the person who can ENDURE TO THE END. "Whatever your work may be, endure in the beginning, endure through opposing forces along the way, and endure to the end." (Russell M. Nelson)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Weigh In
I was debating if I wanted to weigh in today or tomorrow. And well since I was not great today I have determined that I will just use today as my cheat day and be good tomorrow. For the second week in a role another 5lbs gone!! One more pound I will be in the next decade! I have enjoyed these last 2 weigh ins. I know it will eventually plateau but until then I will simply enjoy! I will probably post my monthly picture on Sunday.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Midweek report
I made my goal of keeping up the exercise this first week after the race. Although I have taken it down a notch, mainly to let my leg heal a bit. I'll hit it a little harder next week. I went to the gym and rode the bike there on Monday. It was a nice change, and I liked it, but it took SO much longer to burn the calories. And I could tell it wasn't as much of a whole body workout as running is. Still though, it was nice to do it. Weights yesterday, and I was going to run today, but I ended up walking 3 miles on the treadmill. I also added incline to try to burn more calories. I'll do weights tomorrow, and Friday I'll be walking.... all around DISNEYLAND!!!
Because of my trip I'll be weighing in tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to at least lose something, but the slow down has gotten a little frustrating. I'll also be taking new month pics as well. (Hmm, I'm thinking I might do it before my Disneyland trip so I won't be as bloated in the pics:))
My leg has been gradually getting better, but I've also been living on ibuprofen. I stopped taking it last night because I want to get a feel for how real the pain is. If it is still hurting next week I might go see a dr. I hadn't wanted to, but my sis-in-law was having pain similar to mine and went to the doctor and he said it was a pulled muscle, but there is scar tissue in there and it will be a recurring problem, so she's got to go to physical therapy. I really don't want to have to do that, but if it still hurts I should probably go get a diagnosis.
Because of my trip I'll be weighing in tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to at least lose something, but the slow down has gotten a little frustrating. I'll also be taking new month pics as well. (Hmm, I'm thinking I might do it before my Disneyland trip so I won't be as bloated in the pics:))
My leg has been gradually getting better, but I've also been living on ibuprofen. I stopped taking it last night because I want to get a feel for how real the pain is. If it is still hurting next week I might go see a dr. I hadn't wanted to, but my sis-in-law was having pain similar to mine and went to the doctor and he said it was a pulled muscle, but there is scar tissue in there and it will be a recurring problem, so she's got to go to physical therapy. I really don't want to have to do that, but if it still hurts I should probably go get a diagnosis.
My first run
Today when I woke up I knew I had to either get a good walk in or attempt to run. I went to my drawer and put on my half marathon shirt. I knew if I was wearing that shirt I was going to workout. I hit the staircase and realized my knee really hurts still. I thought okay a walk. I started down the street and I thought more calories ( I know a little obsessed about weight loss)if I run. So I started to run and it felt really good except for my knee. With every step was ouch ,ouch, ouch and so on! But the rest of my body felt good just my knee really hurt. But once I start running I don't stop. Oh Well got the first run over went better than I thought it would.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
New Goals!
One reason I am sad that the half marathon is over. I am now scared I am going to loose motivation!! So I have decided I am going to train for a 10k. I realize it is less then a half marathon, but it won't take up so much time to train for and instead of working on not walking I am going to work on speed. I haven't decided if I want to follow a training schedule. The thing about a training schedule I can already do a 10k so I don't want to start off at 1 mile but it would be nice to follow during the week. Or I was thinking maybe running a 10k every other Saturday and trying to better my time each time. I don't know!! And does anyone know of any 10k this summer going on?
Recovery is still going my knees did not hurt while I was running but now my right knee hurts! The back of it, every time I take a step I feel like a rubber band is being pulled way to far. I tried to run on Monday I ended up walking 1.5 miles. And today I did a whole bunch of strength training, arm exercises, and training with the bands. Everyone tells me to give my body rest, but I am just so scared I am going to fall back into my old habits. And I still want to loose weight!
We are visiting my husbands family mid July and my goal is to be 15 pounds lighter. It is only 5lbs a month I think that is reasonable. Anyways Wish me luck!
Recovery is still going my knees did not hurt while I was running but now my right knee hurts! The back of it, every time I take a step I feel like a rubber band is being pulled way to far. I tried to run on Monday I ended up walking 1.5 miles. And today I did a whole bunch of strength training, arm exercises, and training with the bands. Everyone tells me to give my body rest, but I am just so scared I am going to fall back into my old habits. And I still want to loose weight!
We are visiting my husbands family mid July and my goal is to be 15 pounds lighter. It is only 5lbs a month I think that is reasonable. Anyways Wish me luck!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
What an Experience!
I've been waiting to get all the pics from Marlo before posting, but I couldn't wait any longer. I'll add the pictures when I get them. Until then, Korina's pictures are the same as mine. (But I will make an edit to Korina's comments and let you know that the numbers in the 400's are SO much cooler than 500s that there was only room for one...ME! :)
This weekend was so much fun. The girls weekend part was a blast, and probably part of why I lost my voice was from all the laughing. And the race was great.
I KNOW I was so blessed on that run. You remember all my whining I've been doing for the last 3 weeks about my sore hip/leg. And then waking up with a cold a few days before the race. Well, the Lord really answers prayers. I actually get a little emotional about it when I think about it. I'd been praying and crying, stretching, icing and praying for weeks hoping it would be alright for the race. When we first started running I kind of felt it a bit, but it didn't hurt AT ALL! After about the first 1/2 mile I couldn't even feel it at all. In fact at about mile 8 I kind of remembered, oh yeah, my leg had been hurt. I actually forgot that it had been sore for so long. And as far as the cold goes, when I woke up in the morning I couldn't breathe at all, but once we got up to the start line, I had no problems. I know my prayers were answered. I am back to limping again after the race, but still it doesn't feel as bad as it did when we did 12 miles a couple weeks ago.
So, details of the race. I felt a little out of place before the race started. I was surrounded by all these people that are total runners, and have done so many races. I worried that I stuck out like a sore thumb as a novice. Everyone was very nice, it was just me feeling insecure. (It didn't help when I tripped on my way into the porta-potty one of the SEVERAL times I went in before the race started.) I love the racing atmosphere though, so even though I stood out in my mind, I still loved being there.
Once we started I was loving it. At about mile two I actually considered maybe doing a full marathon sometime. Shortly after mile 4 we started up what I lovingly refer to as "KILLER HILL" Probably more accurate to call it Killer Mountain. That's when I decided I would be fine with just a half marathon. I swear that thing kept going and going. I'd spot the top and tell myself, "you just have to make it to that point, then it's downhill." So I'd get there and the road would curve and I'd look ahead to see it get even steeper. I made a goal to run the whole thing - not stopping at all to walk. But on this hill all those "runners" that I was intimidated by before the race started were all walking up the hill. I thought for a split second, "They're walking, you could slow down and walk." But I knew I'd be so disappointed in myself so I kept on running. Even though it was a slow run, it was still a run.
I also had a goal to run it in 2:40 or less, and as I got to mile 10 my pace was really good, and I changed my goal mid-run to try for 2:30. It was getting hard, but I knew I only had 3 more miles and I could push it for just 3.1 more miles. So my final time was 2:28:31! It felt GREAT crossing that finish line. Marlo has a picture of me crossing the finish line, I haven't seen it, but I'm sure I don't look as good as I felt inside.
I am so proud of us for doing this race, and I'm with ya. I'm training for the Ragnar Relay race, but I definitely want to do a 10 K with you Korina, and Kim it will be so fun to have you there with us too.
So I've celebrated all weekend by eating junk!!! NOT GOOD! And my tummy is mad at me. So back to the grindstone tomorrow, because this week is the week I've been dreading. I have to prove to myself that I'll keep going now that we've accomplished the race. I'm thinking about going to the gym to swim or ride the bike, but if I can't schedule that I might just do weights tomorrow to give my leg a little more break, then run 2 - 3 miles on Tuesday. I'll get it figured out and make myself a schedule because I'm a slave to the schedule.
