Here are the before and after shots of one month of hard WORK!!
the person who can ENDURE TO THE END. "Whatever your work may be, endure in the beginning, endure through opposing forces along the way, and endure to the end." (Russell M. Nelson)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Korina's one month damage!
The New Plan
So, I weighed in this morning even though I said I wouldn't and I'm down three pounds. I am happy about it, but I am not posting it on my ticker yet. Here's the scoop on me:
- NO MORE BIRTH CONTROL! I have had one too many battles with that crazy stuff and I am done! So, don't be surprised if I post that I'm pregnant in the coming weeks. After all, my nick name is "Fertile Myrtle"
- No more long runs with you guys. This one I am kind of sad about, BUT the only real way to get rid of the pain in my foot, which is a neuroma, is a cortizone shot. I'm not that eager to put a needle in my foot right now. Running through the pain is what caused my pulled ligament, so I'm sticking to 3-4 miles on Saturdays. I'll still start out with you guys, but I'm gonna have to cut it short. I'll be ready with water and oranges when you guys return! =)
-I'm gonna start my ticker over from the weight I am today because I'm going to give myself a fresh start. All my ailments have been fixed and I know how far I can push myself without getting hurt so it is time to start over with a new attitude.
- For all who may be worried about me losing weight while pregnant...DON'T. My doctor is totally supportive and says it will be fine as long as I do it the right way. That means eating enough calories and staying within a certain heart rate when I over doing it. I'm sure I'll be able to accomplish my goal as long as I stick to the advice he gives.
My goal is going to be the same as the first - 20lbs... I need to lose 20 lbs by end of March. It was originally the beginning, but seeing how far behind I am I have to change it.
February is looking better already!!
- NO MORE BIRTH CONTROL! I have had one too many battles with that crazy stuff and I am done! So, don't be surprised if I post that I'm pregnant in the coming weeks. After all, my nick name is "Fertile Myrtle"
- No more long runs with you guys. This one I am kind of sad about, BUT the only real way to get rid of the pain in my foot, which is a neuroma, is a cortizone shot. I'm not that eager to put a needle in my foot right now. Running through the pain is what caused my pulled ligament, so I'm sticking to 3-4 miles on Saturdays. I'll still start out with you guys, but I'm gonna have to cut it short. I'll be ready with water and oranges when you guys return! =)
-I'm gonna start my ticker over from the weight I am today because I'm going to give myself a fresh start. All my ailments have been fixed and I know how far I can push myself without getting hurt so it is time to start over with a new attitude.
- For all who may be worried about me losing weight while pregnant...DON'T. My doctor is totally supportive and says it will be fine as long as I do it the right way. That means eating enough calories and staying within a certain heart rate when I over doing it. I'm sure I'll be able to accomplish my goal as long as I stick to the advice he gives.
My goal is going to be the same as the first - 20lbs... I need to lose 20 lbs by end of March. It was originally the beginning, but seeing how far behind I am I have to change it.
February is looking better already!!
Another Wiegh In!
I lost another 2lbs! I am excited my clothes are also starting to fit better. I actually fit into a pair of pants a size smaller and they are comfortable!! YIPPEE!! Today we ran our last 5 mile run! Next week we start running 6 miles and YEAH! The 5 mile run went well I bettered my time by 4 or 5 mins I can't remember. :) Later today I will be down loading a new picture of me after one month!
Results are in!
This weeks weigh in results show.... NOTHING! NADA! ZIP! ZERO! ZILCH!! I lost no weight this week. I know I said last week that I was hoping for 1 lb. In the back of my head I was still hoping for 2. But nothing. I know I worked hard this week, and my clothes are fitting better, so I shouldn't be upset. I'm a little discouraged, but I won't let it get me down, and I won't stop. I have already lost 15 lbs, I can't complain about that. I knew I'd hit a plateau soon. So hopefully this plateau will only last a week, and I'll start losing again next week. This week starts the 4 mile run on Wed. and 6 miles on Sat.! WOW, it's going to kick my booty!! But we can do it!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Tale of the Scale
There once was a scale. It was a normal little scale, not much to it, just numbers and lines. For some reason there were 2 girls who found it very tempting and would get on it every morning. Some days they liked the way the scale made them feel and other days they did not. The girls were so focused on their goal of losing weight that they could not stay away!
One day a very good friend secretly came into their bathroom and took the scale! The girls were so upset. They did not know what to do without it. They searched high and low but could not find it. Then one Saturday the scale suddenly returned. Oh, the joy! The girls could finally see their progress and it made them happy.
The next day they went in to weigh themselves again and the scale was gone! What happened to it? The girls were perplexed. How were they going to be able to see their progress every day without it?
The week went on and every day they looked for the scale but it was nowhere to be found. Saturday morning came again and there it was, sitting in its normal spot. The girls were so happy to see their scale again and they were extremely happy when they were able to see the progress they had made that week.
$Weeks went on and the girls were able to see the scale every Saturday. Their relationship with it was always positive and they loved each Saturday when they could finally see it again.
