Monday and today I went swimming at the gym and I LOVE it. It is a great workout and it's nice to do something different. I also planned out my running schedule for the next 11 weeks till the race. That helped me too. I think I was getting a little overwhelmed about making sure I worked out at least an hour each day, or making sure I got 5 miles in. And when I didn't I'd beat myself up. I'm not going to stress. (At least I'll try not to.) And I'm going to get the enjoyment out of exercising so I won't dread it.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Weigh In
Well I feel a little guilty about my weigh in this week. Lets start off that I gained 6lbs over the weekend. Then
Monday-I did a stepper workout and a ab workout and ate good(but could till that I did not work my body like I normally do at the park)
Tuesday- I did Zumba and ate okay
Wednesday- Did 2.5 miles at the park and ate Del Taco YIKES
Thursday- Did not workout and ate two cookies and drank 2 Pepsi's
So to say the least I was a little worried about today's weigh in, but I only gained 1.5pounds. That's right I some how lost 4.5lbs. Not really sure how. So I feel kind of guilty that I only gained 1.5pounds. This weekend we have a barbecue on Saturday that I am looking forward to!! But Monday Marlo and Monica are starting back at the park and I have a whole new workout schedule going so I am hoping I can jump back into everything! And I am really nervous about tomorrows run.
Monday-I did a stepper workout and a ab workout and ate good(but could till that I did not work my body like I normally do at the park)
Tuesday- I did Zumba and ate okay
Wednesday- Did 2.5 miles at the park and ate Del Taco YIKES
Thursday- Did not workout and ate two cookies and drank 2 Pepsi's
So to say the least I was a little worried about today's weigh in, but I only gained 1.5pounds. That's right I some how lost 4.5lbs. Not really sure how. So I feel kind of guilty that I only gained 1.5pounds. This weekend we have a barbecue on Saturday that I am looking forward to!! But Monday Marlo and Monica are starting back at the park and I have a whole new workout schedule going so I am hoping I can jump back into everything! And I am really nervous about tomorrows run.
Weigh in after a rough week
HORRIBLE! I had such a bad eating week. Threw caution to the wind and ate everything in sight. No surprise that I gained weight - a lot! I almost don't dare write it, or even change my ticker. I know this isn't permanent weight gain, and hopefully I'll lose at least half of it next week, if I am good I can. I'm starting to feel my motivation come back a little bit. I've been overly stressed about EVERYTHING this week. I just need to take a deep breath and relax. I did continue working out this week, but I could tell my heart wasn't completely in it. I went to the gym yesterday and it was good going there. I did the bike and eliptical. It's good to change things up. I am going to try to go to the gym 2 times each week and do something different, possibly swimming. That would be very fun and a good way to change things up. I might go during the day, or I might go at night right before bed, but I'll chill out and try not to get too stressed about when I'll fit it in.
I haven't done my new picture for the month yet, and to be honest I feel so bloated and yucky right now that I have no desire. BUT I promise I will do my new month picture by Wednesday of next week, no matter what. I don't want to get out of the habit, and I have to be accountable when I do bad too.
By the way, I gained 9 pounds this week.
I haven't done my new picture for the month yet, and to be honest I feel so bloated and yucky right now that I have no desire. BUT I promise I will do my new month picture by Wednesday of next week, no matter what. I don't want to get out of the habit, and I have to be accountable when I do bad too.
By the way, I gained 9 pounds this week.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I agree!!
I feel burned out too!! Totally, emotionally burned out. Oh well, such is life.
Anyway, I was sitting here looking at the blog and decided I needed to change my ticker. I was going to remove it all together, but decided to reset it to the beginning instead. It will stay there until after the baby is born. When I come home from the hospital I will weigh myself and see how far I've come. So, that means my goal is April 5th! Assuming I've had the baby by then. =)
I hope your weeks pick up!!
Anyway, I was sitting here looking at the blog and decided I needed to change my ticker. I was going to remove it all together, but decided to reset it to the beginning instead. It will stay there until after the baby is born. When I come home from the hospital I will weigh myself and see how far I've come. So, that means my goal is April 5th! Assuming I've had the baby by then. =)
I hope your weeks pick up!!
