Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kim's Mid-week checkin

Okay ladies. I'm getting tired of putting no news or bad news on here. This is getting really old. I was REALLY good on my birthday until the evening. We did not do cake because Sarah was so kind to bring over super yummy cupcakes. I hate to say it, but I think I had like 3 of them. They were so good! THEN, Skyler came home with my favorite donuts, which I had for breakfast today. I have been SO bad.

I've decided I need to make some daily/weekly goals. As shown by my ticker, my BIG goal for this summer is to lose 23 lbs. I'm off to a bad start, but that's okay.

I have met 1 of 3 of my goals. I ran 2 miles. I know I can go far, but this heat is killer. The soda goal is getting easier. I just gotta avoid it whenever possible. I was really good when I went to Costco yesterday...I got lemonade.

My 3rd goal of fitting in workouts on Tuesday and Thursday has become a challenge. I am finding it a challenge to make time any day of the week. Probably because I'm being lazy. The summer laziness that my boys are experiencing is making it too easy for me to sleep in.

I will be getting up tomorrow and 6am to workout. I had a long talk with Skyler about it this morning and he's gonna start helping and stop hindering me. I told him I want us both to lose weight so we've gotta get moving. He wants to lose it too he just needs me to be his food police so I guess that's my new job. Mom, babysitter, primary teacher, cub scout committee chair and food police...lovely!

So, my goals:

1. Workout every day except Sunday...starting today. I'm actually gonna get off the couch tonight and workout while watching tv

2. No more soda...I know I say this every time, but I'm gonna do it one day at a time. No soda tomorrow...we'll see about the next day. =)

3. Post my goals up where I can see them. If I have a reminder maybe I'll do better.

4. Increase my water. I've been doing really good with my water this week, but if I'm working out I've got to drink more. I can say I've at least been getting my 64oz/day

1 comment:

  1. Getting off of Soda is so hard for me. I think it is a great idea to set daily/weekly goals. It is hard, I wish it was not so very tough!!