The moral of this story is....DON'T WEIGH YOURSELVES TILL SATURDAY!!! =)
Nothing good can come from weighing yourselves after you've had your cheat day girls. Enjoy the fact that you can exercise whatever way you choose and more than that, enjoy your progress. You guys are awesome and you are totally rocking it this month!
One day a very good friend secretly came into their bathroom and took the scale! The girls were so upset. They did not know what to do without it. They searched high and low but could not find it. Then one Saturday the scale suddenly returned. Oh, the joy! The girls could finally see their progress and it made them happy.
The next day they went in to weigh themselves again and the scale was gone! What happened to it? The girls were perplexed. How were they going to be able to see their progress every day without it?
The week went on and every day they looked for the scale but it was nowhere to be found. Saturday morning came again and there it was, sitting in its normal spot. The girls were so happy to see their scale again and they were extremely happy when they were able to see the progress they had made that week.
$Weeks went on and the girls were able to see the scale every Saturday. Their relationship with it was always positive and they loved each Saturday when they could finally see it again.
The moral of this story is....DON'T WEIGH YOURSELVES TILL SATURDAY!!! =)
Nothing good can come from weighing yourselves after you've had your cheat day girls. Enjoy the fact that you can exercise whatever way you choose and more than that, enjoy your progress. You guys are awesome and you are totally rocking it this month!
Monday, January 25, 2010
21 days
"THEY" say (whoever "they" is) that it takes 21 days to make a habit.
"THEY" also say that it takes 3 weeks of eating right/exercising to notice a difference in yourself, and 6 weeks for others to start noticing a difference in you.
Here's to 21 days girls!! We are awesome!
I'm actually starting to see a little bit of difference. My jeans are a little looser. That makes me happy! Happy enough to keep it up for another 21 days!
"THEY" also say that it takes 3 weeks of eating right/exercising to notice a difference in yourself, and 6 weeks for others to start noticing a difference in you.
Here's to 21 days girls!! We are awesome!
I'm actually starting to see a little bit of difference. My jeans are a little looser. That makes me happy! Happy enough to keep it up for another 21 days!
This is going to be a tough week!
Well I woke up this morning weighed myself and gained 4lbs this weekend! UGH! I did get up and workout this morning. But I just want to eat, and eat, and eat. Today! Usually Monday is my best day, so it is not a good sign when I am already having a hard time. One positive note is I am really into working out this week, so hopefully the passion for working out will make me rethink my eating....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
5 mile run aftermath part 2!
How frustrating!! My body is not cooperating with me in any way this month. No weight loss, and pain when running long distances. I have to say this officially sucks!! =)
I know that sounds like I'm complaining, but really I'm not. I just have a lot to work through. My status as of this evening:
- my body feels great after the run...not even nearly as sore as last week.
- I now have pain in my ankle and foot
- I feel awesome because this afternoon I went to Sandy's Oasis and got a 1 hr European facial...SO NICE!!
That facial was fantastic...she had ocean waves with soft music going, and it felt so good to get pampered. Luckily it was already paid for otherwise there was no way I could've done it.
Okay, so I looked up foot pain and I either have a stress fracture or Morton's Neuroma. Either way, running long distances is out for me. That is unless the podiatrist says otherwise. I will be calling this week for an appointment.
I think I've changed my mind on what I want to do next Saturday. I know you guys are running another 5 miles, but since I can't I figured I could try and decrease my time on my 5 k. I'm more than likely gonna go to the race and just do the 5k instead so why not work on that? Long distances may be out, but who says I can't run faster on something shorter?
I'm going to buy a measuring tape this week if I can't find mine so girls, next Saturday we begin measuring!! This is gonna be fun!
I know that sounds like I'm complaining, but really I'm not. I just have a lot to work through. My status as of this evening:
- my body feels great after the run...not even nearly as sore as last week.
- I now have pain in my ankle and foot
- I feel awesome because this afternoon I went to Sandy's Oasis and got a 1 hr European facial...SO NICE!!
That facial was fantastic...she had ocean waves with soft music going, and it felt so good to get pampered. Luckily it was already paid for otherwise there was no way I could've done it.
Okay, so I looked up foot pain and I either have a stress fracture or Morton's Neuroma. Either way, running long distances is out for me. That is unless the podiatrist says otherwise. I will be calling this week for an appointment.
I think I've changed my mind on what I want to do next Saturday. I know you guys are running another 5 miles, but since I can't I figured I could try and decrease my time on my 5 k. I'm more than likely gonna go to the race and just do the 5k instead so why not work on that? Long distances may be out, but who says I can't run faster on something shorter?
I'm going to buy a measuring tape this week if I can't find mine so girls, next Saturday we begin measuring!! This is gonna be fun!
5 miles & Weigh in!
Well today we ran our 5mile! And well I have to say I feel great!! Last week it was a really hard run, and this week it went tons better. And I beat my time by 8 mins!! YIPEE!! I also liked the path that Kim made, it was something new and I really enjoyed it!
