I don't really think I even had a choice, nope. There was no way around it. Let me explain.
Sorry I didn't do my weigh in last Thursday. Honestly I forgot about it until after I'd eaten breakfast, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty. So I didn't change my ticker last week. I will this week, promise. Even though I'm not feeling too good about what the scale said this morning. And sadly, the scale was probably even being kind to me considering all the junk I ate all weekend. Plus the only exercizing I did was the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. Not good!
So for breakfast one day we ate Monta's delicious oven pancakes, with the dangerously good fattening syrup. Well, I bought buttermilk for the syrup, but only used a cup of it. That is pretty pricey to only use one cup of it, and I didn't want it to go bad in my fridge so I figured I should use it up before it went bad. Naturally I HAD to make buttermilk brownies TONIGHT. Weak, I know. I was supposed to be so strong today. I really HAVE to watch myself over this next month so I might be obnoxious, but I'm going to force myself to write a couple times a week to keep myself accountable.
I totally understand. They only the sale the half/half in a half a gallon so basically you are stuck with half a gallon.December is going to be hard month with all the goodies going around!!