One thing about loosing a whole bunch of weight before you get pregnant, is thinking that only gaining 20lbs in a pregnancy is practical. The reason why I say this is, is because when you first loose weight it is so easy to put it right back on. For example on our cheat days we can gain 7-10 pounds then it takes us about 4 days to work this off then 2 days to loose a little extra. Now with being pregnancy, I can't diet. I can watch what I eat but I can't diet. As you can only guess I did gain this week one pound! I am not complaining I got some Zofran this week and it is really helping. I have really good days, and I have really bad days. It doesn't matter how many pills I take it just will not go away. I have noticed it is different part of the days. Right now I seem to fill bad in the Morning from wake-up till 9am then 1-4pm and then about 8pm it starts up again. I know doesn't sound great, but compared to the other 3 this really is good for me! So I am not complaining! I wanted to take one last picture before the prego belly hits. I saw Kim today in her cute maturity shirt today!

One pound is not bad! Once you hit that second tri-mester you'll be feeling so good it will be easy to maintain. Just tell your brain 4 more weeks and keep the count down. I got lucky and was pretty much over the nastiness by 11. I'll pray you're that lucky. =)