Good job Korina, it was so fun. And I look forward to our next race with all of us!!
This weekend was so much fun. The girls weekend part was a blast, and probably part of why I lost my voice was from all the laughing. And the race was great.
I KNOW I was so blessed on that run. You remember all my whining I've been doing for the last 3 weeks about my sore hip/leg. And then waking up with a cold a few days before the race. Well, the Lord really answers prayers. I actually get a little emotional about it when I think about it. I'd been praying and crying, stretching, icing and praying for weeks hoping it would be alright for the race. When we first started running I kind of felt it a bit, but it didn't hurt AT ALL! After about the first 1/2 mile I couldn't even feel it at all. In fact at about mile 8 I kind of remembered, oh yeah, my leg had been hurt. I actually forgot that it had been sore for so long. And as far as the cold goes, when I woke up in the morning I couldn't breathe at all, but once we got up to the start line, I had no problems. I know my prayers were answered. I am back to limping again after the race, but still it doesn't feel as bad as it did when we did 12 miles a couple weeks ago.
So, details of the race. I felt a little out of place before the race started. I was surrounded by all these people that are total runners, and have done so many races. I worried that I stuck out like a sore thumb as a novice. Everyone was very nice, it was just me feeling insecure. (It didn't help when I tripped on my way into the porta-potty one of the SEVERAL times I went in before the race started.) I love the racing atmosphere though, so even though I stood out in my mind, I still loved being there.
Once we started I was loving it. At about mile two I actually considered maybe doing a full marathon sometime. Shortly after mile 4 we started up what I lovingly refer to as "KILLER HILL" Probably more accurate to call it Killer Mountain. That's when I decided I would be fine with just a half marathon. I swear that thing kept going and going. I'd spot the top and tell myself, "you just have to make it to that point, then it's downhill." So I'd get there and the road would curve and I'd look ahead to see it get even steeper. I made a goal to run the whole thing - not stopping at all to walk. But on this hill all those "runners" that I was intimidated by before the race started were all walking up the hill. I thought for a split second, "They're walking, you could slow down and walk." But I knew I'd be so disappointed in myself so I kept on running. Even though it was a slow run, it was still a run.
I also had a goal to run it in 2:40 or less, and as I got to mile 10 my pace was really good, and I changed my goal mid-run to try for 2:30. It was getting hard, but I knew I only had 3 more miles and I could push it for just 3.1 more miles. So my final time was 2:28:31! It felt GREAT crossing that finish line. Marlo has a picture of me crossing the finish line, I haven't seen it, but I'm sure I don't look as good as I felt inside.
I am so proud of us for doing this race, and I'm with ya. I'm training for the Ragnar Relay race, but I definitely want to do a 10 K with you Korina, and Kim it will be so fun to have you there with us too.
So I've celebrated all weekend by eating junk!!! NOT GOOD! And my tummy is mad at me. So back to the grindstone tomorrow, because this week is the week I've been dreading. I have to prove to myself that I'll keep going now that we've accomplished the race. I'm thinking about going to the gym to swim or ride the bike, but if I can't schedule that I might just do weights tomorrow to give my leg a little more break, then run 2 - 3 miles on Tuesday. I'll get it figured out and make myself a schedule because I'm a slave to the schedule.
Good job Korina, it was so fun. And I look forward to our next race with all of us!!
1st Half Marathon
I must be alive I am blogging! We did it! We had a blast. It was so much fun. Marlo picked Sarah and I up around 4 pm and we drove to Hurricane to

We had to wake up at 3:40am Vegas time OUCH way to early. We parked

And Marlo brought some fun color hairspray. We sprayed our hair with variety of colors. Always having fun!
Then we headed to the buses and the pictures stop. (Didn't want to run with cameras) The race took off. Everyone took off sprinting and I was like crap! Is there something I am supposed to learn by coming in last place??? But I was able to pass a few people here and there. About mile 4 we hit the HILL... It was at least a mile long I thought it was never going to end. It just kept going and going and going. I was so happy to get to the top of that hill running the whole thing of course! :) The rest of the run went and went and went and went! And of course being the slowest out of friends has its advantages. They had time to go get their camera and take pictures of me finishing.

My goal was to run the whole thing and I accomplished that!!!
Marlo has the picture of all three of us together and I am excited to get it. And we will post it as soon as we do! I had such a great time. And so happy that I went with Marlo and Sarah. We had a great time. I am grateful for great friends and family that have cheered us on. My prayers were surely answered. I have grown so much through this experience not only physically but spiritually. I am in total shock that we actually did it. The day we got back I checked the blog. I had to look at the timer a few times just doesn't seem right. I thought I would be so happy to be done. But I am sad it was a lot of fun and I got so much out of it
I am already planning my next run.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Weigh in
I think there is absolutely no way I'll be getting to my weight goal for April. I only lost half a pound again. Which puts me at 40 lbs. That's awesome, and I shouldn't complain. I had just really hoped to be at least 5 -6 pounds lighter for the race. But that's ok. It will come off, I've just plateaued. Hopefully the plateau will not last too long cause it is getting really frustrating!!! I'm hoping a lot of it is the stress of the half marathon. Maybe once it's done it will start coming off a little faster. That's my motivation to keep exercising after the race.
I can't believe it's tomorrow!!
I can't believe it's tomorrow!!
Weigh In!
I finally got into the new decade!! I lost 5lbs this week!! YAHOO!! My goal this week was just to maintain. With cutting down workouts I thought there was no way I was going to loose weight. So I really focused on eating this week. Dinner is usually were I go crazy!! This week I started eating a fruit before I eat dinner. And it really helped. On Wednesday when I weighed myself and I had lost 4lbs I was so excited. And I think the last pound was the stomach flu yesterday. And now I am also half way to my goal!!
I can't believe tomorrow we will be running the half marathon. My stomach still feels a little gross. I am hoping that I will be back to normal tomorrow.
I can't believe tomorrow we will be running the half marathon. My stomach still feels a little gross. I am hoping that I will be back to normal tomorrow.
There are no days on the clock now. Only a few hours until you guys leave for St. George. You guys have worked so hard and now all the work is about to pay off. Just think...after tomorrow you'll be able to relax a little!! Good luck ladies!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Cherry on Top
As everyone knows everyone in my house has had the stomach flu except for ME!! Until last night. I laid in bed last night and it hit me. NO!! I was up all night!! The last thing I need right is stomach flu. One more obstacle to get in the way! Gary was so sweet and stayed home from his first job to take care of the kids! So I stayed in bed all day today. I almost feel back to normal just a little groggy.
I would say I do agree with Sarah that Satan is standing in the way. And it doesn't make since why does he care if we run this race. But I thought about how much I have grown the past few months.
Confidence- I have more confidence in myself. I think that those stupid girls the other day 26lbs(I realize the trigger says 20, but we started before that) and 13 miles ago. I would have ignored those girls ran up the street turned the corner and started walking. I would have let those girls win.
Friendship- I have created or strengthen so many friendship. When you run together for 2 hours everything comes out! :)
Testimony- I know probably doesn't make since but when you are out there you just have to time to think. And I know my testimony as grown. I think of the hills as trials and sometimes you get assistance making up the hills but other times it seems like you are on your own.
My Calling- I think about the YW a lot when I run. I even download some of the songs they like just to see what they are in too. I would have to say every time I download one of these songs I think REALLY GIRLS!! Mostly Justin Beiber Not getting it but whatever!
Support- Today I got few phone calls just wishing me luck. And yesterday a friend came over and gave me Epsom salt with a cute poem. And Kim has been checking on us making sure we are ready. It has been nice not having to hear YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!!
So when I look at these things I totally understand why Satan is putting obstacles in front of us. But I know when we finish it will be our Happily Ever After! Something to take off our bucket list!
