Monday, June 14, 2010

I slipped!

So, I was going to wait till my mid-week report to confess, but I saw Korina's post and decided I'd let her know she's not alone. I have to come clean! I cheated yesterday :(:(:(. Let me explain. I made it through the party - I mean the dinner at Maria's without eating any brownies. Yes, I did have too many rolls, but they were SO DANG GOOD! And they were keeping me away from the brownies. So after I got home I remembered that it was one of my visiting teachee's birthday's yesterday, and I had frozen the second half of the batch of cupcakes from Kim's birthday, so I decided to thaw them, and take her some cupcakes for her birthday.
So I got them frosted and MAN they looked yummy - but I didn't even lick the frosting off the knife. I was trying SO hard. Got them ready to go, and realized I didn't have any paper plates, so I figured I'd just give them to her on a cute Happy Birthday napkin. So I drove over there (with the cupcakes in a tuperware container) and once I got there I started balancing the cupcakes on my hand/visiting teaching message/ enrichment invitation/ and napkin. Needless to say, once I started adding the 4th cupcake I lost balance and all 4 cupcakes started to fall and I had to rescue them from falling all over my car with my other hand. (Luckily I did have the whole tuperware container with other cupcakes in it, there in the car, so I had others to give without my fingerprints all over them) But I had frosting ALL OVER my hand, and nothing but my tongue to clean it off. It was a tough job, but had to be done. It was way too yummy, and it just wet my appetite. I gave her the good cupcakes, but when I got home my huge temptation, that I'd already tasted the goodness of was staring me in the face. I was weak! I gave in. Not one, but 2 cupcakes!! So weak! Oh, but so good.
I am a little disappointed in myself that I couldn't even hold out for ONE weekend with just one free day, but oh well, I'll start again.
So today has been a hard day for me too! Just like Korina, I was feeling the same way, thinking why after this long do I still struggle with those temptations?? I haven't given in yet - but I was actually SO close. I. must. stay. strong!! Wish me luck, because I'm not sure how strong I'll be tomorrow at the enrichment activity. I might just have to sample some of those yummy foods!

1 comment:

  1. I thought at first you were confessing that you licked the frosting off your finger! I was happy to see a cupcake at the end of the story! :) You are doing great and it is so hard!! Mostly when everything bad taste so good!!!
