Thursday, May 27, 2010


I woke up this morning weighing 3lbs heavier. I am already having just a crazy, upsetting, and emotional week. Then to wake up to that. I wanted to cry it was a cherry on top. Then I don't want to change my trigger! I guess it is a good dose of humility. I wasn't perfect this week, but I don't think I was 3lb terrible!

Since I was having a bad day and gained 3lbs! I thought whatever and well ate like a pig today!! Thinking I will just start fresh on Monday. But my mind as changed! And that is why I decided to post tonight. Just to say I feel so when I think about giving up I can read this.

I feel disgusting. I feel gross. I feel sick to my stomach. I just feel awful. I want to just cry.(that probably has more to do with my week.) I think is this how I felt before I started this journey?

So Korina will not be giving up this journey I will be getting back on the boat tomorrow! Now for the dose of humility and changing my trigger! I may cry!

1 comment:

  1. DON'T CRY!!! I know how you feel. I had 3 months of bad days. I don't want you to fall off the wagon like I did and frankly I'm not going to let you. It seems like you need your motivation more than I do so here... M...O..T..I..V..A..T..I..O..N its yours!!! It's not nice for me to go around stealing things anyway. =)