And for the weigh in! 4 more pounds down!!! That is right 10lbs since the first of January! I am really excited. But today is my cheat day! I know does that make since to anyone that my cheat day is on the day I run 5 miles. I guess it makes up for a fourth of what I am about to eat! And that is PIZZA!! DOMINOS!! AND NOT ON THIN CRUST!! AND MORE TOPPING THEN I CAN NAME!! AND YES A WONDERFUL COKE! So tomorrow when I step on the scale I will be oh probally be 5lbs heavier. SO it will take me all next week to loose the wieght that I gain from our pizza today!
Good luck to all!
And for the weigh in! 4 more pounds down!!! That is right 10lbs since the first of January! I am really excited. But today is my cheat day! I know does that make since to anyone that my cheat day is on the day I run 5 miles. I guess it makes up for a fourth of what I am about to eat! And that is PIZZA!! DOMINOS!! AND NOT ON THIN CRUST!! AND MORE TOPPING THEN I CAN NAME!! AND YES A WONDERFUL COKE! So tomorrow when I step on the scale I will be oh probally be 5lbs heavier. SO it will take me all next week to loose the wieght that I gain from our pizza today!
Good luck to all!
Sarah's weigh in
Umm, I have no idea how it happened, but I lost 5!!!! pounds this week. Could my scale be broken?? I mean I'm not complaining, but that is just way more than I expected! I'll take it. I did bust my booty even more this week. After my run, I'd walk at least another 1/2 mile on a high incline to burn some more calories, and because I need to get used to doing an incline because there is one on the big race. So I am ecstatic, but at the same time I'm a little skeptical. I did weigh several times though. So my goal for next week is 2 lbs, but I'd be happy with 1 especially after this week. Now off for our 5 mile run, including a steep incline. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm expecting.
Friday, January 22, 2010
End of the Week Weigh-In....Kim
I know we're supposed to weigh in on Saturday, but seeing my situation I decided to weigh in today. Again I have posted no weight loss, but the good thing is I also have not gained. In the past few weeks I have honestly been quite upset about my progress, but after some prayer and logical thinking I am sure I have figured out my problem. So, on Thursday I have a doctor's appointment to fix that problem. Sarah and Korina, you know what I'm doing, so for all you other readers, and I know you're out there even though you haven't become a follower, this is my problem. I have a bad history with birth control. I ALWAYS gain excessive weight when I am on it. This time around I did pretty good until November. It was at that point that my form of birth control made a drastic change to my body. This drastic change caused a 15 lb weight gain that I have not been able to lose. As depressing as it has been I honestly feel relieved that I have figured it out. I no longer feel defeated. The good news is that my husband completely supports me in my decision to remove the birth control. Who knows, I may be having a baby this year. Getting pregnant will not stop me from losing weight though. I have spoken with my doctor and because I am so over weight it will be a good thing for me to lose weight as long as I continue doing it the right way. So, I am very excited about this new development and I pray it solves my problem.
I also got my new shoes this week and I am looking forward to the 5 mile run tomorrow. It will be hard, but so invigorating at the same time.
I also got my new shoes this week and I am looking forward to the 5 mile run tomorrow. It will be hard, but so invigorating at the same time.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tonight about 5:30pm I got a call from my sister asking if Katelynn could go with her to Disney on Ice! Katleynn was so excited. So after Aiden and I dropped off Katelynn I told him that we had to run to the store. I let Aiden get some candy and out of all the candy he got my favorite a Hershey Chocolate Bar!!! I was like really Aiden that is the one you want!! And he said yes mom I like Chocolate!! I was like okay. We got to the car and he made me open it and I opened it and wanted a bite so badly. But I handed it to him. And as I was driving I could smell the sweet smell of chocolate going though my car. I wanted to open a window to get the smell of chocolate out of my car. But it was raining, so I just had to smell it. Then I thought well it will be gone by the time I get home anyways. Then all of sudden a sweet little voice came from the back of the car "Mom I saved three pieces one for Katelynn, one for Daddy and one for YOU!" AHHH so sweet! But I hurried and said NO sweetie that is your you eat it! To be honest I still want that chocolate it smelt so good. I felt like a alcoholic on a 12 step program. I was like I need to call someone to talk me out of this! But I did it no CHOCOLATE for me! I hope I feel good about my decision tomorrow, because right now I really wish I would have had a bite of that wonderful, sweet, tasty chocolate...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Temptation Island - or midweek report
This has been the week of temptations for me. I pigged out on Sunday, but it was my planned "free day" so I didn't feel too guilty about it. But then we went to a breakfast buffet Monday morning and I ate till I was beyond full. But I had sugar free syrup... that counts for something doesn't it.
Tuesday I had to do a luncheon, but I had a big pep talk with myself before going, telling myself that I didn't need any of the delicious banana cream pie. And I was so proud of myself that I didn't have any!
