Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Kim stole my motivation! I WANT IT BACK!!!!

This week has been hard. I am just so busy.

TO say the least it is just one crazy week!! Thanks to Kim I worked out on Monday, Tuesday no I didn't and totally regretting it. Eating could be better. Water can always drink more! Well I will be waking up bright and early tomorrow and working out! My goal this week at this point is just to maintain! That would be great!! So far this week if I was to get a grade it would probaly be a D, well hopefully I can turn things around and stay away from the cookies!


  1. I've been struggling big time with eating temptations. I still have cake left over in the fridge, and that dang strawberry shortcake too. I just want it all. And right now I have NO desire to work out tomorrow. Not good. But I WILL! I have to! I've got to get off this plateau!!

  2. Don't worry ladies! We're all in the same boat at the moment. I may have motivation but I have been really bad about munching on things. I have no idea what I've been eating because every time I turn around I'm sticking a couple goldfish or other kid snack in my mouth. BAD!! On top of that, there's cake tonight! I think, if we're lucky, we'll all be maintaining this week.
