Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Week - New Goals - New Motivation

I feel so much better than I did last week. In many ways. I don't feel sick to my stomach from all the junk I've eaten, I'm not so stressed out, and I feel more motivated than last week. I am still SO far from my weigh in before my binge. But I'll get there. Monday and today I went swimming at the gym and I LOVE it. It is a great workout and it's nice to do something different. I also planned out my running schedule for the next 11 weeks till the race. That helped me too. I think I was getting a little overwhelmed about making sure I worked out at least an hour each day, or making sure I got 5 miles in. And when I didn't I'd beat myself up. I'm not going to stress. (At least I'll try not to.) And I'm going to get the enjoyment out of exercising so I won't dread it.


  1. You forgot how strong you were last night, and refused bronies and ice cream!!! You are doing great and you will be there in no time!

  2. sounds like you're doing well! Congrats on refusing brownies and ice cream. =)
