Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kim's Mid-week Report

Monday - no exercise.
I fully intended on exercising, but the world was against me. No sleep the night before, family home evening, dinner.... after all that I was going to work out, but unfortunately I totally forgot I had to go to the church to meet the decorators for my sister's wedding which kept me out until 9:30! On the plus side...I was not totally stagnant the whole day, there were a lot of chores to do.

Tuesday - intentionally decided to wake up at my normal time....stupid me. I thought after Skyler got home from work I could have dinner ready and be out the door by six. No such luck! The boys were not cooperating so I ended up finishing dinner at 6 and then by the time I got done cleaning the kitchen I decided the boys needed haircuts. I got 4 out of 5 heads done, but no exercise. Plus side.... I was up and down the stairs a lot because I was cleaning most of the day.

Wednesday - too early to tell. =)

My goal is to get to 218 by Friday. Right now I'm sitting at 222 so I'm down 2 lbs without exercising. I think I'd be down a little more if I could stay away from the banana bread. I find myself catching a nibble here and there because it is SO GOOD! I need to work on drinking more water. I get so busy I forget to do it. Skyler gave me the riot act this morning because I'm not exercising. He said if my evenings are too busy he's going to have to get nazi crazy on me and wake me up whether I like it or not.

He's not saying that to be mean...he just doesn't like me feeling the way I do about myself. I do have to say I've been on vitamins for a week now and I am feeling A LOT better. I have been happier and had more energy. The weird thing is, I've been naturally waking up at 6:30 every morning. I guess I'll take that as an improvement.


  1. Good for Skylar! Ha ha, that's funny. What a good hubby. Get out there and do it today! You can do it! Banana bread is SO tempting. I saw on Dr. Oz a couple weeks ago as he was talking about weight loss, the average stay at home mom eats about an extra 1000 calories each day without realizing it by grazing off others' plates. (I'm sure you are not that much since you're consciously trying to lose weight) Like eating the crusts off kids' sandwiches, finishing their snacks they don't finish, eating snacks during the day because we are home surrounded by it every day, etc. It was interesting.
    I'm glad the vitamins seem to be working.

  2. That is some good info Sarah! I hate waking up in the morning, but it sure is nice to have it over with by 8am!! Tomorrow we will be out there at 6am if you want to join us. We do 5 miles, but we stick around the park so if you have to leave early you can!
