the person who can ENDURE TO THE END. "Whatever your work may be, endure in the beginning, endure through opposing forces along the way, and endure to the end." (Russell M. Nelson)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My midweek check in
I did it! I went out and did 3.5 miles tonight. IT WAS HARD! I am sore in the weirdest places from Zumba. I'm sore in my hip joints and here's the really weird one...the bottom half of my shins down through my ankles.
So, I started out by walking to the church. I was so sore it was hard to get started but by the time I got that first mile in I decided to start jogging because I was still hurting. Surprisingly enough jogging felt better. The sad part is that it was so HOT! I could only jog about 1/2 a mile and then I'd have to walk to cool off. So I probably ran about 2 out of the 3.5 miles. It is really bad when you start to get dizzy while running. It is a good thing I have a big bottle of powerade to drink now because I think I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
Let's just hope I can get my tush out of bed in the morning to get more exercise.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Korina Mid Week Check In
Headache from H***
So, I have officially had a headache since Sunday night. I have been working through it. Honestly the only time I feel it is when I'm not really doing much. It seems the only real relief I get is when my blood is when I'm exercising. Some would say that is a blessing, but I'M TIRED! I tried taking a nap for my Twilight excursion tonight and couldn't seem to do it because my head hurt.
Anyway, I am really hoping I can keep up the momentum. I'm not going to exercise tomorrow morning. I'm hoping the kids will cooperate and let me get a cat nap in during Teagan and Kaeden's naptime so that I can go exercise after Skyler gets home. Time will tell.
I haven't done 5 miles every day like Korina has....which is ultimately my goal, but time is not my friend, BUT I have gotten my butt out the door to do something which is definitely an improvement.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Why does it have to be hard??!!
So, anyway, sore feet aside.. this morning's run was hard. I know it's worth it, not only am I losing weight, but more importantly it's good for my heart and body - just some days are so hard.
I told him if he's craving soda that's fine, but don't bring home Pepsi because I don't want to be tempted to drink it. I say this is sabatoge because I REALLY want to lose 20 lbs before my sister's wedding and stunts like that make it 10x as hard as normal.
So, because my will power is not what it should be, I drank it. Now, I'm downing as much water as possible to just wash it out. Let's hope it works.
I did get up and work out this morning. I was crabby and didn't want to but I did anyway. I will be out again tomorrow. I have not completed my 5 miles today, but I will. I told Skyler to plan on me going to the gym when he gets home. Wednesday is going to be hard. I refuse to get up early and work out because Maria convinced me to go see Eclipse at midnight so I won't be home till 3am. I'm only going to get 4 hours of sleep as it is because I have to babysit at 7:30am. We'll see if I work out at all. I'm just not sure I can do it. =) This little activity is going to throw off my whole week.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sarah's weigh in
I get a little worried because 8 miles was hard today, how am I going to do a half marathon in just two weeks? Hopefully I'll have more energy then. I also felt pain in my foot/heel as I was running today. I'm hoping that it's just because it takes a couple days for the cortisone shot to take effect, and not because it didn't work this time.
As far as my weigh in goes, I maintained this week. I'm happy about that, considering the pig-fest I had after the race Sat., Sun., and Monday night. I'm going to try not to go completely overboard with my eating today. Wish me luck.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Truth and the weight loss!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sarah's midweek check in - just a day late
Monday I was still SO sore from my running over the weekend, so I just walked 3 miles instead of running. I did end up running about 1 mile of it though, and I felt good about that. I'd been eating good all day, but then Jerry decided that for dinner/FHE we should go to Cici's pizza because we had some good discounts from our Entertainment book, and we hardly EVER go out to eat. I pep talked myself and told myself that I could just eat the salad and it would be ok. But as time passed I was feeling week. I was feeling sick of always watching what I eat. I like eating healthy, but it's also frustrating always having to worry about what I eat. Hopefully when I get to my goal I can relax a little bit, but I'm not there yet, so I have to be a little more strict. I do PIG out on my free days, so it's not like I'm totally depriving myself all the time, I was just wanting a break on Monday. So I took a break. I ate the pizza, and lots of it, and the brownies, and the cinnamon rolls, and the soda, and even the salad (which is premade and doused in dressing so it's probably not that healthy.)
Then a couple hours after we got home I saw the yummy Father's Day pie in the fridge. I had already been weak, so I had a slice, and boy it was yummy! So did I regret it - not one bit. But the next morning I did have a little bit of eaters remorse, but at the same time I work out hard, and I knew it would come off, just might take a little longer to lose the weight than if I hadn't eaten it. So slight eaters remorse, but it's ok.
