Saturday, January 30, 2010

The New Plan

So, I weighed in this morning even though I said I wouldn't and I'm down three pounds. I am happy about it, but I am not posting it on my ticker yet. Here's the scoop on me:

- NO MORE BIRTH CONTROL! I have had one too many battles with that crazy stuff and I am done! So, don't be surprised if I post that I'm pregnant in the coming weeks. After all, my nick name is "Fertile Myrtle"

- No more long runs with you guys. This one I am kind of sad about, BUT the only real way to get rid of the pain in my foot, which is a neuroma, is a cortizone shot. I'm not that eager to put a needle in my foot right now. Running through the pain is what caused my pulled ligament, so I'm sticking to 3-4 miles on Saturdays. I'll still start out with you guys, but I'm gonna have to cut it short. I'll be ready with water and oranges when you guys return! =)

-I'm gonna start my ticker over from the weight I am today because I'm going to give myself a fresh start. All my ailments have been fixed and I know how far I can push myself without getting hurt so it is time to start over with a new attitude.

- For all who may be worried about me losing weight while pregnant...DON'T. My doctor is totally supportive and says it will be fine as long as I do it the right way. That means eating enough calories and staying within a certain heart rate when I over doing it. I'm sure I'll be able to accomplish my goal as long as I stick to the advice he gives.

My goal is going to be the same as the first - 20lbs... I need to lose 20 lbs by end of March. It was originally the beginning, but seeing how far behind I am I have to change it.

February is looking better already!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Sorry to hear about the shot. My mom had to have them for quite some time and they are no fun. Congrats on the 3lbs though. I know you;ve been struggling. Hope things go better now that you know the issues at hand. We all know you can do it. Just keep the positive attitude!!!
