So, I'm going to cheat a little bit. I'm going to use Thursday morning's weight for weigh in. I lost 4 pounds. It's a little ridiculous to me that I actually gained a whole pound Thursday. I did give in and eat about 2 choco chip cookies at the party, and a cupcake, but I also came home and ran 3 miles, and walked an extra 2 - so 5 miles total, and ate good the rest of the day. But whatever. That's why I'm still using Thursday's weight. I'm going to try not to go too crazy this weekend. I had a very "free day" dinner last night, and I've been good so far today, but I might still have a bad dinner w/ dessert tonight, because it is just hard to eat good on the weekends.
We did our run this morning. It was nice leaving at 6 instead of in the 5:00 hour, but still SO early. It was a little humid as we started, but there was a nice breeze and it never got too sunny and bright. I was planning to do 6, but then as we started running, after about a mile I felt pretty good and decided I could do 7 instead. At the top of Hollywood and Charleston I turned instead of coming straight down, so I could add the extra mile. Then I started evaluating how I was feeling, how I want to get to my end of the month goal this week, how I have a couple friends running in the "Top of Utah half marathon" today (could I have done it today?), and how our 1/2 is in 12 weeks from today. Yeah, a lot of things on my mind, and I decided I could do just one more mile. What's one more mile. I could do 8 instead of 7. I hate having to run extra around our neighborhood because I am so close to home, I just want to stop, so I wanted to add more before the neighborhood. I misjudged and added too much. I went all the way to Vegas Valley instead of Sahara. When I got to Treeline I realized I'd gone too far and decided I would just run the extra mile and do 9 instead. Honestly I felt great, and I wasn't dying at the end. ( I am now though) So there is my REALLY LONG and detailed story of how I ran 9 miles this morning. Now, I think I deserve a little ice cream don't you??
You bet you deserve some ice cream!! You are awesome.