I would say I do agree with Sarah that Satan is standing in the way. And it doesn't make since why does he care if we run this race. But I thought about how much I have grown the past few months.
Confidence- I have more confidence in myself. I think that those stupid girls the other day 26lbs(I realize the trigger says 20, but we started before that) and 13 miles ago. I would have ignored those girls ran up the street turned the corner and started walking. I would have let those girls win.
Friendship- I have created or strengthen so many friendship. When you run together for 2 hours everything comes out! :)
Testimony- I know probably doesn't make since but when you are out there you just have to time to think. And I know my testimony as grown. I think of the hills as trials and sometimes you get assistance making up the hills but other times it seems like you are on your own.
My Calling- I think about the YW a lot when I run. I even download some of the songs they like just to see what they are in too. I would have to say every time I download one of these songs I think REALLY GIRLS!! Mostly Justin Beiber Not getting it but whatever!
Support- Today I got few phone calls just wishing me luck. And yesterday a friend came over and gave me Epsom salt with a cute poem. And Kim has been checking on us making sure we are ready. It has been nice not having to hear YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!!
So when I look at these things I totally understand why Satan is putting obstacles in front of us. But I know when we finish it will be our Happily Ever After! Something to take off our bucket list!
1 more day!!
One more day and your ladies weekend begins!! I'm so excited for you guys. I wish I could be there, but unfortunately my calling is keeping me here. I've got a few boys who need to get their arrows made for the award ceremony on Tuesday.
Good luck and don't get discouraged. You guys are gonna do GREAT!!
Good luck and don't get discouraged. You guys are gonna do GREAT!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sarah's midweek check in
Only a few more days?!?! Seriously. I can't believe it's actually here. I keep fluctuating between flipping out, being calm and not really believing it's coming, feeling confident, and being scared to death.
So here is the update on my leg. Monday's run made me really scared, today I ran 3 miles and it kinda hurt for the first mile, but not bad. After that it was fine. I didn't go as fast as I have before, but I didn't really want to push it too hard and hurt myself. That at least made me feel a little better about Sat. I'll rest tomorrow and just do a 1 - 2 mile walk on Friday to keep my muscles loose. I still limp, but it is getting better than it was.
My throat is on fire. I have such a sore throat. But a lot can happen in 3 days. It didn't really affect my running, but it is an annoyance.
I've been eating good this week, but I seem to be STARVING! all the time. I think it is emotional cravings.
I will also be doing my weigh in on Friday morning since I won't be here Sat. morning.
HOLY COW! It's getting close!!
So here is the update on my leg. Monday's run made me really scared, today I ran 3 miles and it kinda hurt for the first mile, but not bad. After that it was fine. I didn't go as fast as I have before, but I didn't really want to push it too hard and hurt myself. That at least made me feel a little better about Sat. I'll rest tomorrow and just do a 1 - 2 mile walk on Friday to keep my muscles loose. I still limp, but it is getting better than it was.
My throat is on fire. I have such a sore throat. But a lot can happen in 3 days. It didn't really affect my running, but it is an annoyance.
I've been eating good this week, but I seem to be STARVING! all the time. I think it is emotional cravings.
I will also be doing my weigh in on Friday morning since I won't be here Sat. morning.
HOLY COW! It's getting close!!
Mid Week Check In
The race is in two days! And everyone in my house has had the stomach flu! But me! I am just hoping I don't get it!! And if I must it comes today so I will feeling good by Saturday. Yeah a little worried about catching it the day we are going to Half Marathon. I will think positive.
A mid week check in
This week we have cut down the miles so I have watching what I am eating. And with everyone in my house having the stomach flu I would have to say nothing looks to appetizing! I also tried something new and if it works I will let you guys know what is going on. At this point I am just trying not to get sick but still be a great mom.
I also heard something interesting after you do a really good workout like our Saturday runs. It is normal to gain weight with in the next day or two because your muscle swell. Just some info!
I am going to weigh in on Friday. Because I won't be here on Saturday!
A mid week check in
This week we have cut down the miles so I have watching what I am eating. And with everyone in my house having the stomach flu I would have to say nothing looks to appetizing! I also tried something new and if it works I will let you guys know what is going on. At this point I am just trying not to get sick but still be a great mom.
I also heard something interesting after you do a really good workout like our Saturday runs. It is normal to gain weight with in the next day or two because your muscle swell. Just some info!
I am going to weigh in on Friday. Because I won't be here on Saturday!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
It happen!
Gary went to job #1 and felt terrible so he came home from work after job #1. So I thought oh good I can get a good run in! As I started my journey for my last long run before the race on Saturday. Gary warned me watch out for the High School students and I thought whatever. If only he would have warned me about the stupid junior high girls!!! It happen the thing we joke about what people are thinking as we run by. But today as I ran by a group of teenage girls they Pointed! YES pointed at me and laughed "look at her ha ha ha!" OH YES!! And with so much maturity I pulled my finger out and pointed right back and laughed at them. I know probally not the most mature thing but hey!
I would have to say I kind of second guess myself posting this blog. Because of my journey these stupid girls are the last things I want to remember or be remember by.
I would have to say I kind of second guess myself posting this blog. Because of my journey these stupid girls are the last things I want to remember or be remember by.
One more thing
My sweet sister sent me this great link by the General YW pres. after listening to me whine this morning.
She knew this was exactly what I needed to see. I love it for the story she tells, and the application that can be used in our half marathon this weekend, and in life. I think I'll be praying through the whole race. Enjoy. (I must be overly emotional today because I cried through the whole thing.)
She knew this was exactly what I needed to see. I love it for the story she tells, and the application that can be used in our half marathon this weekend, and in life. I think I'll be praying through the whole race. Enjoy. (I must be overly emotional today because I cried through the whole thing.)
Breaking Point
I'm so frustrated!! Actually, it's probably more accurate to say that I'm so IMPATIENT! I'm so sick of my leg hurting. I'm sick of limping everywhere. I don't know what else to do. I live on Ibuprofen. I slept with a frozen waterbottle on my sore leg last night. I'm stretching constantly. I guess I could go see a doctor, but really if it's a pulled muscle what could they do other than say, ice it, stretch it, and take ibuprofen. I ran 4 miles yesterday and it was hard. WHY is it hard to run 4 miles?? If that's hard then 13.1 is going to kill me! It seems like the closer the race gets the harder it is to run. I guess I should go a little easy on myself. I was pushing Rebecca in a stroller, and the first run of the week is usually a little harder than the others. I wanted to feel so confident right before the race and I think I was more confident a month ago than I am now! Now I'm just getting scared.
Then add to it, I've got sick kids. That just stresses me out anyway. But this morning I woke up with a cold. Great! Just what I want. To be limping and barely able to breathe, and coughing the whole 13.1 miles. Talk about obstacles. But I was thinking - is this Satan putting these obstacles in my way? Honestly, why would he care that I'm doing a half marathon? But he does want to ruin anyone feeling good about themselves right? I'm just going to try to stay positive that things will work out well. There is still 3 more days for my leg to get feeling better! Wow, that's not long!! I'm scared!
Then add to it, I've got sick kids. That just stresses me out anyway. But this morning I woke up with a cold. Great! Just what I want. To be limping and barely able to breathe, and coughing the whole 13.1 miles. Talk about obstacles. But I was thinking - is this Satan putting these obstacles in my way? Honestly, why would he care that I'm doing a half marathon? But he does want to ruin anyone feeling good about themselves right? I'm just going to try to stay positive that things will work out well. There is still 3 more days for my leg to get feeling better! Wow, that's not long!! I'm scared!
Advice and nothing going as plan!!
So this is the advice that I have gotten and how it is going!
Water- Check
Junk Food- None
Fast food- None
GU- Bought
Protein Bar- Bought
Soda- None- I may need some today to stay awake!