Today, I tried having that same pep talk with myself because it was Jerry's birthday and I even told him a couple days ago that I wasn't going to have any cake and ice cream at his party. The temptation was JUST TOO GREAT! I gave in. Sugar is my big weakness. In my defense I did make the cake and had resisted for so long, but when you make a yummy dessert it's hard to resist. So I did have cake and ice cream. 2 pieces. I know I didn't need it, and I really wish I wouldn't have had that second piece, but it was delicious. And I WON'T let this get me down. I worked out really hard today. Ran my 3 miles, and walked an additional 1/2 mile on an incline. I am going to start adding incline to my run. Not looking forward to that, but it will help in the long run.
As far as the rest of my mini goals go, I've been doing pretty good. Other than I should be getting a little more sleep. So on that note I think I will go to bed now instead of staying awake blogging.
Tuesday I had to do a luncheon, but I had a big pep talk with myself before going, telling myself that I didn't need any of the delicious banana cream pie. And I was so proud of myself that I didn't have any!
Today, I tried having that same pep talk with myself because it was Jerry's birthday and I even told him a couple days ago that I wasn't going to have any cake and ice cream at his party. The temptation was JUST TOO GREAT! I gave in. Sugar is my big weakness. In my defense I did make the cake and had resisted for so long, but when you make a yummy dessert it's hard to resist. So I did have cake and ice cream. 2 pieces. I know I didn't need it, and I really wish I wouldn't have had that second piece, but it was delicious. And I WON'T let this get me down. I worked out really hard today. Ran my 3 miles, and walked an additional 1/2 mile on an incline. I am going to start adding incline to my run. Not looking forward to that, but it will help in the long run.
As far as the rest of my mini goals go, I've been doing pretty good. Other than I should be getting a little more sleep. So on that note I think I will go to bed now instead of staying awake blogging.
Running in Fog
You probably saw my facebook...I did it. I ran about 3.3 miles in the fog today. We don't know the exact mileage because Marlo kept having to double back on me but we figure about that. The good news... it only took me about 35 minutes!! Don't know the exact time on it either, but it was less than it took me to do the 5k so I'm happy.
I didn't plan on going out today because it was raining so much yesterday but at 5:25 this morning I woke up and could not go back to sleep. I figured rather than laying in bed trying to sleep I should just get up and get moving so that's what I did. Okay, so running in fog...OH MY GOODNESS! The air was thick, it was so humid! What I thought was funny was when I went to wipe the sweat off my forehead I ended up wiping icicles out of my bangs.
So anyway, on my run this morning I was pondering the question, why have I not lost weight. It is really starting to bug me. I feel like I do all this work for nothing and as much as I want to focus on the positives it is becoming harder and harder every week. Looking at my diet, I think I'm fine...over all I eat healthy, balanced meals, and I exercise, we all know I exercise. So, the only thing I can look at for improvement is my water intake. I make the cups of water, its drinking them that I have a problem with. Last night before bed I realized I had only had 1 big cup of water that day...1!! 32 oz!! So, my goal for the next few days is to DRINK WATER! The sad thing is, the only thing I had to drink yesterday was water so this morning when I went out on my run I was dehydrated and I could feel it.
Congrats on the progress you guys have made!! You both are looking great! Remember we've got pics for the month coming soon so let's rock it!!
I didn't plan on going out today because it was raining so much yesterday but at 5:25 this morning I woke up and could not go back to sleep. I figured rather than laying in bed trying to sleep I should just get up and get moving so that's what I did. Okay, so running in fog...OH MY GOODNESS! The air was thick, it was so humid! What I thought was funny was when I went to wipe the sweat off my forehead I ended up wiping icicles out of my bangs.
So anyway, on my run this morning I was pondering the question, why have I not lost weight. It is really starting to bug me. I feel like I do all this work for nothing and as much as I want to focus on the positives it is becoming harder and harder every week. Looking at my diet, I think I'm fine...over all I eat healthy, balanced meals, and I exercise, we all know I exercise. So, the only thing I can look at for improvement is my water intake. I make the cups of water, its drinking them that I have a problem with. Last night before bed I realized I had only had 1 big cup of water that day...1!! 32 oz!! So, my goal for the next few days is to DRINK WATER! The sad thing is, the only thing I had to drink yesterday was water so this morning when I went out on my run I was dehydrated and I could feel it.
Congrats on the progress you guys have made!! You both are looking great! Remember we've got pics for the month coming soon so let's rock it!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A moment that I have been waiting for happen today!! So it is raining like a Cats and Dogs outside, there is a river running down the street! So we get home and I carry all the kids inside and Katelynns says"Mom you want me to get you some PJ that are dry." I said sure she brought down some PJ bottoms that I got two Christmas ago! And I have not been able to fit into them ever!! So when she brought them down I started to say Those don't then all of sudden I thought Maybe.............. SO I went in the bathroom and I put them on and they FIT!! and they are comfortable!! I am wearing them right now!! I am so excited!!! It is a great day! I needed a push and this was my push! I jumped on the treadmill and went for 25mins!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
5 mile run Aftermath
I don't know about you girls but yesterday was awful! After the run my foot was still in pain so I decided rather than ice it I'd soak it in Epsom worked great. The problem was that the leg cramp I got on our way up Charleston to Hollywood hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized I hadn't stretched yet so that is what I immediately did. I sat on the floor stretching for about 15 minutes. It felt sooo good, but the cramp would not go away. I had to shower and get ready for the day so I did that, we went out and ended up being out until about 8 o'clock. The whole time we were out my leg had this constant cramp in it. I wish I would have thought to take ibuprofen...I really don't know what I was thinking going without it. Anyway, we got home and I needed to put Teagan into bed therefore, I had to go up the stairs. SCREAMING PAIN IN MY KNEES!! And yet I still did not think to take a pain reliever. When I got downstairs I laid on my couch and did not move the rest of the night. I had to even convince myself to walk back up the stairs to go to bed.
