January, June, and November 2010

January, June, and November 2010
After eating horribly all week I did gain weight. Gained 2 1/2 pounds. My will power is really weak right now, but I will get it back. Almost all the Halloween candy is gone, and what's not gone by the time I go to bed will be thrown in the garbage, tonight! You might not want to talk to me tomorrow because most likely I'll be suffering from major withdrawls after a whole week of sugar. I didn't do too super well on working out last week either, so I was REALLY scared about the run yesterday. 12 miles!! I took it a little easier this week, and it was actually a really enjoyable run. Now I'm not quite so scared about the race in 2 weeks. Still scared, but not quite so bad. So my plan for this upcoming week is to get back to my motivated self. I want to lose those 2 1/2 pounds plus at least another pound.
You look great!!!!