Working Out- WELL!! I am totally confused some people have told me to take it easy this week and others have told me to do a few miles before Wednesday! So Monday I woke up with a stomach ache so I only did a mile and half. Then Today I was going to run 5 miles. But that will most likely will not happen unless I want push all three kids in a stroller. Was supposed to get up early and do it. (more to come on that) Maybe tomorrow I will have to run like 3 miles! I don't know!! AHHH
SLEEP!- This I know I need Sunday night I ended up staying up way to late working on my personal blog. Did not go to bed till about midnight up and 5:45am to workout. Last night I was determined to go to bed on time!! I went upstairs at 9:30pm so I would be out by ten. Plan went well till 1:30am when Maylee woke up throwing up everywhere! Oh the joy! She was up from 1:30am-5:30am crying and rolling around in my bed. I guess Katelynn and Aiden decided to give her sour straws yesterday. To say the least I am so tired!!
I can't believe we are leaving on Friday!! I would have to say I am really nervous!
Water- Check
Junk Food- None
Fast food- None
GU- Bought
Protein Bar- Bought
Soda- None- I may need some today to stay awake!
Working Out- WELL!! I am totally confused some people have told me to take it easy this week and others have told me to do a few miles before Wednesday! So Monday I woke up with a stomach ache so I only did a mile and half. Then Today I was going to run 5 miles. But that will most likely will not happen unless I want push all three kids in a stroller. Was supposed to get up early and do it. (more to come on that) Maybe tomorrow I will have to run like 3 miles! I don't know!! AHHH
SLEEP!- This I know I need Sunday night I ended up staying up way to late working on my personal blog. Did not go to bed till about midnight up and 5:45am to workout. Last night I was determined to go to bed on time!! I went upstairs at 9:30pm so I would be out by ten. Plan went well till 1:30am when Maylee woke up throwing up everywhere! Oh the joy! She was up from 1:30am-5:30am crying and rolling around in my bed. I guess Katelynn and Aiden decided to give her sour straws yesterday. To say the least I am so tired!!
I can't believe we are leaving on Friday!! I would have to say I am really nervous!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
In the last days!!
I can't believe only 5 more days!! I would have to say I am really nervous. This week I want to take it easy, to give my body rest. But at the same time I do not want to loose my endurance. So I am scared to take it to easy and die Saturday. The plan right now is M 2 miles plus joining the group for normal stations. T I may do 1 to 2 miles or I may just do some strength training. W- I think another 2 miles. Thursday rest and for Friday a nice 2 mile walk. Is that a good plan?? I have no idea but I hope that works! Eating wise!! I am not going to eat out until Friday while traveling that way I don't have crap in my system and stay away from the soda. Also DRINK water!!!! Okay so in the last days I hope I am ready for this!! I have decided that I won't stop even I am barely running it doesn't matter!! I am not going to stop running!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Weigh in
What Kim no countdown today??? WELL GUESS WHAT!!!! I maintained I know big surprise. I pretty much want to throw the scale out the window!
One Week!!!
I just got back from my 5 mile run and it hurt more than the 12 last week. Sure after I feel MUCH better now than I did then. But during the run my hip/leg hurt the ENTIRE time. If anything it helped me to realize that I love ibuprofin! I was in such a rush this morning that I forgot to take any ibuprofin. I think it was that, plus the fact that I hardly slept last night because I was up with Sydney for most of the night. So my body was tired, and my legs were tired from running Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Friday. They didn't really have any time off to recharge. So, yes, it was a hard run today. But I did it. Hopefully next week won't be so bad. I know it will be hard, and long! 13.1 miles is a LONG way! And I know I'll be very sore afterwards. But I really would like to start the race feeling great.
I think I'm in a little bit of denial that it is actually a week away! HOLY COW! It doesn't quite seem real yet, but I think that's because I'm blocking it out in a way.
As far as my weigh in goes I lost 1 pound this week. I'm doubting I'll make my goal for the month of April. I knew it was a little high, but better to shoot for the stars right? So far this month I've only lost 1 1/2 pounds. A little frustrating, but at least it's in the right direction right? I should be taking measurements, but I haven't. Hopefully I'm gaining muscle at least.
I think I'm in a little bit of denial that it is actually a week away! HOLY COW! It doesn't quite seem real yet, but I think that's because I'm blocking it out in a way.
As far as my weigh in goes I lost 1 pound this week. I'm doubting I'll make my goal for the month of April. I knew it was a little high, but better to shoot for the stars right? So far this month I've only lost 1 1/2 pounds. A little frustrating, but at least it's in the right direction right? I should be taking measurements, but I haven't. Hopefully I'm gaining muscle at least.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Okay! So as Kim as nicely reminded us everyday this half marathon is coming!! Really quickly!! And I am getting a little nervous. I worry I am not ready. I know I am just psyching myself out. I just want to be able to run the whole thing. AHHH why must I stress out about everything! I am nearly in tears just thinking about this race. It just means a lot to me and I want to be able to do it... I know I need to have a positive attitude I just really want to be able to do run and feel good about it.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Late Midweek Check in
I'm late, but it still keeps me accountable. This week has gone pretty good if you subtract the nightly cry sessions about my poor leg. I don't cry so much because of the pain, but because of the frustration. I'm just frustrated that after 2 weeks it still hurts. I know it's my own doing too - like I mentioned before, I'm just crazy. The other night Jerry said, "You know, you don't HAVE to do the race. You know you'll be able to do it, why don't you just wait till you're all better then run it outside and just run 13.1 miles around?" That just made me cry more. (Why on earth do men have a hard time understanding women?) I know I don't HAVE to do the race. I could back out. But I really WANT to do the race. (Remind me I said that when I'm in the middle of the race.) I've been working towards this for the last 3 1/2 months. I could just run it around the streets here, but if I'm going to do it, I'd rather do it in an organized race and have the excitement of it. My leg is slowly healing. It feels so much better than it did on Sunday, so I just have to have faith and give it time to heal. I ran 4 miles today and it felt pretty good, and hasn't gotten worse since running. We were planning to run 8 miles on Saturday, but I'm going to cut back to 5 or 6 miles instead. It is important to condition the body and continue running, but it is also important to rest the body and let those muscles heal so that they can help me in the race.
I've finally lost 1/2 a pound this week. It took me several days to lose my "free day" weight. I've been a little frustrated with how my weight loss has slowed down the last couple weeks. It's probably been stress. I just need to chill out a little bit and things will work out.
I can't believe it's just over a week away. It doesn't really seem real. I'm sure it will get real very quickly as I get out there. Yikes!
I've finally lost 1/2 a pound this week. It took me several days to lose my "free day" weight. I've been a little frustrated with how my weight loss has slowed down the last couple weeks. It's probably been stress. I just need to chill out a little bit and things will work out.
I can't believe it's just over a week away. It doesn't really seem real. I'm sure it will get real very quickly as I get out there. Yikes!
A note for myself
Before trying to run 4 plus miles remember to eat breakfast!! So that maybe you will have a ounce of energy!! Okay just a side note for next run.. A little late for a mid week check in. Yesterday we did some arm exercise in the park. It felt so good to do something other than RUNNING! I was kind of excited to have something other than my legs hurting. Then today I just got back from running 4 miles. And I have also decided I like doing the long run on Thursday. Because M,W, & F I work out with Marlo, Monta, Kim, and Monica so it is easy going knowing they are there. Then T and Th knowing that it is all on me WELL sometimes other things get in the way. So I like this! I am still hoping that I finally loose the pound that puts me in a new decade this week. We will see in two days.................
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
9 DAYS!!!!
I've decided that we can forget about the counter sitting at the top of the page. I will be your counter!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
February 13th
What does Feb. 13th mean to me. Well it is day before Valentines Day. February 13, 2009 is the day I quit my job to stay home. February 13 could also be Friday the 13th. But this February is February 13, 2010. This is the day that I got in this decade!! That is right after waisting way to much time and searching through blogs. I have figured out that is how long I have been in this weight decade! Two long very long months!! Pretty ironic that today is the day that I decide to research this making it exactly 2 months! This better be the last week of this decade or I may go crazy!!! I can not believe only 10 more days!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Every part of my body hurts so bad!! Parts of my body I did not even know I had hurt. To say the least that the 12 miles hurt!! As I laid in bed today trying to fall asleep, but in to much pain to fall asleep I thought WHY are doing this!?? Why I think is we are to close not to go though. To prove that we can do it? For ourselves, we are stubborn, and we are just crazy!!