So the point in all this...the question asked by both of you... "Why are we doing this?"
My answer:
We are doing this because we are sick and tired of not being able to shop in the regular Misses section at the store!
We are doing this because we have children at home and we need the energy to keep up with them...being a couch potato will not help!
We are doing this because the only way to lose weight is to get up off our rear ends and do something.
We are doing this because after the pain we feel really good about what we've accomplished.
We are doing this because we need girl time away from the kiddos.
We are doing this because nothing worth doing is easy.
We are doing this because WE CAN!!
I'm sure there are many reasons why we actually do this, but those are just a few I thought of.
I love you guys and I am so grateful I have good friends like you to share this experience with. You guys keep me motivated and give me the courage to do things I could not do on my own. Remember, after the pain comes the blessings.
So the point in all this...the question asked by both of you... "Why are we doing this?"
My answer:
We are doing this because we are sick and tired of not being able to shop in the regular Misses section at the store!
We are doing this because we have children at home and we need the energy to keep up with them...being a couch potato will not help!
We are doing this because the only way to lose weight is to get up off our rear ends and do something.
We are doing this because after the pain we feel really good about what we've accomplished.
We are doing this because we need girl time away from the kiddos.
We are doing this because nothing worth doing is easy.
We are doing this because WE CAN!!
I'm sure there are many reasons why we actually do this, but those are just a few I thought of.
I love you guys and I am so grateful I have good friends like you to share this experience with. You guys keep me motivated and give me the courage to do things I could not do on my own. Remember, after the pain comes the blessings.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
This website is cool!! It ask you tons of questions about your feet and how you run then it gives you different types of shoes that will work best for your feet!!
Adding in one more goal!!
Okay I know you guys are sick of hearing me today! But I am adding in a goal! And that is to be more positive! I seem to always get pessimistic when I go on diets and get grouchy! So enough is enough I am determine to get out of my funk! And be in a better mood! I have notice I have been on edge and little things drive me crazy! When I need to take a deep breath and relax! So that is what I will be doing! Is chilling out and being happy!! And not complaining as much!!
Sarah's weigh in
I think I'm a little addicted to the scale. I weighed several times and my weight fluctuated between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 pounds! I'm going to go with 3 pounds, then if it is actually 3 1/2 it can help me next week, which is going to be a very hard week. We have our anniversary, a missionary luncheon that is going to have very yummy, tempting food, and my husband's birthday all before the middle of the week. So wish me luck!
We did 5 MILES today!!! I wasn't sure I could do it before we started, but I survived and it's not too bad, but my legs are stiff. Maybe that way I can justify pigging out on my anniversary??
We did 5 MILES today!!! I wasn't sure I could do it before we started, but I survived and it's not too bad, but my legs are stiff. Maybe that way I can justify pigging out on my anniversary??
My Grammy Speech!
Well today we ran 5 miles! YUP!! That is right 5 miles. We were planning on running 4 miles then when we got to Kim's house she said, " You guys want to run 5miles?" And we were like well do we really have any feeling after 4 anyways so what is one more mile!! So we did it!! We did awesome!!
I think for me I really need a team support to get back into shape! And I thought about that alot while I was running today. M, W, & F I need Marlo, Monica, Monta, & Kim there supporting me along and not letting me stop. And I need Sarah and Kim on Saturdays again to keep me going. I would like think I could do 5 miles on my own. But I don't know I need my girls to keep me going. If they don't stop I am surely NOT!!
I am so excited that I was able to run 5 miles today!! The last Friday in October I started running. The first time I could barely do 1/2 a mile and Marlo was right there supporting me on! By the time I finished I thought I was going to die! Then a few weeks later we did a mile! And I had to walk some of it I could not even do the whole thing. And then we did the 5K right before Thanksgiving! And I ran the whole thing! That experience gave me such confidence to know that I could 3.1 miles! Then last week 4 miles and then the week 5 miles! It honestly brings tears to my eyes to beable run that far! I was so out of shape and to know that I can run that far is such a great feeling.
-I am so thankful for Marlo for making me do that first half mile and for her continued support and push to go as far as I can!
-I am thankful for Monta & Monica for also being there every M,W &F to push me along
-I am thankful for Sarah & Kim for during this journey with me! Sometimes I feel like I have just so far to go! That I will never get there! But these two girls keep me going! Thank you girls!!
