Monday, August 30, 2010


I attempted to be better this weekend. I was bad Friday night. Pretty good on Saturday and ran 6 miles and Sunday I was good. Still gained 6lbs this weekend. So frustrating!!! Well wish me luck getting this off and a extra pound for good measure!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sarah's weigh in

So, I'm going to cheat a little bit. I'm going to use Thursday morning's weight for weigh in. I lost 4 pounds. It's a little ridiculous to me that I actually gained a whole pound Thursday. I did give in and eat about 2 choco chip cookies at the party, and a cupcake, but I also came home and ran 3 miles, and walked an extra 2 - so 5 miles total, and ate good the rest of the day. But whatever. That's why I'm still using Thursday's weight. I'm going to try not to go too crazy this weekend. I had a very "free day" dinner last night, and I've been good so far today, but I might still have a bad dinner w/ dessert tonight, because it is just hard to eat good on the weekends.
We did our run this morning. It was nice leaving at 6 instead of in the 5:00 hour, but still SO early. It was a little humid as we started, but there was a nice breeze and it never got too sunny and bright. I was planning to do 6, but then as we started running, after about a mile I felt pretty good and decided I could do 7 instead. At the top of Hollywood and Charleston I turned instead of coming straight down, so I could add the extra mile. Then I started evaluating how I was feeling, how I want to get to my end of the month goal this week, how I have a couple friends running in the "Top of Utah half marathon" today (could I have done it today?), and how our 1/2 is in 12 weeks from today. Yeah, a lot of things on my mind, and I decided I could do just one more mile. What's one more mile. I could do 8 instead of 7. I hate having to run extra around our neighborhood because I am so close to home, I just want to stop, so I wanted to add more before the neighborhood. I misjudged and added too much. I went all the way to Vegas Valley instead of Sahara. When I got to Treeline I realized I'd gone too far and decided I would just run the extra mile and do 9 instead. Honestly I felt great, and I wasn't dying at the end. ( I am now though) So there is my REALLY LONG and detailed story of how I ran 9 miles this morning. Now, I think I deserve a little ice cream don't you??

Out of the loop!

I feel so alone!! I packed my scale, anytime I even think about working out I get nauseous, and now I'm not in the neighborhood either! On top of that, I can't post any real weightloss because I'm prego. I can't wait till this 12 weeks is over. I have been such a wimp because I've never really had morning sickness before and now I do...well all except the throwing up. That is not happening, but I do get sick to my stomach and feel the need to lay down a lot. If think if I were actually working out I probably would throw up. In th mean time I have been cleaning, packing, sorting, and moving stuff. By one o'clock I usually need a nap. I know I am down 5 lbs, but my belly won't go away. I am 10 weeks people!! It shouldn't be popping out yet. It is so bad I have people asking me what I'm having!! Thank goodness I'm prego and not just fat or I might be offended. LOL

You girls are gonna do great in the half. I know that 6 miles was hard this morning, but keep it up! You know it gets easier. Especially when you don't have to go so early in the morning.

Since Skyler lost his job I have to say he and I have both been horrible about exercising. We have been forced to eat right because we have no money for junk food and my parents are dieting so no junk food available to us either. Although, the jello I got has satisfied some of my sweet tooth. With that said, I have to think of goals so I'm going to set goals for the week.

Goal #1 - at least go on a walk 3-4 nights

Goal #2 - DRINK MORE WATER - I get so nauseous I forget to drink

That's it for now. We'll see how that goes. =)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Korina Weigh In

Thursday was a day full of temptation! We went to the park with some friends which was full of cupcakes, cookies, rice crispy treats and pizza! And I can't lie Maylee did not eat all of her slice so I had a few bites. And it was yummy. Then on our way home we stopped at Sonic and I got a drink. Then that night my Dad had swimming party at his house, which meant more food! But luckily okay maybe not luckily because I hate feeling sick, but my stomach was hurting, so I could not go crazy. So when I stepped on the scale I lost 6lbs!! That is the 5 I gained last week plus one additional pound! Which puts 4lbs from my goal!! I am so close, I just want to get there!!! Part of me wants to be really good this weekend then just get there. But what I have planned for tonight, there is no way I am going to be good. So maybe just one bad meal. I am going to attempt it. Tomorrow we are running 5miles. Then the whole month of September 6miles every Saturday bettering our time each time.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One more day...

