Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This weekend I was determined to maintain over the weekend and I only gained half a pound! Which is really good for me. So I was determined to have a great week which would hopefully lead to big numbers of loss on Saturday.

Well Monday someone brought me a cupcake and can I just say it was so good!! YUMMY I could not resist it was delicious YUM YUM!

Then today the day started off good, but after lunch it went all down hill. I just kept talking to myself, then it went to yelling to myself. I say to myself for the fact that nobody else in my house was listening to me. To say the least I ended up in tears on the phone with Gary. 7am- 8pm sometimes is just way to many hours! Then my Dad came by at 5pm and said "Lets go to dinner!" SWEET so I hurried and got the kids ready and we went to Macayos all I can say is I went crazy and I enjoyed every bite of it, maybe a little to much. To be honest I needed to get out of the house so it was great! I came home and did strength training. Then tomorrow I will be running my butt off at the park then coming home and do some more!

So this just about my midweek check in! And as you can see eating wise I am doing GREAT?? I have been trying to drink more water. Mostly after seeing how much water Sarah drinks. Working out I am also doing good I actually have been doing a little extra to make up for my eating!


  1. You know what - sometimes you have those days where you just have to say, "To HECK with it!" I'm sorry it was such a hard day. I'm sure you deserved every bite of Macayos. And I know you, you'll burn that right off in no time, so no worries. Besides, I know we ALL gave in to a delicious cupcake on Monday. At least she tempted all of us equally right?! :) I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

  2. YES! We ALL gave in to the cupcake...mine was a yummy chocolate one with some kind of chocolate filling...sooooo good!!! One bad day isn't gonna kill ya! You're preaching to the choir here girly!! I've had 3 months of bad days and haven't gained a pound...haven't lost one either, but who cares!! =) You're doing great!