-I also love that my husband has also joined me on this journey it has been fun cheering each other on! And next year at this time we will be one HOT couple!! AND NOT PREGNANT!! (well pregnancy is not in the plan)
Now that I accepted my grammy!
I think for me I really need a team support to get back into shape! And I thought about that alot while I was running today. M, W, & F I need Marlo, Monica, Monta, & Kim there supporting me along and not letting me stop. And I need Sarah and Kim on Saturdays again to keep me going. I would like think I could do 5 miles on my own. But I don't know I need my girls to keep me going. If they don't stop I am surely NOT!!
I am so excited that I was able to run 5 miles today!! The last Friday in October I started running. The first time I could barely do 1/2 a mile and Marlo was right there supporting me on! By the time I finished I thought I was going to die! Then a few weeks later we did a mile! And I had to walk some of it I could not even do the whole thing. And then we did the 5K right before Thanksgiving! And I ran the whole thing! That experience gave me such confidence to know that I could 3.1 miles! Then last week 4 miles and then the week 5 miles! It honestly brings tears to my eyes to beable run that far! I was so out of shape and to know that I can run that far is such a great feeling.
-I am so thankful for Marlo for making me do that first half mile and for her continued support and push to go as far as I can!
-I am thankful for Monta & Monica for also being there every M,W &F to push me along
-I am thankful for Sarah & Kim for during this journey with me! Sometimes I feel like I have just so far to go! That I will never get there! But these two girls keep me going! Thank you girls!!
-I also love that my husband has also joined me on this journey it has been fun cheering each other on! And next year at this time we will be one HOT couple!! AND NOT PREGNANT!! (well pregnancy is not in the plan)
Now that I accepted my grammy!
Korina's Weigh In
I lost another pound this week! I should be happy about the pound, but I worked twice has hard this week and lost 5 last week and only one this week! But oh well!! Well today we are running another 4 miles! We did it last week so I know we can do it again!! :)
Okay guys, I know my body and I was right. Nothing going on over here except a 1 lb weight gain due to my VERY yummy dinner last night. You guys are making me look bad. =)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Changing my weigh in day!
I have decided to also change my weigh in day to Saturday! Hoping it will help me be good on Fridays!! Well I have been during pretty good this week, but it has not been easy!! I am craving everything bad, and I just want to eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and did I say eat yet!! It is all I can think about at night!! I am not even hungry some of the those times! This week has been a struggle to be good. Last week was a so easy, but this week I have to push myself to be good. Why can't I just be natually skinny that would be so great! This week I worked harder than last week, and I don't think the scale is going to say that though.
Fast food- Have not had one bite of fast food all week!
Soda- not one drop
Water- doing good, but I can always drink more!
Working out- I have missed a few morning workouts but I have made up for them on the treadmill and have been during strength training every night.
Eating after 7pm- I have not been eating after 7pm, but this one has been so hard!
I really wish I could just wake up and be 20lbs lighter, but not guessing this going to happen! Why is it so easy to put on the weight and so hard to take it off??? Well I will be blogity blogging tomorrow to let you know how the weigh in goes. From watching biggest looser week 2 is always seems to be the worst weigh in. Well wish me luck!!
Fast food- Have not had one bite of fast food all week!
Soda- not one drop
Water- doing good, but I can always drink more!
Working out- I have missed a few morning workouts but I have made up for them on the treadmill and have been during strength training every night.
Eating after 7pm- I have not been eating after 7pm, but this one has been so hard!
I really wish I could just wake up and be 20lbs lighter, but not guessing this going to happen! Why is it so easy to put on the weight and so hard to take it off??? Well I will be blogity blogging tomorrow to let you know how the weigh in goes. From watching biggest looser week 2 is always seems to be the worst weigh in. Well wish me luck!!
Weigh in...
DO I REALLY HAVE TO WEIGH IN THIS WEEK??? =) Come on ladies, I have to cheat today. It is my anniversary and we're going out to Memphis Barbeque. I SOOOO did not lose any weight this week. =)
I'm just kidding, I will weigh in tomorrow morning. I have to say I am so happy about the progress you guys have made. I just hope in the coming weeks I will finally be able to post some good news. I'm counting on you guys to keep me going and I am looking forward to the 4 mile run tomorrow. I'm gonna need it! Let's just hope the problem with my shoes is alleviated.
9 am right??
I'm just kidding, I will weigh in tomorrow morning. I have to say I am so happy about the progress you guys have made. I just hope in the coming weeks I will finally be able to post some good news. I'm counting on you guys to keep me going and I am looking forward to the 4 mile run tomorrow. I'm gonna need it! Let's just hope the problem with my shoes is alleviated.
9 am right??
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Fried Ice Cream is of the Devil!
