Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Burned out

That's how I'm feeling, a little burned out, a little stressed, a little tired. I want to be making a positive lifestyle change that I'll be able to do forever, not just a quick fix, then put the weight all back on again. But I can't help but watch the scale too, and I'm sick of giving in a little bit, and still working out HARD and gaining weight. But the last couple days I've given in more than just a little bit. BIG TIME! I have continued working out though, but I can tell I'm not giving it my all like I have been. I'm just tired, but at least I'm doing it, that should count for something right?? No, I've still gained way to much to even admit to.

I am an emotional eater. I didn't really think the change of Hayden starting Kindergarten would really effect me. I'm very excited for him, and it's only 1/2 days so it's not like I'm going crazy without him here. But the whole scheduling thing is stressing me out. Between working out, finding a nap time that will work, and also having time to get other stuff done throughout the day besides just exercising during nap time.

I'm going to get it figured out. I'm going to diagram my schedule for the week so I can see how much time I have for things and I won't be such a stress case. I think I'm also going to try changing up my workout routine to get some variety and fun back in there. I can't really eliminate too much running since we are preparing for the race, but I also don't have to run 6 days a week, and in fact, it would probably be good for my body if I didn't run every day. My feet and knees have been VERY sore the last couple weeks. The cortisone shot has worn off, and I've been bad by not icing, stretching, and I've been wearing sandals w/out support. Mainly, I just feel like me and my body are tired. But it's going to get better. I did not make my Sept. weight goal, but I will reach it by October! I'm not giving up!!

1 comment:

  1. And you wonder why Hayden wanted a list to get ready for kindergaten! You are doing so good and look so good. I ate when we are all in a funk all at the same time. Next week will be better! RIGHT???
