Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Trot 2010

I think a year ago when we decided to run the Turkey Trot is when we finally became serious with our journey. I know it was for me. Being able to run the whole thing was such a huge step for me in the right direction. My goal at that time was not to walk one step of it.

Thanksgiving 2009
(WOW awful picture)

Thanksgiving 2010

The sad thing is a year later and being pregnant my goal was the exact same. PLEASE don't let me walk!! Luckily both years I have been able to run the whole thing.

We did not get a picture with Kim she was not able to make it. But next year all three of us will be there with 2 babies in tote!!


  1. I seriously thought about coming, but I ended up coughing all night with this darn cold! You're right though, I will be there next year with my little one in tow

  2. WOW! You look so great! And you are 3 months pregnant! Even though your goal was the same (to run the whole thing) that's still pretty good no matter what the distance, don't you think the first mile/ mile and a half is the hardest? AND you forgot to mention that you improved your time by like, 18 minutes. I'm very impressed. I'm going to have to steal those pictures, thanks for taking them. How has it been a year?!