Last night a family from Jerry's mission was in town and took us out to dinner. I pep talked myself all day about how I can find something healthy to eat at a restaurant. So we went to Guadalajara's - mmmm so good. It's the first time I've been there. I stared and stared at that menu and couldn't find anything that really said "HEALTHY" to me. I tried my best. The meal I ordered was an appetizer, meal, and dessert. I didn't eat the appetizer because that's what we gave our children for their meal. I got a fajita burrito. No, probably not super healthy but at least it wasn't smothered in cream sauce and cheese, and I'm pretty sure it said it was baked, not fried. And I didn't even eat the whole thing. So far so good right. Then they bring out the dessert. I'd always heard about fried ice cream, but had never tried it. I was weak! I gave in! I couldn't just let it sit there uneaten, melting away. But, oh was it good!!! BUT - on a positive note, the old Sarah would have come home and figured I've messed up anyway so I'll pull more ice cream out of the fridge and enjoy, but the new Sarah came home and drank lots and lots of water. Eating out is so hard. Especially when we don't go out that often, so when we do I want to get something I enjoy and make it a yummy experience. So yes, a fail for yesterday, but today is a new day and hopefully I can get that yummy ice cream off my butt before it stays for long. Now I've got to go work out!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I hate dieting! It actually isn't the dieting that is my problem, it is the fact that every time I say "I'm on a diet" I don't lose anything! In October when I started working out with Marlo I didn't change the way I was eating, I just exercised. It was great, I felt great. I lost 15 lbs!! So here I am in January, I'm back up to my start weight in October, had most of December off from exercising because of illness and I can't seem to lose anything. I'm eating tons better than I did when I lost 15, working out harder and nothing...
I can't stand it when things like this happen. It happens in regular life moments all the time. You purposely try not to do something and you slip up and do it anyway because you're thinking about not doing it. Dieting is the same thing for me. I purposely try to eat better, make sure I'm getting enough exercise, drink more water, and sleep and I lose nothing. Maybe I should go back to eating the way I did, lose sleep every night because of my kids, and not exercise so much, maybe then something will happen!! Urrg! Not really...just ranting. All this hard work will pay off sometime down the road. At least I cut my time on my mile! The stats are: November - 13 min 22 sec / January- 12 min 16 sec
My goal is to get that time down to 10 minutes...a few more months and I'm sure I'll be there even if I don't lose any weight.
I can't stand it when things like this happen. It happens in regular life moments all the time. You purposely try not to do something and you slip up and do it anyway because you're thinking about not doing it. Dieting is the same thing for me. I purposely try to eat better, make sure I'm getting enough exercise, drink more water, and sleep and I lose nothing. Maybe I should go back to eating the way I did, lose sleep every night because of my kids, and not exercise so much, maybe then something will happen!! Urrg! Not really...just ranting. All this hard work will pay off sometime down the road. At least I cut my time on my mile! The stats are: November - 13 min 22 sec / January- 12 min 16 sec
My goal is to get that time down to 10 minutes...a few more months and I'm sure I'll be there even if I don't lose any weight.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My Sweet Child!
So last month I won a pair of Jeans from LEE!! Thank you LEE!! So I ordered two sizes smaller than what I was wearing at the time. So today I got them, even though I knew they would not fit I still had to try. Just to see how far up I could get them. I was so excited I got them all the way up!!! A little to tight to button, but still got them on, another 10lbs and they will fit!! I was excited. Then my sweet daughter walks in.
Katelynn: "Mom you are to fat for those pants."
Mom: "A little more weight and they will fit."
Katelynn: "Not a little ALOT mom!"
Such a sweet child I have raised. But I am still excited that I was able to get them all the way up. A few more abs and they will be on my butt!!!
Katelynn: "Mom you are to fat for those pants."
Mom: "A little more weight and they will fit."
Katelynn: "Not a little ALOT mom!"
Such a sweet child I have raised. But I am still excited that I was able to get them all the way up. A few more abs and they will be on my butt!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Drumroll Please!!!
Ok, so the results are in. By stopping the mad cycle of shoving every holiday treat into my mouth I lost .... 7 pounds this week!!!!!I am so excited! I just have to keep it going, and I know that this week's numbers are much higher than they will be in the future - why do you think I was pigging out all last weekend - and I'll take it. Now I'm off to kill myself with a four mile run. If you never hear from me again you'll know why!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
No Bake Cheesecake
I also haven't tried this one, but I'm looking forward to trying it.
1 reduced fat graham crust
12 oz package fat-free cream cheese
1 package vanilla fat-free sugar free instant pudding
2 scoops (60 grams) vanilla protein powder
1 3/4 cup skim milk
3/4 cup fat-free cool whip
1 cup strawberries sliced
In a large bowl, combine the pudding mix and protien powder. Then add the cream cheese and milk. Blend until smooth. Pour into the pie crust and chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes or until set. Then top each serving with a Tbsp of Coolwhip and a 1/8 cup of sliced strawberries. Makes 8 servings.
