Sunday, June 6, 2010

New pictures, new month, and new goals

Jan. 2010

Mar. 2010

June 2010

Jan. 2010

Mar. 2010

June 2010

I figured I'd put an extra picture in there this month. Can you believe we've been at this almost half of a year. Next month it will be 6 months. I'm SO grateful we started this 5 months ago. Even though I'm SO frustrated that my weight loss has slowed down and I'm kind of hovering at a plateau, I still feel much better than I did 5 months ago. The pics for this month were taken with my cell phone so the last is a little fuzzy, but you get the idea. (You also get the idea how our shoes are always spilling over the basket:))
So new it is a new month and time to make some new goals again. I didn't make the weight goal I'd hoped for for the month of May, but that's ok. I still lost some, which is better then gaining. I hope to lose 6.5 pounds this month, so that would put me at 52 pounds lost. It would also get me lower than I've been in 6 years!
So, how am I going to do it? I'm going to start going to the gym at least once a week to do some cross training - like the eliptical or bike.
I'm also going to keep up on doing weight lifting 2 times per week.
And probably the biggest thing is that I'm going to keep my free days to ONE free day per week, not the entire weekend. I've really slacked in this area lately. Why does food have to taste SO good. This will have to start tomorrow because I've already wasted this weekend. (However, today was fast Sunday, but the calorie intake was still to high with all the cookies I ate tonight. Time for me to get my will power back.

1 comment:

  1. SARAH! You always look great! But you look like a totally different person! You look wonderful! All I have to say is WOW Sarah! I agree why oh why does food have to be so great!???
