Friday, September 17, 2010


I was complaining to Sarah yesterday. That is takes me till Thursday to get back to weigh in. Which as always that is when I finally hit weigh in. Then I feel like it is nearly impossible to loose any weight. I also have felt kind of BLAH lately. I am doing what I am supposed to do, but I used to do more. I only workout once a day. I used to workout twice a day. And I am still being good with what I eat, but if I am hungry now I EAT! Then I am being terrible with the water. Yesterday I finally started caring a water bottle around. And here and there I have a coke. Which before I only drank them on Saturday. So today when I stepped on scale and it said I LOST 2.5lbs! I am total shock I am not happy, I seriously weighed myself a billion times. Checked the floor, moved the scale, waited a while and weighed myself again. And it still said I lost 2.5 lbs. I am just shocked. I am not complaining. I just can't believe it.

By the way I finally got dressed and had Katelynn take pictures, so I will finally have my end of August pictures up.


  1. YAY! Congratulations!! That is awesome. I think sometimes the stress of trying to do too much might make us hold on to some weight. If we relax maybe it helps. Hmm, maybe I should try that instead of stressing out so much! Good job!