Burned out
That's how I'm feeling, a little burned out, a little stressed, a little tired. I want to be making a positive lifestyle change that I'll be able to do forever, not just a quick fix, then put the weight all back on again. But I can't help but watch the scale too, and I'm sick of giving in a little bit, and still working out HARD and gaining weight. But the last couple days I've given in more than just a little bit. BIG TIME! I have continued working out though, but I can tell I'm not giving it my all like I have been. I'm just tired, but at least I'm doing it, that should count for something right?? No, I've still gained way to much to even admit to.
I am an emotional eater. I didn't really think the change of Hayden starting Kindergarten would really effect me. I'm very excited for him, and it's only 1/2 days so it's not like I'm going crazy without him here. But the whole scheduling thing is stressing me out. Between working out, finding a nap time that will work, and also having time to get other stuff done throughout the day besides just exercising during nap time.
I'm going to get it figured out. I'm going to diagram my schedule for the week so I can see how much time I have for things and I won't be such a stress case. I think I'm also going to try changing up my workout routine to get some variety and fun back in there. I can't really eliminate too much running since we are preparing for the race, but I also don't have to run 6 days a week, and in fact, it would probably be good for my body if I didn't run every day. My feet and knees have been VERY sore the last couple weeks. The cortisone shot has worn off, and I've been bad by not icing, stretching, and I've been wearing sandals w/out support. Mainly, I just feel like me and my body are tired. But it's going to get better. I did not make my Sept. weight goal, but I will reach it by October! I'm not giving up!!
I am an emotional eater. I didn't really think the change of Hayden starting Kindergarten would really effect me. I'm very excited for him, and it's only 1/2 days so it's not like I'm going crazy without him here. But the whole scheduling thing is stressing me out. Between working out, finding a nap time that will work, and also having time to get other stuff done throughout the day besides just exercising during nap time.
I'm going to get it figured out. I'm going to diagram my schedule for the week so I can see how much time I have for things and I won't be such a stress case. I think I'm also going to try changing up my workout routine to get some variety and fun back in there. I can't really eliminate too much running since we are preparing for the race, but I also don't have to run 6 days a week, and in fact, it would probably be good for my body if I didn't run every day. My feet and knees have been VERY sore the last couple weeks. The cortisone shot has worn off, and I've been bad by not icing, stretching, and I've been wearing sandals w/out support. Mainly, I just feel like me and my body are tired. But it's going to get better. I did not make my Sept. weight goal, but I will reach it by October! I'm not giving up!!
I have decided I don't want to do this! I will be getting liposuction tomorrow. Will someone pay for it, nurture me while I am recovery, watch my kids, and cook dinners for our family?
Monday, August 30, 2010
I attempted to be better this weekend. I was bad Friday night. Pretty good on Saturday and ran 6 miles and Sunday I was good. Still gained 6lbs this weekend. So frustrating!!! Well wish me luck getting this off and a extra pound for good measure!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sarah's weigh in
So, I'm going to cheat a little bit. I'm going to use Thursday morning's weight for weigh in. I lost 4 pounds. It's a little ridiculous to me that I actually gained a whole pound Thursday. I did give in and eat about 2 choco chip cookies at the party, and a cupcake, but I also came home and ran 3 miles, and walked an extra 2 - so 5 miles total, and ate good the rest of the day. But whatever. That's why I'm still using Thursday's weight. I'm going to try not to go too crazy this weekend. I had a very "free day" dinner last night, and I've been good so far today, but I might still have a bad dinner w/ dessert tonight, because it is just hard to eat good on the weekends.
We did our run this morning. It was nice leaving at 6 instead of in the 5:00 hour, but still SO early. It was a little humid as we started, but there was a nice breeze and it never got too sunny and bright. I was planning to do 6, but then as we started running, after about a mile I felt pretty good and decided I could do 7 instead. At the top of Hollywood and Charleston I turned instead of coming straight down, so I could add the extra mile. Then I started evaluating how I was feeling, how I want to get to my end of the month goal this week, how I have a couple friends running in the "Top of Utah half marathon" today (could I have done it today?), and how our 1/2 is in 12 weeks from today. Yeah, a lot of things on my mind, and I decided I could do just one more mile. What's one more mile. I could do 8 instead of 7. I hate having to run extra around our neighborhood because I am so close to home, I just want to stop, so I wanted to add more before the neighborhood. I misjudged and added too much. I went all the way to Vegas Valley instead of Sahara. When I got to Treeline I realized I'd gone too far and decided I would just run the extra mile and do 9 instead. Honestly I felt great, and I wasn't dying at the end. ( I am now though) So there is my REALLY LONG and detailed story of how I ran 9 miles this morning. Now, I think I deserve a little ice cream don't you??