Ok, moving on (Promise, I won't go into such detail about every day)
Tuesday I went to zumba at the church. It was a little intimidating at first because there were all these skinny mini's that knew all the steps, but once we got started I realized no one was looking at me (because I was hiding in the back - haha) and I had a lot of fun. I stumbled over a lot of the steps, but I think after a couple more weeks I'll know it a lot more, and still even though I didn't know it all right away it was a GREAT workout. Talk about sweat. And I can really feel it in my legs still.
Yesterday I ran 4 miles and it was HARD! My legs are still tired from last week, and my plantar fasciitis has been killing me! I need to do better with icing it. I did go get some more cortisone shots yesterday. I tried telling the dr. that I'd cut back on my running, but he took one look at my feet and laughed and said, "yeah, I see the blisters on your feet. I don't think you've cut back. I just want to know how many marathons you've run since you came last." Luckilly he'll still give me the shots, and he says I'm not doing any permanent damage, but I won't heal completely unless I stop running, so it's just going to be more pain for me. With the shots it is bearable, at least so far it has helped. I also bought a night splint to wear that keeps my foot flexed with should help a lot.
So there is my midweek report, and I'm happy because even after my binge on Sat. Sun. and Mon. this morning I was finally right back at my weigh in weight from last Friday. Hopefully I can at least stay here till the weigh in (or it would be great if I actually lost!) but I won't get my hopes up.
CrAzY Week!!
For some reason I have had to force myself to eat every meal lately. I want to eat healthy but every time I look in the kitchen I just think "Blah, nothing looks good". Don't worry, fast food sounds even worse.
Aside from the millions of little feet I've got running around here I have many other stresses in my life right now and I honestly would love to crawl in a hole and hide for a week. =) So, Korina, I give you a task. Starting Monday, expect me to go out with you in the morning. Don't give me a choice. The question isn't "Are you going to go out tomorrow?" its, "what time am I picking you up?" LOL.
I know you guys are thinking Why Monday? I really should start today, but I can't. I need to re-coop. I need to get my mind straight so I can get my body in gear.
Whoever assumed I'm super woman was WRONG! =)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mid Week Check In
Monday-5.5miles and a 15min ab workout on youtube
Tuesday-6miles, Zumba, and a 8 min ab workout on youtube. That's right ZUMBA!! Kira a lady from a different ward has started teaching a Zumba class once a week! It was a lot of fun and man was it a workout!!!!
Wednesday- So far only 2miles I still need to fit in the other three. And Monica, Marlo, and Monta were there and we worked legs!! I also need to do a ab workout. We will see. I may take it a little easy today. I am feeling a little weak!
Eating wise so far so good! And I have been not had any coke, but I did have a strawberry Lemonade from Sonic. It was very Yummy!!
My Mom is coming down late tonight.. So I have to keep up with the workouts! And hopefully not eat completely awful. She only comes down twice a year, so I am still going to enjoy, but just watch myself a little!!
So SLEEP! Not so great! I have been going every morning to the park. Because I don't have time to workout any other time. And of course I still stay up way to late! And with my mom in town I know there will be some late nights at the hotel. And then up bright and early every morning to workout.
I am trying to get close to being back where I was pre last week!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sarah's weigh in- and um.. Friday and Saturday runs
As far as weight loss. I lost 1 pound this week! (as of Friday morning) I'll take it! I would have LOVED to lose more, but 1 pound is still a loss.
Saturday's Run!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Korina's Weigh In
I had a tough week this week a lot of temptation. I thought I did good resisting but now that I look back I good have totally worked on some things. I was just so close and now I am so far away all over again. I changed my trigger, after thinking about it I want to loose just a tiny bit more weight, and I set my trigger to what I was when I started. I rather not actually type the weight that I gained this week. YES I am being a baby about it!! So next week back to super crazy Korina. I know that Monta makes sure she gets 5 miles a day in. I am going to make sure I get my 5 miles a day. Plus some ab workout. And really watch what I eat. Well hopefully next week I will loose the weight that I gained. Sorry it has been just a tough week for me. I feel like last week maybe there was a eyelash under my scale. I am just really frustrating I just can't wait till I get to my goal and can just enjoy!! I don't mind the working out. I just wish I could work out because I enjoy it. But I always feel like I must burn so many calories. If anyone wants to join my for night, morning, or afternoon workouts let me know!