And only one pound to go! Can I make it???

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Almost back!

I am so proud of myself! I turned down ice cream last night!!! To be honest I wasn't even too tempted - surprising! I am almost back to my low. Only 3 pounds to go, and it's only Wednesday morning. Don't know if I'll get there for sure by Friday morning, but at least I'll be closer. And hopefully by Sept. 1st I'll be at my goal of being in the next decade, which means I have to be relatively good this weekend.
I'm a little bummed because I did something to my knee. It has been hurting since about Saturday, some times more than others. I am not quite sure if I should run today, or just do something else? I get afraid that if I don't do some sort of cardio the weight won't come off. We'll see.


Well its Wednesday, made it half the week without dying!! I have been eating better and I have been working out twice a day once again. The second workout is just a ab workout, but hopefully it is burning a few calories. So far the scale as been pretty nice to me. Gary went back to work today. So I have not yet had time to workout yet. I like well not really like getting up early to workout, but I do like that it is done, before I can find a excuse not to do it!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Kim's Update

I did it!! I packed my scale. To be honest, I'm very afraid to look at it right now. Morning sickness hits hard every once in a while. Some days are better than is a better day. I have not officially exercised AT ALL in 2 weeks!! I would love to get back on track, but I've still got a ton of work to do and I need all the energy I can muster to do it.

My eating habits have been awful...or at least they seem to be. I don't know. I'm not eating junk food but I'm eating quite often. I find I can't eat a lot in one sitting so I end up eating like 6 meals a day. I've been eating right before bed because if I don't I end up waking up at 2-3 am starving. My belly is getting bigger but I don't know if that is because my body has decided to pop out or if I'm just getting fatter. Hmmm.... maybe I should unpack that scale. LOL

Well, I hope you guys have an awesome week!!

Fresh Start!!

Today is the day! No more cheating this week. I'm excited to not wake up with an upset tummy because of the junk eaten right before bed the night before! Today will be hard because I'll be detoxing my system of all the sugar, cookies, ice cream. And even though there is ice cream in my freezer, and cookies in my pantry I'm not even tempted..... right now, that is. Remind me I DON'T NEED IT at about 3:00 this afternoon when my cravings start kicking in.
Today is also the day I'm starting fresh on several other goals, staying up till 1:20 last night cleaning my room probably won't help me with my goal of being a happy, patient mom. But I'll try!! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Why does sugar taste SO good??

OK, I've avoided it long enough. I guess I'd better do my weigh in results. I knew it wasn't going to be a "losing" week, because I lost the battle with food ALL week long. It was just a little break and and I'll be back and strong next week. I have to because I only have 1 1/2 weeks to get down into the next decade. It will be tough. I gained 4 pounds!!!! YUCK!! (Thanks for the tip Korina) So, I should be good this weekend, and not eat bad at all. But ha, yeah right. Like that's going to happen. I'm feeling weak. But on the bright side, I can tell it's a temporary break, and I've also been working out HARD all week long. I hate to think what would happen if I just totally gave up, ate anything I wanted and didn't work out. I don't want to go back to where I was, so I just have to remember how I felt when we started this.


Here is the question.. Is it important to support fellow ward members??? The Answer is of course!! So when a young member of our ward works at a Pizza Place, you have no choice, but to support this youth. If no one got pizza then they would not need as many employees, which in turn he may loose his job. Then I would feel guilty for not supporting my fellow ward members. Due to being the nicest person in the world(YUP that's Me) I felt it is was my responsibility to get pizza. AND YES it was a sacrifice, but you have to do that at times. I already feel better!!

