Saturday, July 17, 2010

One of those days....

I swear something has to give!!! Do you ever have a day when you're so tired of trying you just want to give up? That is me this week. I have cried, I have tried, I have stressed, I have worried, I have gotten angry....the funny thing is that it was only partly about weight loss. I cannot seem to catch a break in ANY facet of my life. Its just trial after trial, stress after stress, and one whiny, disobediant kid after another.

Anyway, I was watching The Doctors this week and one of the shows was about weight gain and stress. Oh my goodness!! That show described my life! That was the day I broke down and cried. Stress causes a hormone imbalance that WILL prevent you from losing weight or even cause you to gain. We all knew this, right?? I did anyway. Well, it seems my life has been nothing but stressful since the end of January so I've decided in the coming months things are going to give because I've had it.

Again, no weightloss this week. I am still in my 3-5 lbs fluctuation. Although, this week I sort of gave in to my emotions and gave up...except the exercising. I couldn't give that up because it helps to tame my temper. I have had such a bad temper lately that my mom came over to figure out what my problem is. She left me with some vitamins and made sure I took them. She's been calling me every morning to make sure I continue taking them too. I must be really bad, right? Once I do take them and they kick in, I can tell they help.

Sometimes I wish I could be happy no matter what like you guys and Maria. It seems no matter what crosses you guys you are able to control your emotions and get through it and still be happy. Unfortunately that is not me. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve and somehow I've got to figure out how to be happy no matter what happens. Afterall, what is life without trials. Growth comes in all forms and mine just happens to be in my waistline....LOL...that was a joke. =) Really though, I do believe this weightloss thing is a trial for me. I have to learn to love myself no matter what size I am. I love me, I just don't love what I see in the mirror and that mind frame needs to change.


  1. Stress stinks! Trust me I know!!! I hope the vitamins work. And there are plenty of days where I lock myself in my house!!

  2. I've heard that about stress. I'm sorry! Believe me, I'm not happy all the time - you can ask my kids! But exercising does help me to get rid of stress, it produces those good endorphins. Why is it when we're stressed working out is the very last thing we have the desire to do?