Kim's Weigh In
I lost 1 lb. It amazes me that such a small amount of bad food prevented me from losing weight. Oh well, on to next week.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
You won't believe it!!!
I was just very proud of myself because I went out and exercised tonight all by myself!! I went to the gym, got on the treadmill and set it for 5k, which was really hard, BUT I did it!! I had to slow it down because running at a 5 was just too fast for my short legs. So my time was 40.28 minutes. Not bad considering I have not been consistent with my running lately and I did have to deal with the stabbing pain in my feet about 2 miles into it. The good thing was that I ran through it. It wasn't fun, it hurt and I'm glad I'm able to sit down now, but I did it.
So, the only day I did not work out this week was Tuesday so far. I am hoping I can get my tush out of bed and meet up with the girls at the park tomorrow. We'll see. If not, I won't be getting a workout tomorrow.
I have not been good on my food this week. Wednesday was so busy that I ordered China A Go Go, which is totally BAD, but sooo good. And I had a soda on Tuesday. For some reason I was just craving it. So, I'm not expecting a very good weigh in tomorrow. I just hope I have maintained my 2lb weight loss from earlier this week.
A new Race!!???
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Something may end up out the window!!
I think I'm fine but I can see you won't cooperate with me.
What's that you say, a double chin?
And then if you're not hanging straight you'll tell me next I'm gaining weight.
I hate you being so smug and wise.
If I look like this in my new jeans you'll find yourself in smithereens!
Monday, June 14, 2010
You guys are not alone!
I am happy to say that over the last 2 weeks I have felt really good. I don't feel like I have to have a soda. I have replaced my chocolate cravings with a glass of chocolate milk. As for sweets... I am guilty. I had a cookie on Saturday at the InTouch Grand Opening and last night Durrae made these awesome brownies that I could not resist. I had 2! The plus side is, while everyone else was drinking soda, I drank crystal light.
As for today... I have not had much water today, BUT I weighed myself in the middle of the day and was down 2 more pounds from my Friday weigh in so I must be doing something right.
So, don't worry girls! You get through it. We all have our moments and our challenges, but if we continue to keep trying we will overcome them all.
I slipped!
So I got them frosted and MAN they looked yummy - but I didn't even lick the frosting off the knife. I was trying SO hard. Got them ready to go, and realized I didn't have any paper plates, so I figured I'd just give them to her on a cute Happy Birthday napkin. So I drove over there (with the cupcakes in a tuperware container) and once I got there I started balancing the cupcakes on my hand/visiting teaching message/ enrichment invitation/ and napkin. Needless to say, once I started adding the 4th cupcake I lost balance and all 4 cupcakes started to fall and I had to rescue them from falling all over my car with my other hand. (Luckily I did have the whole tuperware container with other cupcakes in it, there in the car, so I had others to give without my fingerprints all over them) But I had frosting ALL OVER my hand, and nothing but my tongue to clean it off. It was a tough job, but had to be done. It was way too yummy, and it just wet my appetite. I gave her the good cupcakes, but when I got home my huge temptation, that I'd already tasted the goodness of was staring me in the face. I was weak! I gave in. Not one, but 2 cupcakes!! So weak! Oh, but so good.
I am a little disappointed in myself that I couldn't even hold out for ONE weekend with just one free day, but oh well, I'll start again.
So today has been a hard day for me too! Just like Korina, I was feeling the same way, thinking why after this long do I still struggle with those temptations?? I haven't given in yet - but I was actually SO close. I. must. stay. strong!! Wish me luck, because I'm not sure how strong I'll be tomorrow at the enrichment activity. I might just have to sample some of those yummy foods!
Tough Day
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sarah's weigh in
So, this week I really tried to bump up my working out. I finally did lose some weight this week. I lost 2 1/2 pounds this week! I'll take it! I took off the weight I gained on vacation, plus a pound and a half. I really hoping to lose weight next week, but at the same time I'm not going to expect it because I'm going to be cutting back a little next week to get ready for my relay race next weekend. My muscles are very worn out this week. I've got to give them some time to repair and build up for the race. I'll still be running of course, but I won't be doing double duty at the gym after running in the morning. Still, I'm hoping to lose 1 pound! PLEASE!
I'm getting very close to a landmark in my mind, and closer to my goal every week!!! Just gotta keep going and not give up!
