Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I realize

I realize I have not put a month picture up. I just feel blah! And have not really lost much weight this month. but this Friday I will take it and get it over with. I am just felt bloated and gross. Oh yes and I realized I can't get my promise if I don't my goal. I have the RS meeting that night, then the following week we are busy also. Saturday we ran 6 miles, it actually felt really good. Today we ran 3miles and well not so great! It was so hot we ran at 10am it was hot hot hot. But I am hoping I sweat off some of the extra weight!! But I realized today well I always knew but today confirmed it. I just have such great friends to support me this crazy thing we are doing. Sarah watched Maylee for me so I could go run and she made me a water bottle. Then Monica, Marlo and Monta worked out that morning and ran. Then they came and met up with me at 10am and ran with me so I would not have to do it by myself. I'm a lucky girl!

1 comment:

  1. And we couldn't do it without you either. You are a great friend and helping me reach my goals too. You might feel "blah" but you still are looking great. I think we all suffered from the craziness of the school year starting and figuring out new schedules. At least I'm claiming that as my excuse.
