Sunday, April 25, 2010

What an Experience!

I've been waiting to get all the pics from Marlo before posting, but I couldn't wait any longer. I'll add the pictures when I get them. Until then, Korina's pictures are the same as mine. (But I will make an edit to Korina's comments and let you know that the numbers in the 400's are SO much cooler than 500s that there was only room for one...ME! :)
This weekend was so much fun. The girls weekend part was a blast, and probably part of why I lost my voice was from all the laughing. And the race was great.
I KNOW I was so blessed on that run. You remember all my whining I've been doing for the last 3 weeks about my sore hip/leg. And then waking up with a cold a few days before the race. Well, the Lord really answers prayers. I actually get a little emotional about it when I think about it. I'd been praying and crying, stretching, icing and praying for weeks hoping it would be alright for the race. When we first started running I kind of felt it a bit, but it didn't hurt AT ALL! After about the first 1/2 mile I couldn't even feel it at all. In fact at about mile 8 I kind of remembered, oh yeah, my leg had been hurt. I actually forgot that it had been sore for so long. And as far as the cold goes, when I woke up in the morning I couldn't breathe at all, but once we got up to the start line, I had no problems. I know my prayers were answered. I am back to limping again after the race, but still it doesn't feel as bad as it did when we did 12 miles a couple weeks ago.
So, details of the race. I felt a little out of place before the race started. I was surrounded by all these people that are total runners, and have done so many races. I worried that I stuck out like a sore thumb as a novice. Everyone was very nice, it was just me feeling insecure. (It didn't help when I tripped on my way into the porta-potty one of the SEVERAL times I went in before the race started.) I love the racing atmosphere though, so even though I stood out in my mind, I still loved being there.
Once we started I was loving it. At about mile two I actually considered maybe doing a full marathon sometime. Shortly after mile 4 we started up what I lovingly refer to as "KILLER HILL" Probably more accurate to call it Killer Mountain. That's when I decided I would be fine with just a half marathon. I swear that thing kept going and going. I'd spot the top and tell myself, "you just have to make it to that point, then it's downhill." So I'd get there and the road would curve and I'd look ahead to see it get even steeper. I made a goal to run the whole thing - not stopping at all to walk. But on this hill all those "runners" that I was intimidated by before the race started were all walking up the hill. I thought for a split second, "They're walking, you could slow down and walk." But I knew I'd be so disappointed in myself so I kept on running. Even though it was a slow run, it was still a run.
I also had a goal to run it in 2:40 or less, and as I got to mile 10 my pace was really good, and I changed my goal mid-run to try for 2:30. It was getting hard, but I knew I only had 3 more miles and I could push it for just 3.1 more miles. So my final time was 2:28:31! It felt GREAT crossing that finish line. Marlo has a picture of me crossing the finish line, I haven't seen it, but I'm sure I don't look as good as I felt inside.
I am so proud of us for doing this race, and I'm with ya. I'm training for the Ragnar Relay race, but I definitely want to do a 10 K with you Korina, and Kim it will be so fun to have you there with us too.
So I've celebrated all weekend by eating junk!!! NOT GOOD! And my tummy is mad at me. So back to the grindstone tomorrow, because this week is the week I've been dreading. I have to prove to myself that I'll keep going now that we've accomplished the race. I'm thinking about going to the gym to swim or ride the bike, but if I can't schedule that I might just do weights tomorrow to give my leg a little more break, then run 2 - 3 miles on Tuesday. I'll get it figured out and make myself a schedule because I'm a slave to the schedule.
Good job Korina, it was so fun. And I look forward to our next race with all of us!!


  1. Sarah you did awesome this weekend! It was so much fun. And you did great!

  2. You are a much stronger woman than I. Watching you deal with your hip issues honestly made me feel like a wimp, but on the other hand, you don't have 7 kids at your house every day either. =) I am so proud of you guys and believe me, I fully intend on training for a 10k and hopefully with some weight loss I'll be able to work up to a half. Honestly though, I think I'm more interested in triathalons

  3. congrats! i am so glad that everything went just how you wanted it to for the entire race...under 2:30...awesome!! can't wait to see your pics.

  4. Congrats, way to continue to encourage yourself and set higher goals! That is a true competetor! (I can't spell!)
