Tuesday, January 19, 2010


A moment that I have been waiting for happen today!! So it is raining like a Cats and Dogs outside, there is a river running down the street! So we get home and I carry all the kids inside and Katelynns says"Mom you want me to get you some PJ that are dry." I said sure she brought down some PJ bottoms that I got two Christmas ago! And I have not been able to fit into them ever!! So when she brought them down I started to say Those don't then all of sudden I thought Maybe.............. SO I went in the bathroom and I put them on and they FIT!! and they are comfortable!! I am wearing them right now!! I am so excited!!! It is a great day! I needed a push and this was my push! I jumped on the treadmill and went for 25mins!


  1. That just makes me so happy for you!! What a great day! Congratulations. Finding clothes that fit is so motivating!
