Thursday, June 17, 2010

You won't believe it!!!

Okay, from that title you probably think I'm going to post some fabulous weightloss or something. I'm not. =)

I was just very proud of myself because I went out and exercised tonight all by myself!! I went to the gym, got on the treadmill and set it for 5k, which was really hard, BUT I did it!! I had to slow it down because running at a 5 was just too fast for my short legs. So my time was 40.28 minutes. Not bad considering I have not been consistent with my running lately and I did have to deal with the stabbing pain in my feet about 2 miles into it. The good thing was that I ran through it. It wasn't fun, it hurt and I'm glad I'm able to sit down now, but I did it.

So, the only day I did not work out this week was Tuesday so far. I am hoping I can get my tush out of bed and meet up with the girls at the park tomorrow. We'll see. If not, I won't be getting a workout tomorrow.

I have not been good on my food this week. Wednesday was so busy that I ordered China A Go Go, which is totally BAD, but sooo good. And I had a soda on Tuesday. For some reason I was just craving it. So, I'm not expecting a very good weigh in tomorrow. I just hope I have maintained my 2lb weight loss from earlier this week.

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