Kim's Weigh in
I worked out twice everyday. Variety of ab workouts, workout videos, gym, and hitting the park! Making sure I did two each day. I woke at 6am and then did a workout video after the kids went to bed. And on Thursday I snuck to the gym while the kids were down for quite time(Gary was home.) Working out twice a day has been hard. To be honest I am so tired, my body is so weak. But I knew I needed to jump start my body. At the gym I have been doing the Elliptical, Bike, Treadmill and this cool ad machine. I think that also helped to do something different. I also found some cool Ab workouts on and we have been the Julian Micheal's workout video.
Eating- I have not ate a chip all week! Just a sandwich I even got some fat free cheese for my sandwiches and eating wheat bread(not a big fan) and no eating after 7! One night I was busy and I looked at the clock and it was 6:46pm! I hurried up and ate, just so I would not break my rule. I know 5mins. probably would not have mattered, but if I cheat once I just keep going! I also have been cutting my dinner serving down.
Water, water, water! I have been drinking tons. I think that helps a lot with the heat of the sun!
Okay so stop talking Korina and the results!! I lost 10lbs!! I have never lost this much weight in one week in my whole life!! Not only 10lbs but I am also in a new decade!! I am also now only 9lbs from my goal!!
Next week goal really is to maintain after loosing this much weight in one week I realize how easy it will be to gain it right back.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Kim's Mid-week checkin
I've decided I need to make some daily/weekly goals. As shown by my ticker, my BIG goal for this summer is to lose 23 lbs. I'm off to a bad start, but that's okay.
I have met 1 of 3 of my goals. I ran 2 miles. I know I can go far, but this heat is killer. The soda goal is getting easier. I just gotta avoid it whenever possible. I was really good when I went to Costco yesterday...I got lemonade.
My 3rd goal of fitting in workouts on Tuesday and Thursday has become a challenge. I am finding it a challenge to make time any day of the week. Probably because I'm being lazy. The summer laziness that my boys are experiencing is making it too easy for me to sleep in.
I will be getting up tomorrow and 6am to workout. I had a long talk with Skyler about it this morning and he's gonna start helping and stop hindering me. I told him I want us both to lose weight so we've gotta get moving. He wants to lose it too he just needs me to be his food police so I guess that's my new job. Mom, babysitter, primary teacher, cub scout committee chair and food police...lovely!
So, my goals:
1. Workout every day except Sunday...starting today. I'm actually gonna get off the couch tonight and workout while watching tv
2. No more soda...I know I say this every time, but I'm gonna do it one day at a time. No soda tomorrow...we'll see about the next day. =)
3. Post my goals up where I can see them. If I have a reminder maybe I'll do better.
4. Increase my water. I've been doing really good with my water this week, but if I'm working out I've got to drink more. I can say I've at least been getting my 64oz/day
Sarah's midweek check in
I'm planning to run 8 miles on Saturday, not sure if I'll do it all at once, or I might split it into two runs that day. I can tell my muscles are tired, but I'll pull back next week to get ready for the relay. I'm getting really excited for it!
Mid Week Check In!
A few other little points! Sarah went through her closet and gave me all of her size pants that are my next size smaller. And I tried them all on and they all fit!! YIPEE! Another size down! Thanks Sarah!
Also one of other thing I have added is getting rid of this stupid POUCH!! I have going on and searching ab workouts if you search Abs Fitness Workout how to get six pack abs. It gives you this computer man and a 8 min. workout between that and the ab machine at the gym MY ABS are killing me!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
New Month, New Goals!
- I agree with Sarah and only one cheat day a week. (more on this day to come)
- I have decided I know it is getting HOT! But I am still going to do my long runs on Saturdays. Saturday is my cheat day. By running the long runs it makes up for all the crap that I eat the rest of the day. I may need to start going earlier, but I just feel like I need it. Let me know what you girls think about the Saturday runs continuing? I talked to to Marlo and Monta and they still want to do them, just leave earlier. I know KIM you love waking up!!!
- Not eating after 7pm
- And eat more fruit and veggies!
- I also want to do some cross training. I think I am going to check out the Rec Center gym and see the equipment they have. Sarah got me a quest pass for 24 hour fitness. And it has been fun!
- Also keep Sunday as my only day of rest.
- Some days workout twice in a day. I really want to burn the calories I intake. I am determined!
