Sunday, December 5, 2010

Did you think I had abandoned the blog?

I thought I was going to check in pretty regularly, but I didn't. In fact I forgot to weigh in, so I'll use my weight from Thursday morning for my weigh in. Depressing. I don't want to, but I have to be honest with myself. I gained again. You'll have to do your own math to figure it out. haha. I am proud to say that I got out and exercised on Saturday morning. Sad to report that it was only the second time I exercised all week. And I ate bad all week. SO.... Tomorrow is day 1! New start! I know, not a good week to start fresh when there is a cookie exchange on Wednesday and I will be making 100 cookies, and bringing home 100 cookies. I will just have to exercise some major will power. I WILL exercise all week. My feet have been very sore this week. My cortisone shots have worn off and I want to let my feet heal, but I also want to make sure I get good workouts in. I'll be heading to the gym again this week to do some swimming and biking, and I'll continue running, but not the far distances for a while.
So- new Sarah! I'll post my picture for December on Friday. That will be my motivation to do well this week, and if nothing else get the bloating off. Wish me luck!!


  1. I thought you both abandoned it! =) You can put your mind to anything, but I hope you realize Maria will taunt you with cookies on Wednesday. She'll give you every reason why you SHOULD eat some. =)

  2. I know she will. And she is very persuasive. But I'm going to try my darndest to wait till Friday to eat those delicious 100 cookies:)

  3. I will be the good friend and take those cookies off your hands and into my tummy!