Weigh in wise!?? I thought since last week I gained a pound I thought I would have a easy 2lbs gone. Then Marlo cut my hair so like 20lbs right?? But no I only lost one pound!! I am destined to never get to the next weight decade! I have just been on the fence for a month now. I am well done with this weight! So hopefully this week I can break through this decade and into the new one. Well see!!
Weigh in wise!?? I thought since last week I gained a pound I thought I would have a easy 2lbs gone. Then Marlo cut my hair so like 20lbs right?? But no I only lost one pound!! I am destined to never get to the next weight decade! I have just been on the fence for a month now. I am well done with this weight! So hopefully this week I can break through this decade and into the new one. Well see!!
Top Ten Signs Sarah is Crazy!!
10 - I'm bummed that I only lost 1/2 a pound this week. Yet, I've been losing consistently. I'm just a crazy whiner.
9 - I can barely walk, yet I still go out and run 5 - 12 miles. Crazy
8 - I voluntarily wake up before the sun on a Saturday morning to go run. Crazy!
7 - I run for over two hours on Saturdays. Crazy
6 - I get a brand new pair of shoes and decide to wear them for the first time on a 12 mile run.
5 - I get fascinated just by looking at the tread of my old pair of shoes next to the new pair.
4 - Even when it was pouring rain outside we still ran over 6 miles. Crazy
3 - I'm actually excited that next week we ONLY have to run 8 miles on Saturday.
2 - I'll stay up too late just trying on clothes from my closet to see if they fit any better than they did 2 weeks ago.
And the number 1 sign that I am CRAZY...
1 - I'm voluntarily running a half marathon in 2 weeks and even a little excited about it! CRAZY!!
9 - I can barely walk, yet I still go out and run 5 - 12 miles. Crazy
8 - I voluntarily wake up before the sun on a Saturday morning to go run. Crazy!
7 - I run for over two hours on Saturdays. Crazy
6 - I get a brand new pair of shoes and decide to wear them for the first time on a 12 mile run.
5 - I get fascinated just by looking at the tread of my old pair of shoes next to the new pair.
4 - Even when it was pouring rain outside we still ran over 6 miles. Crazy
3 - I'm actually excited that next week we ONLY have to run 8 miles on Saturday.
2 - I'll stay up too late just trying on clothes from my closet to see if they fit any better than they did 2 weeks ago.
And the number 1 sign that I am CRAZY...
1 - I'm voluntarily running a half marathon in 2 weeks and even a little excited about it! CRAZY!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Kim's Weigh-in
Okay, so I never updated my ticker because I was lazy. Over the past two months I have fluctuated between my start weight and the pounds I had lost. At one point I was back to my start weight and did not gain or lose anything for weeks. Stress and depression had a lot to do with it. While there has been a lot of stress and changes this week I have managed to lose 5 lbs, putting me one pound less than my last weight on the ticker. Honestly though, it is because I have felt sick about a lot of stuff going on. I have had no appetite and have had to force myself to eat. All is well, and my goal now is to just keep it off...maybe even lose more. hahaha!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
13 reasons
Whenever my kids turn a age or Gary and I celebrate a anniversary. We always list that many things we love about them. So 13 reason why I love running. Can I come up with 13 reasons why I love running. Well lets see! :)
1. loosing weight
2. Confidence
3. Friendship
4. Smaller clothes
5. Korina Time
6. I enjoy it(when its under a hour) :)
7. I get to listen to music
8. knowing that I can run with my kids.
getting tough!
9. Oh wait getting tough is a good reason!
10. getting to know my neighborhood better
11. Conversation with friends
12. knowing I can do anything!
13. Being Healthy.
WOW now just in 2 and half weeks I have to be able to run the full 13.1 miles! Who would have thought that just on Halloween Marlo was encouraging me that I could run half a mile now 6 months later 13.1 miles! Yahoo!
1. loosing weight
2. Confidence
3. Friendship
4. Smaller clothes
5. Korina Time
6. I enjoy it(when its under a hour) :)
7. I get to listen to music
8. knowing that I can run with my kids.
getting tough!
9. Oh wait getting tough is a good reason!
10. getting to know my neighborhood better
11. Conversation with friends
12. knowing I can do anything!
13. Being Healthy.
WOW now just in 2 and half weeks I have to be able to run the full 13.1 miles! Who would have thought that just on Halloween Marlo was encouraging me that I could run half a mile now 6 months later 13.1 miles! Yahoo!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sarah's midweek check in = frustration
Ok, so the title makes it seem a little worse than it is, but I am a little frustrated. It's all my own fault. I PIGGED out all last weekend and the weekend before. I guess I can't expect to eat bad 3 days of the week, and good for 4 and lose weight. In my defense it was Easter weekend & Conference weekend. It's just frustrating that I still haven't reached my weight from last weigh in. I'm close, and hopefully I'll be there tomorrow morning.
My leg is still hurting, but it is getting better. I didn't run yesterday, but I did do weights and added some gluts & hamstring workouts. After running 5 miles today I thought I would be SUPER sore, but after icing and stretching it isn't any worse than it was before the run. That is good news.
I have NOT been getting enough sleep. I really need to do better on that.
So as for the other updates. I ordered new shoes from the same store I bought the current ones at. It was up in Utah and I had my feet analyzed. The great news is that he sold me last years model & only charged $5 for shipping, so the total was only around $65. That is much better than I had been anticipating. I also went on Monday to get another cortisone shot in my heel. Overall I feel like my foot hasn't been hurting as bad lately, but after the run last Saturday it was in pain. I figured it would be good to get a shot so that I wouldn't have to deal with any unnecesary pain - I'm sure I'll have enough other pain to deal with.
I also can't believe how fast the half marathon is coming. After this weekend it is going to be SO close!
My leg is still hurting, but it is getting better. I didn't run yesterday, but I did do weights and added some gluts & hamstring workouts. After running 5 miles today I thought I would be SUPER sore, but after icing and stretching it isn't any worse than it was before the run. That is good news.
I have NOT been getting enough sleep. I really need to do better on that.
So as for the other updates. I ordered new shoes from the same store I bought the current ones at. It was up in Utah and I had my feet analyzed. The great news is that he sold me last years model & only charged $5 for shipping, so the total was only around $65. That is much better than I had been anticipating. I also went on Monday to get another cortisone shot in my heel. Overall I feel like my foot hasn't been hurting as bad lately, but after the run last Saturday it was in pain. I figured it would be good to get a shot so that I wouldn't have to deal with any unnecesary pain - I'm sure I'll have enough other pain to deal with.
I also can't believe how fast the half marathon is coming. After this weekend it is going to be SO close!
Mid week check in
Monday I went out running and realized that my knee was bugging my a lot more than I thought. So Tuesday I did not run, just to give my knee time to rest. But today Sarah and I took turns running our 5 miles. Sarah let me use her cool watch, that tells you your pace, time and distance. It is just really cool! It was kind of fun and a little addicting I kept looking. But it was nice, because I realized that I get to thinking and all of sudden I am going super slow. Then I have to be no no speed up. And I have always hated the first mile. I have always felt like my first mile was my slowest. I did not understand how that was possible because I am refresh and full of energy. So it seems to me it should be my fastest. But my knees, ankles, shins, body and yeah just about everything hurts. So today by using Sarah's watch it is by far my slowest mile. Then after that my body is numb and warmed up.
Eating- Breakfast, lunch and snack great! I don't think I am good cook, but I must be due to the fact that for dinner I go crazy and can't stop eating!! So that is what I need to work on!
Weight- I am finally back to pre cheat day weight. Sad it takes half the week to burn the calories in one day.
