Sunday, December 12, 2010

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

I totally spaced weighing in on Saturday. I forgot to take a picture. I didn't exercise 5 days last week. I reverted back to the Sarah from last year. NOT GOOD! So I have some external motivation this week. I'm going to visit family in Utah next weekend, so I'm going to try to drink lots of water all week, eat good, and exercise so that at least I can take off some of the bloating, and maybe even get back on track for Christmas week coming up. I WILL take a picture this week, and I WILL weigh in this weekend.


  1. wow! The holidays just make it too easy to slack off. I think we're all having that problem.

  2. It is so hard. Mostly now when Kim and I are really no help being pregnant and all. Maybe we need to get a non pregnant women to join the blog so you have someone to compete with!

  3. Or you could just get pregnant like us!! =)

  4. Ha, I'll be there soon enough, which is why I want to get rid of this extra weight I've put on in the last couple months. I already struggle enough with putting on too much weight while I'm pregnant, I don't need the help of the holidays before I actually get pregnant.
