Friday, September 10, 2010

Dealing with Stomach flu

This week has been a crazy week. I think everyday something went wrong. Along with Wednesday catching the stomach flu. I thought by Thursday I would be feeling better, but woke up still feeling terrible then. I took a nap and was feeling pretty good cleaned up the house. Picked up Katelynn and came home to get some really bad news, just to top off the week I guess. My dad came over to check on me, and brought over dinner and stayed till Gary got home. I ate one bite of dinner and was sick the rest of the night. This morning I am feeling a little bit better, I just ate so we will see... I am wondering if it is something I ate or something. I am the only one sick, and usually stomach flu spreads very quickly. So I really do not know, all I know is I felt the worse I have felt in a long time. I did not work out yesterday and I am hoping if I continue to feel okay maybe tonight I will add in a workout. I weighed in on Wednesday I was actually down .5lb from weigh in. After two days of stomach flue and I gained that .5lb back! So I maintained this week. The only good thing about the stomach flu is loosing weight!! And I gained!! I have to be the weirdest person ever!

1 comment:

  1. No, you're not weird. I did the same thing when I had it. Take a pregnancy test!! Maybe it isn't the stomach flu after all! LOL
