Thursday, April 1, 2010


Gary has had a week off of both jobs! So that means vacation right!???? I decided last week that I was going to enjoy sleeping in, but I had to work out still during the day! And I did accomplish that!! But now for the eating!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Saturday was Aiden's family Birthday Party. And we made these yummy candy treats and pizza! So by Monday I was 5lbs heavier! YUP!! So Monday I worked my butt off and on Tuesday I lost the 5lbs! YEAH! Until we decided to go to a buffet! So three pounds heavier on Wed. Then Wednesday morning Sarah and I ran 5 miles so a bonus worked off the weight!! YIPPEE but then it was mutual so I made brownies and I looked over and saw my 3 year old sticking his hands in the brownies! So I made a stop and Fresh and Easy and got some more treats. So at Mutual I had one sugar cookie, but then I came home and had 1 brownie okay 2 brownies!! So terrible. Then Thursday we went to the Adventure dome and ate out for lunch. So to say the least I am really worried about the weigh in on Saturday. I think for the first time I am going to gain weight on a weigh in!!

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