We did our run this morning. It was nice leaving at 6 instead of in the 5:00 hour, but still SO early. It was a little humid as we started, but there was a nice breeze and it never got too sunny and bright. I was planning to do 6, but then as we started running, after about a mile I felt pretty good and decided I could do 7 instead. At the top of Hollywood and Charleston I turned instead of coming straight down, so I could add the extra mile. Then I started evaluating how I was feeling, how I want to get to my end of the month goal this week, how I have a couple friends running in the "Top of Utah half marathon" today (could I have done it today?), and how our 1/2 is in 12 weeks from today. Yeah, a lot of things on my mind, and I decided I could do just one more mile. What's one more mile. I could do 8 instead of 7. I hate having to run extra around our neighborhood because I am so close to home, I just want to stop, so I wanted to add more before the neighborhood. I misjudged and added too much. I went all the way to Vegas Valley instead of Sahara. When I got to Treeline I realized I'd gone too far and decided I would just run the extra mile and do 9 instead. Honestly I felt great, and I wasn't dying at the end. ( I am now though) So there is my REALLY LONG and detailed story of how I ran 9 miles this morning. Now, I think I deserve a little ice cream don't you??
Out of the loop!
I feel so alone!! I packed my scale, anytime I even think about working out I get nauseous, and now I'm not in the neighborhood either! On top of that, I can't post any real weightloss because I'm prego. I can't wait till this 12 weeks is over. I have been such a wimp because I've never really had morning sickness before and now I do...well all except the throwing up. That is not happening, but I do get sick to my stomach and feel the need to lay down a lot. If think if I were actually working out I probably would throw up. In th mean time I have been cleaning, packing, sorting, and moving stuff. By one o'clock I usually need a nap. I know I am down 5 lbs, but my belly won't go away. I am 10 weeks people!! It shouldn't be popping out yet. It is so bad I have people asking me what I'm having!! Thank goodness I'm prego and not just fat or I might be offended. LOL
You girls are gonna do great in the half. I know that 6 miles was hard this morning, but keep it up! You know it gets easier. Especially when you don't have to go so early in the morning.
Since Skyler lost his job I have to say he and I have both been horrible about exercising. We have been forced to eat right because we have no money for junk food and my parents are dieting so no junk food available to us either. Although, the jello I got has satisfied some of my sweet tooth. With that said, I have to think of goals so I'm going to set goals for the week.
Goal #1 - at least go on a walk 3-4 nights
Goal #2 - DRINK MORE WATER - I get so nauseous I forget to drink
That's it for now. We'll see how that goes. =)
You girls are gonna do great in the half. I know that 6 miles was hard this morning, but keep it up! You know it gets easier. Especially when you don't have to go so early in the morning.
Since Skyler lost his job I have to say he and I have both been horrible about exercising. We have been forced to eat right because we have no money for junk food and my parents are dieting so no junk food available to us either. Although, the jello I got has satisfied some of my sweet tooth. With that said, I have to think of goals so I'm going to set goals for the week.
Goal #1 - at least go on a walk 3-4 nights
Goal #2 - DRINK MORE WATER - I get so nauseous I forget to drink
That's it for now. We'll see how that goes. =)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Korina Weigh In
Thursday was a day full of temptation! We went to the park with some friends which was full of cupcakes, cookies, rice crispy treats and pizza! And I can't lie Maylee did not eat all of her slice so I had a few bites. And it was yummy. Then on our way home we stopped at Sonic and I got a drink. Then that night my Dad had swimming party at his house, which meant more food! But luckily okay maybe not luckily because I hate feeling sick, but my stomach was hurting, so I could not go crazy. So when I stepped on the scale I lost 6lbs!! That is the 5 I gained last week plus one additional pound! Which puts 4lbs from my goal!! I am so close, I just want to get there!!! Part of me wants to be really good this weekend then just get there. But what I have planned for tonight, there is no way I am going to be good. So maybe just one bad meal. I am going to attempt it. Tomorrow we are running 5miles. Then the whole month of September 6miles every Saturday bettering our time each time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Almost back!
