Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mid Week Check In!

Mid Week Check In. Well this week I have worked my butt off literally! On Monday I worked out in the morning and did 3 miles, then that I night I met up with Sarah and Kim and we went to the gym for a hour. Then on Tuesday I went back to the gym for a little over a hour. I have been drinking my water and watching what I eat, and not eating after 7pm. I also think by going to the gym and changing up my workout, it has jump started my body that and the Saturday run. So far the this week the scale as been very awarding for the work! I am super excited to weigh in on Friday. This week even seems to be going slowly, just waiting for Friday. So yes I have decided to weigh in on Friday. I have been craving Angelina's' so that will be my splurge on Friday night. Saturday is Katelynn's Birthday Party and that night is a Elders Quorum Barbecue which means I am splurging on Friday. Hopefully I don't gain all weight loss in one night!!

A few other little points! Sarah went through her closet and gave me all of her size pants that are my next size smaller. And I tried them all on and they all fit!! YIPEE! Another size down! Thanks Sarah!

Also one of other thing I have added is getting rid of this stupid POUCH!! I have going on and searching ab workouts if you search Abs Fitness Workout how to get six pack abs. It gives you this computer man and a 8 min. workout between that and the ab machine at the gym MY ABS are killing me!!!


  1. You looked so skinny last night! That outfit was very flattering and really showed off your weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself.
