Monday, June 7, 2010

New Month, New Goals!

Gary and I were just talking about it last night. That this is the longest we have ever stuck to a new year resolution! I am excited for the weight I have lost but after Thursday and wearing a swimsuit for the first time. I still have a way to go!!! My family is coming down the 2nd week of July and then Mid July we are going to Utah. I really want to be in the next decade by then. So by then I would like to loose 10lbs. Three of those pounds is from what I gained a week before Memorial Weekend. Then I gained 5lbs on Vacation. I was able to get off those 5lbs last week. So I am hoping this week to get rid of the other 3lbs that I had gained this week! My weight has been bouncing back and forth lately and driving me crazy. It jumps by 4lbs everyday it drives me nuts!!

To Reach My Goal
  • I agree with Sarah and only one cheat day a week. (more on this day to come)
  • I have decided I know it is getting HOT! But I am still going to do my long runs on Saturdays. Saturday is my cheat day. By running the long runs it makes up for all the crap that I eat the rest of the day. I may need to start going earlier, but I just feel like I need it. Let me know what you girls think about the Saturday runs continuing? I talked to to Marlo and Monta and they still want to do them, just leave earlier. I know KIM you love waking up!!!
  • Not eating after 7pm
  • And eat more fruit and veggies!
  • I also want to do some cross training. I think I am going to check out the Rec Center gym and see the equipment they have. Sarah got me a quest pass for 24 hour fitness. And it has been fun!
  • Also keep Sunday as my only day of rest.
  • Some days workout twice in a day. I really want to burn the calories I intake. I am determined!

This morning I got up and worked out!! IT was so hot!! DID I SAY HOT!!! It was so hard to workout! I thought I was going to die. I probably sweated a few pounds off! Since I got home I have already drank like 4 huge glasses of water. Marlo and Monta were both there if it wasn't for them I probably would have stopped after a lap! But I ended up doing 3miles(Walking and Running). WOW is it hot.... So I am planning I hitting the gym tonight after I put the kids to bed tonight. To get some more cardio in. If anyone wants to go Text me!! Kim, Sarah can print you off a 7 day quest pass. It is fun going together!!


1 comment:

  1. You do seem very determined so I believe you can do it. Do you think it is possible for me to lose 40 by end of July?? LOL!! Just kidding!!