I am so proud of myself! I turned down ice cream last night!!! To be honest I wasn't even too tempted - surprising! I am almost back to my low. Only 3 pounds to go, and it's only Wednesday morning. Don't know if I'll get there for sure by Friday morning, but at least I'll be closer. And hopefully by Sept. 1st I'll be at my goal of being in the next decade, which means I have to be relatively good this weekend.
I'm a little bummed because I did something to my knee. It has been hurting since about Saturday, some times more than others. I am not quite sure if I should run today, or just do something else? I get afraid that if I don't do some sort of cardio the weight won't come off. We'll see.
I'm a little bummed because I did something to my knee. It has been hurting since about Saturday, some times more than others. I am not quite sure if I should run today, or just do something else? I get afraid that if I don't do some sort of cardio the weight won't come off. We'll see.
Well its Wednesday, made it half the week without dying!! I have been eating better and I have been working out twice a day once again. The second workout is just a ab workout, but hopefully it is burning a few calories. So far the scale as been pretty nice to me. Gary went back to work today. So I have not yet had time to workout yet. I like well not really like getting up early to workout, but I do like that it is done, before I can find a excuse not to do it!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Kim's Update
I did it!! I packed my scale. To be honest, I'm very afraid to look at it right now. Morning sickness hits hard every once in a while. Some days are better than is a better day. I have not officially exercised AT ALL in 2 weeks!! I would love to get back on track, but I've still got a ton of work to do and I need all the energy I can muster to do it.
My eating habits have been awful...or at least they seem to be. I don't know. I'm not eating junk food but I'm eating quite often. I find I can't eat a lot in one sitting so I end up eating like 6 meals a day. I've been eating right before bed because if I don't I end up waking up at 2-3 am starving. My belly is getting bigger but I don't know if that is because my body has decided to pop out or if I'm just getting fatter. Hmmm.... maybe I should unpack that scale. LOL
Well, I hope you guys have an awesome week!!
My eating habits have been awful...or at least they seem to be. I don't know. I'm not eating junk food but I'm eating quite often. I find I can't eat a lot in one sitting so I end up eating like 6 meals a day. I've been eating right before bed because if I don't I end up waking up at 2-3 am starving. My belly is getting bigger but I don't know if that is because my body has decided to pop out or if I'm just getting fatter. Hmmm.... maybe I should unpack that scale. LOL
Well, I hope you guys have an awesome week!!
Fresh Start!!
Today is the day! No more cheating this week. I'm excited to not wake up with an upset tummy because of the junk eaten right before bed the night before! Today will be hard because I'll be detoxing my system of all the sugar, cookies, ice cream. And even though there is ice cream in my freezer, and cookies in my pantry I'm not even tempted..... right now, that is. Remind me I DON'T NEED IT at about 3:00 this afternoon when my cravings start kicking in.
Today is also the day I'm starting fresh on several other goals, staying up till 1:20 last night cleaning my room probably won't help me with my goal of being a happy, patient mom. But I'll try!! :)
Today is also the day I'm starting fresh on several other goals, staying up till 1:20 last night cleaning my room probably won't help me with my goal of being a happy, patient mom. But I'll try!! :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Why does sugar taste SO good??
OK, I've avoided it long enough. I guess I'd better do my weigh in results. I knew it wasn't going to be a "losing" week, because I lost the battle with food ALL week long. It was just a little break and and I'll be back and strong next week. I have to because I only have 1 1/2 weeks to get down into the next decade. It will be tough. I gained 4 pounds!!!! YUCK!! (Thanks for the tip Korina) So, I should be good this weekend, and not eat bad at all. But ha, yeah right. Like that's going to happen. I'm feeling weak. But on the bright side, I can tell it's a temporary break, and I've also been working out HARD all week long. I hate to think what would happen if I just totally gave up, ate anything I wanted and didn't work out. I don't want to go back to where I was, so I just have to remember how I felt when we started this.
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