Well 3 more days to go I can do it!
Also I can't believe how fast the half marathon is coming. Right around the corner!!
Eating- Breakfast, lunch and snack great! I don't think I am good cook, but I must be due to the fact that for dinner I go crazy and can't stop eating!! So that is what I need to work on!
Weight- I am finally back to pre cheat day weight. Sad it takes half the week to burn the calories in one day.
Well 3 more days to go I can do it!
Also I can't believe how fast the half marathon is coming. Right around the corner!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
To the Schedule keeper
Sarah check out this site!
Sarah check out this site!
April's Goals
I am having a hard time coming up with goals this month!
Weight wise: I would love to loose 11 pounds by the end of April. But is that really realistic! NOPE!! So I guess a more realistic goal would be 5lbs.
Workout: Continue following the training schedule, but I could really use some more strength training. I was also thinking once I finish the half marathon is to follow the schedule backwards. Or I may start training for a triathlon.
Eating: Just keep eating better!
Sleep: I could really use more of that!! Maybe I will also try lights out 10pm
Half Marathon goal: Well first is to be able to run the whole thing!! My goal is to do every 4 miles in one hour so I guess that would be 3 hours and 15mins to finish the half marathon. But as long as I finish I will be happy with myself!!
Weight wise: I would love to loose 11 pounds by the end of April. But is that really realistic! NOPE!! So I guess a more realistic goal would be 5lbs.
Workout: Continue following the training schedule, but I could really use some more strength training. I was also thinking once I finish the half marathon is to follow the schedule backwards. Or I may start training for a triathlon.
Eating: Just keep eating better!
Sleep: I could really use more of that!! Maybe I will also try lights out 10pm
Half Marathon goal: Well first is to be able to run the whole thing!! My goal is to do every 4 miles in one hour so I guess that would be 3 hours and 15mins to finish the half marathon. But as long as I finish I will be happy with myself!!
New Goals for a New Month
Now that it is a new month I thought I'd make a couple goals for this month. As far as weight goes, I'd like to be down another 9 lbs by May 1st. That would be a total of 47 lbs. I know it's going to get harder and harder the more we go, but hopefully I can do it. If I eat every weekend like I did this last weekend it won't happen.
Sleep!! I still need to be getting more sleep. I'm going to have to make a rule that I can't turn on the tv or computer after 10:00, that's when I get sucked in to watching a show, or blogstalking.
Strength Training. I've been doing strength training all along. At least 2 days a week I've been lifting weights, but I've been focusing on my upper body. I want to add to that and work on my lower body. I guess I had been assuming that the running was pretty much taking care of that. The running definitely does work those muscles - boy does it. But as I was reading about my poor hip problem one of the suggested ways to help was to do work on the hamstrings and gluts. I still have more than enough flab to work off in those areas. I have had problems with my knees in the past, that is why I avoided doing the squats and lunges, but my knees have not been hurting as much so I'm going to start adding lunges.
Another goal is to run the whole half marathon, and I'd like to complete it in at least 2 hr 40 min.
Probably the biggest goal that I'm going to work on this month - next to the 1/2 marathon of course, is that the Monday after the 1/2 marathon I want to exercise. I have a HUGE fear that once my motivation for the half marathon is gone I will lose this motivation and end up where I was before. So if my body is too sore to run, I will walk 1 mile, or if it is too sore for that I will do some strength training and run on Tuesday. I really want to keep up on running and exercising after the race. Then maybe I can add more stuff like swimming or biking.
Sleep!! I still need to be getting more sleep. I'm going to have to make a rule that I can't turn on the tv or computer after 10:00, that's when I get sucked in to watching a show, or blogstalking.
Strength Training. I've been doing strength training all along. At least 2 days a week I've been lifting weights, but I've been focusing on my upper body. I want to add to that and work on my lower body. I guess I had been assuming that the running was pretty much taking care of that. The running definitely does work those muscles - boy does it. But as I was reading about my poor hip problem one of the suggested ways to help was to do work on the hamstrings and gluts. I still have more than enough flab to work off in those areas. I have had problems with my knees in the past, that is why I avoided doing the squats and lunges, but my knees have not been hurting as much so I'm going to start adding lunges.
Another goal is to run the whole half marathon, and I'd like to complete it in at least 2 hr 40 min.
Probably the biggest goal that I'm going to work on this month - next to the 1/2 marathon of course, is that the Monday after the 1/2 marathon I want to exercise. I have a HUGE fear that once my motivation for the half marathon is gone I will lose this motivation and end up where I was before. So if my body is too sore to run, I will walk 1 mile, or if it is too sore for that I will do some strength training and run on Tuesday. I really want to keep up on running and exercising after the race. Then maybe I can add more stuff like swimming or biking.
My Poor knee!
Well today I got payback from making fun of Sarah on Saturday for being gimpy! My knee hurt this morning as I limped around the track this morning getting my run for the day done. Poor Kim was probably thinking come on slow poke!! I am going to ice it today. And I may use tomorrow as my off day just to give it rest. Who knows All I know is it hurts. But it is pain that I can endure through if I can have three kids I can run with a little pain! :)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Challenges and Rewards
I liked Korina's idea of posting our challenges that we've faced getting ready for this half marathon and our journey so far with getting fit. I know we are still 3 weeks away from the half - wait, in 3 weeks it will be done!!! YAY! Anyway, we aren't there yet, but still we've experience much on this journey so far.
I'm going to start with the challenges:
* Plantar Fasciitis. I had this before we even started our journey, but with the running it got worse and more noticeable. I got cortisone shots a couple months ago and it was amazing to wake up in the morning and have to hobble for those first several steps because of the pain. The cortisone shots wore off and the pain is back, but on the bright side it isn't as bad as it was before. It could be because I'm lighter so it's not so much weight bearing down on the heel, it could also be because I've been really concentrating on icing and stretching it.
* Pain in my right knee. This was about a month ago and for about a week my right knee just hurt every time I ran. It wasn't so bad when I wasn't exercising, but running hurt.
* Stressed hip flexors. I'm not quite sure if this is what it is, but after a lot of reading I've diagnosed myself with this. This has by far been the most painful of the challenges. It's also the most frustrating because it's what I'm experiencing right now, and we are SO close to the race. I can't take any time off from training to heal. I really think getting new shoes will help a ton, and I have been icing and stretching a TON, and it helps so much. But for the last week and especially yesterday I was just hobbling around like an old lady. It also hurts the very first few steps, until it gets stretched out a bit. Pray for me to be able to heal from this one before the race.
* Loss of sleep. The last several Friday nights I haven't been able to sleep because I've been so nervous about the run in the morning. Then, I feel like part of my Saturday is gone because I get home and I'm so tired and sore I have to take a couple hours to recover. But still it's worth it.
* Blisters and Rash. Like Korina I've gotten a few blisters on my feet, and just this last run I got that same rash at my bra line.
Now, for the Rewards:
* Weight loss! I've lost 38 lbs so far!! Wahoo!!!
* Improved confidence. I saw my sister-in-law this last weekend and she was complimenting me on my progress and she gave me such a good compliment. She said that she could see a difference in the way I held myself, and that she could see more confidence in me and my countenance as well. Honestly, I NEVER thought I'd be able to run 11 miles and I've done it. I haven't done the 13 yet, but I know I'll be able to. (If my hip cooperates) To accomplish something that you didn't think you could do is such a confidence booster. It is also such a good feeling to have Jerry compliment me on how amazed he is that I'm doing this.
* More active lifestyle & mom. When we went to Disneyland Hayden and I were going on a ride together. He was excited and started to run. At first I did what I usually do. Hold back thinking I didn't have the energy to run up the ramp, or thinking uh, that will hurt my knees. But then I started walking fast, and before I knew it I was running with him to the ride and it was fun. In that small moment I noticed a difference in my life. I could be more active. My knees didn't hurt. And it was fun just running with my son.
So, I'm not done with my fitness journey when we finish the half marathon, but this has been something that has been a real challenge in itself, but so very worth it.