This week was a hard week to stay motivated. I guess I just needed a vacation from being good all the time. So I am going to find the smallest font possible to write in my loss/gain. I gained 5lbs AHHHHHHHHHH! Not very happy with this. So I need to get motivated. So I am a little nervous making this deal. But I have to get motivated. So I am giving myself one month to reach my goal. If I am not there then Kim and Sarah you both get a night out with your husbands. That means 10 crazy kids. So I have to hit my goal by September 24, 2010 or you guys all get to go our on the 25th. Now I have to get motivated!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is my problem????

I have been so bad this week with giving in to cravings. What is wrong with me? Where has my motivation gone. I think part of the problem has been that I've been waiting too long in between meals, so by the time I eat I'm starving and I just grab the quickest, easiest, most unhealthy choice. Time to go shopping and get some healthy food in the house. But that's only part of the problem. I just seem to be catering to my sweet tooth. Part of me feels like I should just give up for the week and start fresh on Monday. But that is how I got to be 50 pounds heavier than I am now. At least I have not stopped working out. In fact I have been really good with my workouts. Monday I ran 5 miles. The whole thing! And I did weight lifting. Tuesday was Zumba and I walked a mile on the treadmill too when I got home. And today I ran 3.1 miles and I also did some weight lifting. So wish me luck with the rest of the week. I'm SO close to my monthly goal, but I don't think I'll be reaching it this week.

Off week!

I have not been doing good this week. I have just been craving and well eating everything!! I am still working out, but I have had a hard time with food this week. But today Kim came over and dropped off a stepper. I am excited to use it. I need to get motivated I am so close and I just need to buckle down and do it!! And that just about sums up my week!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

uh oh!

I just realized I have no scale!!! The inner I go get it or do I leave it at the house and pack it??


There is no ice cream in my freezer this morning.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I pigged out this weekend. Not good. I've been craving sweets all day. I didn't give in. I ran 5 miles. Still didn't give in to the cravings. Right before dinner I was starving, making dinner and Sydney wanted some of the Friendship Bread that has been sitting on my counter all day, that I've been craving all day. I gave her a little piece and ate just a tiny little bit of the bread, and that's all it took. Before I knew it I had eaten several slices of the bread. The good news is that it's gone now, can't tempt me. Bad news is that my sweet tooth is still craving. Jerry went shopping and brought home a little pint sized ice cream. I can't just let it sit in the freezer all week! I don't think it will stay there till Saturday.
(Ok, I don't think I really want help right now. Right now I REALLY want to eat that ice cream. I don't think it will make it till tomorrow morning let alone Saturday.)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kim's Weigh In

Ugggg!!! Morning sickness...well my kind has officially set in. I have no appetite, nothing looks good, then all of a sudden I get super hungry to the point of almost passing out, or at least feeling like I'm going to, then I eat, then I get nausea, and the nausea causes me to not eat. Isn't that a fun little cycle I go through every day.

Despite all of that I drank soda this week which is never a good thing for my weigh in and I haven't been eating exactly healthy. So what this all boils down to is.... I didn't lose anything this week. I'm not that worried about it. I've had way too much to worry about this week so I definitely won't add weight loss to it. =)

I'm glad you girls had a good week! Good luck on reaching your goals!

Friday, August 13, 2010

It worked!!

I think switching up my routine a little bit helped this week. All I really did was change the days that I lift weights, and I changed the weight exercising a little bit too. But it paid off!!! I lost 1 1/2 pounds - yippee!! Finally I reached my "pre-Utah" weight, and even passed it by 1/2 pound. Now I'm on my way. I'm so close to the next decade - SO CLOSE! I hope I can get there by next week, but I won't hold my breath. It's probably going to be a big eating weekend unfortunately. With dinner party tonight, and we're going to my cousin's for dinner on Sunday I already feel my will power getting weaker by the minute. I went 5 miles on Monday and on Thursday, and I'll be running 6 or 7 miles tomorrow so I'll reach that goal of going 5 miles 3 times each week.
It was a little scary running on my own last Saturday. I hadn't realized how dark it is at 5:10 until I had to do it alone. It will be nice to run with Korina, Monta, and Marlo tomorrow.

