Last night I did not get to be till after 11pm. As I laid there contemplating waking up at 4:45am the next morning. I wanted to sleep in so bad. I was the only one in our group that was going to be able to go out. But I am just so tired. One day to sleep in would be so nice. Then my husband "just sleep in one day is not going to kill you. You are exhausted." (Don't think Gary does not support me, really this past week I have just been exhausted!) But then the GUILT sets but I have to work out. If I miss one day I will gain like 10lbs. I seriously had tears falling down my face. I just wanted to sleep in. Of course the alarm got set. Because I know if I don't do it at 5am in Vegas heat when am I?? And I don't want to run more than a mile on a treadmill. The alarm went off and I looked outside and it was still dark. "I don't want to go outside by myself when it is dark." I finally got out about 6:25am. It was so hot, I only did a little over 5 miles and I thought I was going to die of heat stroke. I never regret running and I always feel good after the first mile and when it is done for the day. But MAN do I miss sleeping in. Last week Monta and I made the decision, not to meet at the park on Tuesdays. We already do Zumba that day. So I am hoping having that one day to sleep in past 5:45am. Will give me something to look forward to.
Korina, it is amazing what guilt will do to you. I admire your motivation and determination. It is paying off. You are looking great!