(Remind me that I said that as I'm running the half marathon!)
I'm going to start with the challenges:
* Plantar Fasciitis. I had this before we even started our journey, but with the running it got worse and more noticeable. I got cortisone shots a couple months ago and it was amazing to wake up in the morning and have to hobble for those first several steps because of the pain. The cortisone shots wore off and the pain is back, but on the bright side it isn't as bad as it was before. It could be because I'm lighter so it's not so much weight bearing down on the heel, it could also be because I've been really concentrating on icing and stretching it.
* Pain in my right knee. This was about a month ago and for about a week my right knee just hurt every time I ran. It wasn't so bad when I wasn't exercising, but running hurt.
* Stressed hip flexors. I'm not quite sure if this is what it is, but after a lot of reading I've diagnosed myself with this. This has by far been the most painful of the challenges. It's also the most frustrating because it's what I'm experiencing right now, and we are SO close to the race. I can't take any time off from training to heal. I really think getting new shoes will help a ton, and I have been icing and stretching a TON, and it helps so much. But for the last week and especially yesterday I was just hobbling around like an old lady. It also hurts the very first few steps, until it gets stretched out a bit. Pray for me to be able to heal from this one before the race.
* Loss of sleep. The last several Friday nights I haven't been able to sleep because I've been so nervous about the run in the morning. Then, I feel like part of my Saturday is gone because I get home and I'm so tired and sore I have to take a couple hours to recover. But still it's worth it.
* Blisters and Rash. Like Korina I've gotten a few blisters on my feet, and just this last run I got that same rash at my bra line.
Now, for the Rewards:
* Weight loss! I've lost 38 lbs so far!! Wahoo!!!
* Improved confidence. I saw my sister-in-law this last weekend and she was complimenting me on my progress and she gave me such a good compliment. She said that she could see a difference in the way I held myself, and that she could see more confidence in me and my countenance as well. Honestly, I NEVER thought I'd be able to run 11 miles and I've done it. I haven't done the 13 yet, but I know I'll be able to. (If my hip cooperates) To accomplish something that you didn't think you could do is such a confidence booster. It is also such a good feeling to have Jerry compliment me on how amazed he is that I'm doing this.
* More active lifestyle & mom. When we went to Disneyland Hayden and I were going on a ride together. He was excited and started to run. At first I did what I usually do. Hold back thinking I didn't have the energy to run up the ramp, or thinking uh, that will hurt my knees. But then I started walking fast, and before I knew it I was running with him to the ride and it was fun. In that small moment I noticed a difference in my life. I could be more active. My knees didn't hurt. And it was fun just running with my son.
So, I'm not done with my fitness journey when we finish the half marathon, but this has been something that has been a real challenge in itself, but so very worth it.
(Remind me that I said that as I'm running the half marathon!)
Question for you - I need your opinions
I've decided to go and get some new shoes tomorrow. I was looking at my running shoes and HOLY COW!!! They are totally worn down. There is no tread at all on the ball of my foot, and the heal is all creased/wrinkled indicating too much wear. I did a lot of reading and figure it's best to get them now and work them in before the race, rather than right before. Hopefully they will make a difference on my hips as well.
So - here's the question, do I go to Fleet Feet, or somewhere else that checks your walk, etc and buy shoes there. (Easily spending at least $90)
OR do I go to the sale at Big 5 tomorrow and they have New Balance shoes on sale regularly $90, on sale for $49. I have had my feet analyzed, but unfortunately it was about a year ago and I can't remember everything he said, but from what I remember and looking at the post that Korina posted here, New Balance shoes are a shoe type that fits my foot/walk description. I have to be money conscious, but at the same time I don't want to jeopardize the health of my feet and legs by saving a buck on shoes. I'm not just wanting shoes for the half, I plan to continue running after the half marathon and I want to have shoes that are good for me.
What do you think? What would you do??
So - here's the question, do I go to Fleet Feet, or somewhere else that checks your walk, etc and buy shoes there. (Easily spending at least $90)
OR do I go to the sale at Big 5 tomorrow and they have New Balance shoes on sale regularly $90, on sale for $49. I have had my feet analyzed, but unfortunately it was about a year ago and I can't remember everything he said, but from what I remember and looking at the post that Korina posted here, New Balance shoes are a shoe type that fits my foot/walk description. I have to be money conscious, but at the same time I don't want to jeopardize the health of my feet and legs by saving a buck on shoes. I'm not just wanting shoes for the half, I plan to continue running after the half marathon and I want to have shoes that are good for me.
What do you think? What would you do??
A Tale of Woe...
Okay guys, you have probably been wondering why I have not posted. Well, I don't really have a good reason, other than I don't really like myself right now. As you know, I am having to work through some very tough issues, and feelings, and I'm not doing very good at "working through it". In the process my depression has made it easy for me to make excuses as to why I'm not exercising. After a long talk with my hubby I've decided to change my way of thinking RIGHT NOW. No matter how down I am feeling, or how tired I think I am, I'm going to get my booty out of bed and exercise because eventually I will feel good again.
I don't want to look back on this time and think, "Wow, I let her get to me that much". I want to look back and say, "See, despite how I was feeling I was able to accomplish a lot."
You guys have heard my story and know many of the details, but what you did not know is how depressed everything has made me. This is how Satan wants me to feel and I can't let him win. This situation has made me realize I am an emotional eater so not only am I depressed about my family situation, but now I feel horrible about myself because of my weight. Again, I WILL NOT LET HIM WIN. So ladies...unless I have a really good reason I will be out there. I have Skyler kicking my butt to make me do so. He wants to lose weight and if I don't cook him good meals and make proper food that won't happen for either of us.
I don't want to look back on this time and think, "Wow, I let her get to me that much". I want to look back and say, "See, despite how I was feeling I was able to accomplish a lot."
You guys have heard my story and know many of the details, but what you did not know is how depressed everything has made me. This is how Satan wants me to feel and I can't let him win. This situation has made me realize I am an emotional eater so not only am I depressed about my family situation, but now I feel horrible about myself because of my weight. Again, I WILL NOT LET HIM WIN. So ladies...unless I have a really good reason I will be out there. I have Skyler kicking my butt to make me do so. He wants to lose weight and if I don't cook him good meals and make proper food that won't happen for either of us.
My Happily Ever After Adversities
Would the marathon runner feel the triumph of finishing the race had she not felt the pain of the hours of pushing against her limits? (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
General Young Women Broadcast President Uchtdorf gave a talk he spoke about Fairy tales and like in life every fairy tale has to endure adversities to get to their happily ever after. Here is the talk if you would like to read it.,4945,2298-1-426-41,00.html.
General Young Women Broadcast President Uchtdorf gave a talk he spoke about Fairy tales and like in life every fairy tale has to endure adversities to get to their happily ever after. Here is the talk if you would like to read it.,4945,2298-1-426-41,00.html.
Last night as I sat on the couch with ice on both knees I thought about this talk. At times I think we are crazy for putting ourselves though so much pain. Mostly yesterday has Sarah limped running down the street determined to do it. And yes even being a gimpy she still beat me by a hour! :) But when I finish and look back it will be worth every ache. I have learned a lot about myself, I know I am not done yet, but it is getting close!
So I am not complaining!! I repeat I am not complaining. But I plan on doing more half marathons so I want to be able to look back and know if my aches are normal. So I wanted to write down the aches I have had since starting...
back: when I first started with new shoes this is now gone
Arches: Again gone with my new shoes
Shin Splits: Still bugs me mostly the first mile.
knees: the front of my knees hurt. And the back of my right knee hurts so bad. While I am running and mostly the next day! OUCH!! I am in pain right now should probably be icing it! The pain goes from the back of my knee all the way to my toes.
Blisters: I have a blister at the tip of some of my toes. Which is probably my socks.
Heat Rashes: I get these everywhere my clothes rub. On my arm from my MP3 player holder. The worst heat rash and this may be TMI but my sports bra leaves one on the bottom of my chest talk about pain!!