New Low!!

I lost 5lbs!! The 4 that I gained at girls camp and one additional pound!! I am so close to my goal! I can't wait to be there!! But last night I made my training schedule for the half marathon. So I am hoping that gets me back into the groove of things. And gets my spirits up!! This Saturday I am running 3 miles then walking 3 and every Saturday it goes up a mile until 6 miles then I will spend a few weeks there. And then 8, 10, 12, 6,5 then Half Marathon! I just made the next 3 months fly by!! :) I am little nervous about the run tomorrow. Running the last half marathon was such a accomplishment and I know this one be just as great I just need to get motivated.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Does moving furniture count??

Monday I got my tush out of bed and worked out.... Tuesday the same, Wednesday...NO WAY I was up till 2am with Sarah, so glad I slept in, Thursday, I slept. When I woke up I had a mixture of nausea and hunger pangs...not fun. So, after that went away we began moving more stuff, sorting, packing, etc. By 4 o'clock I was DONE! I came home and took a nap.

My eating has been awful!! When at home I eat healthy, but I cannot seem to eat a lot. I'll take like 2 bites and then I'm done, then maybe an hour later I feel like I'm starving, but again, I cannot eat much. I have not been drinking enough water. =(

Somehow I've gotta get rid of the 2 glasses of soda I drank on the way home from Cali. We stopped outside of Barstow and I had to drink it to get some energy so I could get us home. It worked. About 10 minutes after finishing the soda I was wired.

I'm not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow because I know I haven't lost anything. I haven't been on the scale, but I can tell.

Free Weight!!

I wish I would just hit my goal just so I could maintain for awhile and not feel super guilty about everything that I put into my mouth. This week started out really well weight wise. Then though out the week it has been weird my pants are getting looser and looser but my weight is going up and up!! It is just so frustrating! This is when I wish we had done inches not only weight. I also have been looking at the body for life book and I may start trying to do that. Next grocery shopping trip. I was going to stall the weigh in till Saturday, but Friday night I am going to the Lindsay's house for dinner and it is going to be yummy!!

Late mid week report - sarah

I was enjoying a great day in California yesterday so I couldn't do my mid week report. This has been a hard week as far as temptations go. And I haven't been strong at all. Tuesday night at the Relief Society Meeting I HAD to give in to the delicious dessert. It was well worth it. Then yesterday we were in California, and really it is hard to eat good when my mind is on vacation. I didn't eat horribly, but my dinner was too large, and I could have done without the Chocolate malt at 11:30 at night. But it was delicious, and I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
Even though I've given into some temptations I haven't completely gone into pigout mode. I consider that a success. Also, even though it's been a busy week I've managed to continue working out every day. I've also mixed up my routine a little bit hoping to see a little more results.
As of this morning I am at my weigh in weight from last week, and that is after eating bad late last night, so I have a little bit of hope of losing this one pound today for the weigh in tomorrow.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm back and so tired!! I gained 4lbs this week. Actually that is pretty good. We ate so good and ate and ate. But I wore my pedometer and

Thursday-11 miles

plus our campsite was a hill so if we had to go to one of the theatres, kitchen, campsite whatever it was we eventually had to go up a hill!! I had a great time so grateful for the experience. I am so nervous about Monday and starting the workout routine again.

P.S. Thursday was hike day!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sarah's weigh in

This week I lost a WHOPPIN' 1/2 pound. Not much, but I'll take it. So now I've lost a total of 50 pounds! Wahoo! I've still got 1 pound to go to reach my pre-Utah weight. I know, I know, I keep rambling on about this stupid pre-Utah vacation weight. But it's irritating that it's been almost a month and I haven't quite lost it all, it was only 5 pounds. But junk food every day for 10 days is going to have an effect on weight loss I guess. Next week I'll be down - gotta be!!

