Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Results are in..

I finally hit the doctor today. I felt like such a wimp I just kept listing all of my aches and pains. I have to go in for more test. But here are the pains and what it is

I have been having this pain that starts in my right upper thigh then travels all the way down my leg to my ankle. It is really painful even when I drive it hurts so had! The result is :

-Sciatica is pain, tingling, or numbness produced by an irritation of the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is formed by the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord into the lower back. Branches of the sciatic nerve extend through the buttocks and down the back of each leg to the ankle and foot( thank you Bing for that info)

-Treatment one of them is avoid setting! I love it. It also says take some anti inflammatory funny part is I can't take them!(more to come on that) But he said if the pain gets really bad take ibuprofen. He is having me go in for a X-ray.

My knee the top and behind my knee hurts . The outside I can hear the cartilage and bone or whatever grinding together. And it is constantly popping out of place. So the result. Chondromalacia patella. Yeah I had to have the doctor write that one down. I just looked it up and it is a really big word for runner's knee. Basically deformed cartilage grinding together. My favorite part of looking up this was it said mostly affects Young, Athletic Individuals!! Makes me not feel like a old lady!! The doctor also said he thinks some of my ligaments may not be lined up correctly so he is sending me in for a X-Ray.

-Treatment it says rest........... Yeah I don't know if I can follow that one to well

My stomach Pain- I have had this cramp that starts on the right side of my stomach and travels to my back. It feels like I am having back labor it hurts. Also my stomach is just really tender on my right side. He thinks my gallbladder may be acting up or I could have gallstones. He is sending me in for a Ultra Sound to get it looked at. That is also the reason why I can't take any pain killers he said it would flair up my gallbladder or it would contract faster.

So is the pain worth it is the questions?? I am happy to say it is totally worth it! I would do it again knowing this would have all been the outcome. I go get all the X-Rays and Ultra Sound next week.

1 comment:

  1. Your gallbladder problem is there because you were over weight. So, yes the pain is worth it. I just hope they take care of you before it gets bad.