Ankles: My ankles are really tender for a few days after I run and swollen.
Well that is all I can come up with right now. I have had my issues, but I still feel blessed they are pains I can work through. I have not had to go to the doctor like Kim and Sarah they are things that I can just ice to get over. Plus as the weight comes off I will not be putting as much stress on my body which means less pain!! I am getting excited the race is less then a month away!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Flash back!
Okay so I was thinking during Conference that last Conference while Gary went to Priesthood session I took the stroller and walked the kids to the park probably 1.5miles total. I was so proud and tired and thought I was crazy for taking my three kids all the way to the park. Just yesterday I went out for a two mile run and then walked a extra mile while pushing a stroller. Man has things changed! Then today instead of walking 1.5miles like last year I woke running 11 miles! I am so proud of us! Sometimes I get so sick of running mostly when we are out there for 2 plus hours, but what a awesome accomplishment.
Sarah's weigh in
Now that I'm feeling a little more like myself I can post. Today's run really took it out of me - literally. Don't want to be too graphic, but the toilet and I were good buddies when I got home, for a while. I wasn't even as nervous this morning as I was last week, but it seemed harder. After the 11 miles I walked another 1/2 mile to cool down, and felt fine. But an hour later I was honestly questioning how on earth I'm going to be able to run 2 more miles. I'm sure my sore hip is a big reason. Marlo says it's my hip flexor (sp) and that it most likely hurts because I need new shoes. They are pretty old. I got them last May, and I wear them not only for running, but everyday use too. Here is the question. Do I get new shoes now? Or wait till closer to the race. I know it takes a bit to work in the new shoes, and I really don't want to be sore during the race. But Marlo was saying that you don't get sore till about 2 weeks after getting new shoes, that's when your shins start hurting because of the weight distribution being different. She thinks I should get them the week before the race. And the biggest factor is money. It isn't in the budget right now, but I don't want to get a cheapo pair and have it do more damage. But whenever I walk I feel like such a gimp/ old lady hobbling around. And Korina can attest to the fact that I look funny when I run too. :) It loosens up after a mile, but then it is SORE the whole rest of the week. I can't handle this pain for another 3 + weeks. Anyway, not to go on and on, but it is just a little frustrating.
So as for the weigh in, I'm taking Friday morning's weight again this week because I couldn't resist the yummy cake and ice cream at a family party last night. So I lost 3 pounds!! I'm so excited. I don't have the best healthy intentions this weekend. It is Easter, plus conference weekend, so wish me luck. But I was so sick this morning that I didn't feel like eating anything - when in fact that was probably my problem. I needed fuel.
Now that it is a new month I should probably make new goals, but I'm going to save that for my next post. I am very happy that I reached my weight goal for March. So I'm going to give it some thought and let you in on my April goals a little later.
So as for the weigh in, I'm taking Friday morning's weight again this week because I couldn't resist the yummy cake and ice cream at a family party last night. So I lost 3 pounds!! I'm so excited. I don't have the best healthy intentions this weekend. It is Easter, plus conference weekend, so wish me luck. But I was so sick this morning that I didn't feel like eating anything - when in fact that was probably my problem. I needed fuel.
Now that it is a new month I should probably make new goals, but I'm going to save that for my next post. I am very happy that I reached my weight goal for March. So I'm going to give it some thought and let you in on my April goals a little later.
11 miles, weigh in, and question
Well it finally happened I gained 1 pound this week. To be honest I can't be to upset for the fact that I ate terrible this week. I probably deserved to gain like 10lbs or so. I will just be happy with 1 pound. I am sure after the run that I did this morning it is gone!!
Well for the 2nd 11 mile run! I woke up feeling terrible!! All the crap I ate this week finally caught up to me and I woke up with such a sour tummy. I ate my protein bar feeling like I wanted to throw it up! (Sorry a little to much info) But it was not a good morning. Well we started and I started slow. Then three miles into it I realized instead focusing on miles I decided to focus on my time. So I gave myself mini goals to get here in this amount time and so on. And then when I got half way done I took a GU energy gel. I think it would taste better if it was colder but it was kind of warm. So not the most tasty thing ever. And at first it made me really tired I thought I was going to fall asleep. But I slowly felt it come on and even now I still have energy and feel good. And last week I wanted to die!! I also wish it had pain killer in it or maybe Lortab so I could not feel anything. Just thought okay back to the run. After I took the GU Monta joined me and we ran the remainder together. Our time was better than last week! And I actually have energy. I have not decided what I am going to do next week, we are supposed to do 12 miles the only thing is I have to be back by 8am. I may do a 8 miles instead, because I really do not think I can leave at 5am let alone wake up at 4:30am. So we will see what next week brings.
So I bought some running shorts in the sport section, but here is the problem they are uncomfortable and again TMI but they crawl up the whole time I am running and drives me crazy. I rather wear my baggy sweats then something that crawls up the whole time. Anyone have any good idea on running shorts. I like Montas' so I may try to find some like hers. They are a little longer but really light. Any advice before the race??
Well for the 2nd 11 mile run! I woke up feeling terrible!! All the crap I ate this week finally caught up to me and I woke up with such a sour tummy. I ate my protein bar feeling like I wanted to throw it up! (Sorry a little to much info) But it was not a good morning. Well we started and I started slow. Then three miles into it I realized instead focusing on miles I decided to focus on my time. So I gave myself mini goals to get here in this amount time and so on. And then when I got half way done I took a GU energy gel. I think it would taste better if it was colder but it was kind of warm. So not the most tasty thing ever. And at first it made me really tired I thought I was going to fall asleep. But I slowly felt it come on and even now I still have energy and feel good. And last week I wanted to die!! I also wish it had pain killer in it or maybe Lortab so I could not feel anything. Just thought okay back to the run. After I took the GU Monta joined me and we ran the remainder together. Our time was better than last week! And I actually have energy. I have not decided what I am going to do next week, we are supposed to do 12 miles the only thing is I have to be back by 8am. I may do a 8 miles instead, because I really do not think I can leave at 5am let alone wake up at 4:30am. So we will see what next week brings.
So I bought some running shorts in the sport section, but here is the problem they are uncomfortable and again TMI but they crawl up the whole time I am running and drives me crazy. I rather wear my baggy sweats then something that crawls up the whole time. Anyone have any good idea on running shorts. I like Montas' so I may try to find some like hers. They are a little longer but really light. Any advice before the race??
Friday, April 2, 2010

As far as price - usually healthy things cost more, but honestly, Jerry is more of a penny pincher than I am when it comes to groceries, and he's the one that bought it. So I don't know how much it was, but it couldn't have been too much more than regular micro. popcorn.
So there is my advertisement for Jolly Time, Healthy Pop popcorn. They should pay me.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
One last blog!
Sick of hearing from me yet! But I wanted to share a fun site! I just started it last week. Every time you walk or run you log it and it shows you running around Nevada! I am right now in Boulder City!
Gary has had a week off of both jobs! So that means vacation right!???? I decided last week that I was going to enjoy sleeping in, but I had to work out still during the day! And I did accomplish that!! But now for the eating!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Saturday was Aiden's family Birthday Party. And we made these yummy candy treats and pizza! So by Monday I was 5lbs heavier! YUP!! So Monday I worked my butt off and on Tuesday I lost the 5lbs! YEAH! Until we decided to go to a buffet! So three pounds heavier on Wed. Then Wednesday morning Sarah and I ran 5 miles so a bonus worked off the weight!! YIPPEE but then it was mutual so I made brownies and I looked over and saw my 3 year old sticking his hands in the brownies! So I made a stop and Fresh and Easy and got some more treats. So at Mutual I had one sugar cookie, but then I came home and had 1 brownie okay 2 brownies!! So terrible. Then Thursday we went to the Adventure dome and ate out for lunch. So to say the least I am really worried about the weigh in on Saturday. I think for the first time I am going to gain weight on a weigh in!!
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