Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Report Card

So it's weigh in time again. As you'll see on my ticker, not very good. Especially considering I was already up. NOT GOOD!
Here is my report card for the week:

Exercising: B+
Proper Sleep: B-
Eating Healthy: F+
Drinking Water: B

Did you know there was such a grade as an F+? Well, there's not. I made it up. I just wanted to give myself a little credit for starting each day out really good and motivated. But when ..oh.. 3:00ish rolled around everyday I gave in to my cravings and caved. Yes, every day. So I really can't be too surprised that I gained weight this week.
I missed working out Monday because we were traveling, and for some reason the rain made me not work out Wed. It's all the rain's fault. I was going to, but just kept putting it off and off, till before I knew it the day was done. But I did do all the other days, and I ran 10 miles this morning in pretty good time.
So the big test for next week is going to be getting off at least 5 of these pounds I've put on, even with SEVERAL Halloween parties. So make me accountable. I can do it!! I really don't need to sample any of the cupcakes I'm making for the Harvest Festival, so I won't. I'll just save them till Saturday after my 11 mile run. Then I'll really deserve them.


  1. Oh, Oh!! I know a good way for you to avoid the sweets! You could get pregnant like us! Then for 12 weeks you wouldn't WANT to eat all that junk food! LOL... the downside... once the 12 weeks are up its all fair game again. =) Good luck this week! It's gonna be a tough one.

  2. With my 2 pregnancies so far that hasn't been a problem at all. That's why I gain SO much weight while I'm pregnant. I've got to lose it before I get pregnant or I'll be right back where I started!

  3. I was just reading that comment again, and I don't know which baby I left out - I meant with all 3 pregnancies that hasn't been a problem.