This morning I got up and worked out!! IT was so hot!! DID I SAY HOT!!! It was so hard to workout! I thought I was going to die. I probably sweated a few pounds off! Since I got home I have already drank like 4 huge glasses of water. Marlo and Monta were both there if it wasn't for them I probably would have stopped after a lap! But I ended up doing 3miles(Walking and Running). WOW is it hot.... So I am planning I hitting the gym tonight after I put the kids to bed tonight. To get some more cardio in. If anyone wants to go Text me!! Kim, Sarah can print you off a 7 day quest pass. It is fun going together!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
New pictures, new month, and new goals
I figured I'd put an extra picture in there this month. Can you believe we've been at this almost half of a year. Next month it will be 6 months. I'm SO grateful we started this 5 months ago. Even though I'm SO frustrated that my weight loss has slowed down and I'm kind of hovering at a plateau, I still feel much better than I did 5 months ago. The pics for this month were taken with my cell phone so the last is a little fuzzy, but you get the idea. (You also get the idea how our shoes are always spilling over the basket:))
So new it is a new month and time to make some new goals again. I didn't make the weight goal I'd hoped for for the month of May, but that's ok. I still lost some, which is better then gaining. I hope to lose 6.5 pounds this month, so that would put me at 52 pounds lost. It would also get me lower than I've been in 6 years!
So, how am I going to do it? I'm going to start going to the gym at least once a week to do some cross training - like the eliptical or bike.
I'm also going to keep up on doing weight lifting 2 times per week.
And probably the biggest thing is that I'm going to keep my free days to ONE free day per week, not the entire weekend. I've really slacked in this area lately. Why does food have to taste SO good. This will have to start tomorrow because I've already wasted this weekend. (However, today was fast Sunday, but the calorie intake was still to high with all the cookies I ate tonight. Time for me to get my will power back.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Saturday's Run!
I hate to even think it, but we may have to start our Saturday Runs even earlier to beat the heat! AHHHH!!

I don't think these pictures show justice to my 40lbs!! But I have lost it! I have went down just about 4 pants sizes. And my shirt size has went down 2 sizes. Getting there slowly but surely!
Running in the KILLER heat
As far as my weigh in, I'm using yesterday morning's weight again because I gave in and had some ice cream last night, so this morning's weight was more. So, unfortunately I did gain a pound. I'm frustrated about that, but at the same time I gained a lot over last weekend while we were on vacation, so I should be happy that I lost most of the weight at all. Hopefully next week I'll lose that extra pound and then some.
I'll hopefully get my new month pictures up later today or tomorrow along with my goals for June.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Weigh In
Don't worry! I haven't lost my motivation, I've just lost time. I want to get this weight off, especially since I've got to be in wedding pics sometime this year. Now that this crazy week is almost over I'll be able to get back on track.
Yay for no weight gain!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Old Habits Die Hard
So, I might be crazy, but it was such an enjoyable run and it was also fun running with my sister in law that she's talked me into doing another half marathon when we go up to Utah in July. I'm oddly excited. There is also a 5K and a 10K option. I have some other family members that are going to be doing those as well.
Obviously I GAINED a lot over the weekend. I did really good yesterday. I also went running 4 miles outside after Jerry got home. It was SO hard. I need to remember to take water when I run in the heat.
So now I'm STILL 4 pounds higher then I was for last week's weigh in, but I've only been eating good for 1 day. Hopefully I can at least lose 2 of those pounds before weigh in.
Oh, I lost my camera in UT. (Left it at the distribution center on accident.) So I'm going to try to do my new month pic with my phone, if it doesn't work I might have to have one of you come and take a picture of me. Even though I really don't think there has been much of a physical change this month.
What a week!
Since Friday night I have been dealing with sick kids...AGAIN. Lisa was so kind to bring baby Logan to my home with a cold, which is actually the flu I think, but nonetheless and illness. After infecting all of my children she decides to cut my job off a week early and keep him home. I'm slightly bitter, ya think?
Anyway, Teagan got it the worst and is still dealing with it. He was fine most of the weekend, just a bit of a runny nose, then on Sunday night he had a fever and it finally broke last night. Luckily it wasn't a constant thing. We were able to take it down with tylenol cold for children.
Well, handling him has caused me to get it now. I woke up dizzy, nose stuffy, and a sore throat. NOT FUN. If I wasn't so dizzy I would have gone out this morning but I could just see myself running into someone. INSTEAD I'm going to take my cold medicine, wait for it to kick in and when Skyler gets home at 9:45am...yes, 9:45am I'm gonna go to the gym. He gets off early cuz he has to work on Saturday.
I hope all of you have had a better start to your week than I have!