Kim's Weigh In

I was doing pretty good until last night. I have very little hope of losing anything this weekend because it is Skyler's birthday. We went to the drive in with the kids last night and Skyler forgot to pack my water!!! All we had was soda and I was so thirsty so I drank about 1/2 can. Not bad, but enough to make me retain water and not lose anything today. I have to be very careful about soda now. Luckily I don't crave it AT ALL. In fact last night I had to force myself to drink it. I would have bought water except all they had was Arrowhead and it was just put in the cooler and it was warm...not cool. I hate arrowhead water.

Anyway, on Monday I was up 5 lbs from my weigh in last Friday. Today I am down 4 of the 5. I haven't exercised this week, but I have every intention of getting up on Monday and doing it. I have all kinds of excuses why I didn't get out every day, but the truth is, I'm honestly scared to go out by myself because I know I don't work nearly as hard as I do when I have people there pushing me. I know RIDICULOUS!

I have a doc appointment on September 2 so my goal is to be out of this decade before that appointment. I have 3 lbs to go. I would love to be about 210-215 and I actually think I can do it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

January/ August pictures!

Once again it's a new month. I don't know where July went, but it went quickly. On the bright side I did make my goal of losing 3 pounds this month, but on the down side, I gained 5 pounds before losing those 3. This month has been full of vacations, but I am about back to where I started. I get frustrated sometimes because I feel like I'm working SO hard just to be maintaining. What would happen if I totally gave up? I think I'd gain all the weight back so quickly. I guess that's all the more motivation to keep working hard and make this a lifestyle change, so it's habit.
So my new goal for the month of August is a big one. I've got to get out of this decade!!! I know that doesn't sound like such a big goal, but I've been in this decade of weight ever since the last weekend in April! Over 3 months! So frustrating. It probably would have been good if we'd done measurements because I can see differences in pictures and pants fit much looser than they did then. And I haven't given up. I'm SO close. I don't care if it is only by 1/2 a pound, I'll get into the next decade!!
As far as workout goals, I'm going to continue my goal of running/ walking at least 5 miles 3 times per week. I've been doing that for the last 2 weeks and it has been hard, but good.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sarah's mid-week

I'm almost back to my pre- Utah vacation (aka bingefest) weight. I can't believe it's taken this long. But I did really enjoy. I think if I hadn't gone on vacation this last weekend I might actually be there by now. That's ok though. Ya gotta live right? Last weekend on our campout I really didn't eat that healthy at all! But one positive thing is that I did go running on Saturday. I ran 5 miles pushing Sydney in the stroller. It was hard because it was so hilly and such a highter elevation, but it also felt so good to do it.
Monday I ran 3 miles and walked 2, yesterday I went to zumba (can I just say I love it) and did some weights, and today I plan to run 4 miles and walk 1.
Another fail for the week is that I made some delicious Amish friendship bread. Ooh, that stuff is too good. I ate way too much of it. It made two loaves and our family easily finished off the whole first loaf. I immediately froze the second loaf so it wouldn't be staring me in the face all day. What a mean mom I am huh. That was the first thing my kids asked for when they woke up. We'll have it Saturday.
Yesterday I was back at my weight in weight, but this morning I'm 1 pound up. Dang bread! :) Hopefully I'll be back to my pre Utah weight by Friday morning, then I can feel like I'm back on track.
I'll try to get my new month pictures posted later today or tomorrow, and my new month goals. I have a doosy I'm working on!


I went out of town this weekend for a baby blessing, ate TOTALLY BAD. I tried to eat good, but when you're trying to spend very little and you have other people buying food for picnics there just isn't much control. When I came home I had gained 5 lbs!!

Normally I wouldn't be excited about gaining weight, and I guess technically I'm not, but that and swollen ankles got me thinking. I know some of the weight gain was the swollen ankles, but obviously not all of it.

Since returning I have lost 3 lbs, most of which was probably the water I was retaining. The only exercise I have had time for is Zumba. I tried to get up this morning, but I didn't want to go out alone so Skyler and I are going to take the kids on a bike ride after cub scouts tonight.

I'm hoping to be pre-trip weight by Friday and with the new changes happening I have a lot of confidence that I will.