1 reduced fat graham crust
12 oz package fat-free cream cheese
1 package vanilla fat-free sugar free instant pudding
2 scoops (60 grams) vanilla protein powder
1 3/4 cup skim milk
3/4 cup fat-free cool whip
1 cup strawberries sliced
In a large bowl, combine the pudding mix and protien powder. Then add the cream cheese and milk. Blend until smooth. Pour into the pie crust and chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes or until set. Then top each serving with a Tbsp of Coolwhip and a 1/8 cup of sliced strawberries. Makes 8 servings.
Banana Cream Pie
I have made this, and I think it is delicious!!! My family even likes it a lot. My only change would be the crust. It was ok, but it didn't stick together very well, and I think it would be easier to just buy a non-fat, or low-fat graham cracker pre-made crust. Very good FHE treat. The recipe says there are 4 servings, but I think it can easily serve 6-8, but you know you don't have to feel guilty if you like it so much that you end up eating a quarter of the pie.
I have also adapted this and made Chocolate mousse pie - because I'm a chocoholic. The only changes are using chocolate sugar-free Jello pudding mix, no banana extract, and chocolate protein powder instead of vanilla. If it still isn't chocolaty enough you could add a bit of baking cocoa. (Believe me, you won't taste the cottage cheese at all, especially if you blend it.)
If you don't have protein powder you don't have to use it, but it won't have nearly the amount of protein, but there is protein in egg whites (crust) and the cottage cheese is great protein. Still yummy!
1/2 cup low-fat graham cracker crumbs (4 long crackers)
1-2 egg whites
2 cups blended fat-free cottage cheese
8 packets of Equal
1 box French vanilla sugar-free Jello pudding mix
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons banana extract
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 banana sliced thin
Make a crust using the graham cracker crumbs and egg white and press into the bottom of a 9-inch pie plate or baking dish. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Let cool. (I put in freezer for 15 minutes). Then, cream together first 6 ingredients in a blender. Slice banana and layer in the bottom of the pie shell. Pour blended mixture into crust. Cool in refrigerator. Top with fat-free Cool Whip if desired. (Servings: 4, Protein: 17g per slice, Carbs: 20g per slice) Makes 4 servings.
I have also adapted this and made Chocolate mousse pie - because I'm a chocoholic. The only changes are using chocolate sugar-free Jello pudding mix, no banana extract, and chocolate protein powder instead of vanilla. If it still isn't chocolaty enough you could add a bit of baking cocoa. (Believe me, you won't taste the cottage cheese at all, especially if you blend it.)
If you don't have protein powder you don't have to use it, but it won't have nearly the amount of protein, but there is protein in egg whites (crust) and the cottage cheese is great protein. Still yummy!
1/2 cup low-fat graham cracker crumbs (4 long crackers)
1-2 egg whites
2 cups blended fat-free cottage cheese
8 packets of Equal
1 box French vanilla sugar-free Jello pudding mix
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoons banana extract
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 banana sliced thin
Make a crust using the graham cracker crumbs and egg white and press into the bottom of a 9-inch pie plate or baking dish. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Let cool. (I put in freezer for 15 minutes). Then, cream together first 6 ingredients in a blender. Slice banana and layer in the bottom of the pie shell. Pour blended mixture into crust. Cool in refrigerator. Top with fat-free Cool Whip if desired. (Servings: 4, Protein: 17g per slice, Carbs: 20g per slice) Makes 4 servings.
Almost French Fries
I haven't tried this recipe yet, but I will be trying it out next week for sure. Maybe with some grilled chicken or something like that.
4 medium sized potatoes
Lawry’s seasoning salt
Pam cooking spray
Preheat oven to 475*, slice potatoes (somewhat thin), line pan with aluminum foil for easy clean up, spray with Pam, lay potatoes in one even layer, spray potatoes with pam (or small amount of olive oil) sprinkle with seasoned salt and pepper over potatoes, cook for approximately 15 min. or until potatoes are slightly browning. Delicious! Makes 6 servings.
Eat with a low fat protein for a balanced meal.
Let me know what you think if you try it.
4 medium sized potatoes
Lawry’s seasoning salt
Pam cooking spray
Preheat oven to 475*, slice potatoes (somewhat thin), line pan with aluminum foil for easy clean up, spray with Pam, lay potatoes in one even layer, spray potatoes with pam (or small amount of olive oil) sprinkle with seasoned salt and pepper over potatoes, cook for approximately 15 min. or until potatoes are slightly browning. Delicious! Makes 6 servings.
Eat with a low fat protein for a balanced meal.
Let me know what you think if you try it.
A little more insight to my history
So, I did weigh in this morning, but I've decided I'm going to do my official weigh in for the week on Saturday morning instead. That way it will hopefully motivate me to eat good Friday night.
Tonight I am proud of myself because I made steamed broccoli with our dinner. I actually LOVE steamed broccoli, but I've been really bad about making any sides of vegetables or fruit for the longest time. Jerry even liked it. (Well, the one piece he had) He complimented me and said, "I think that's the most vegetables I've had in a while." I've been consciously trying to eat more veggies this week and it's been good.
For my eating plan I'm trying to eat meals that include a balance of protein and carbohydrates. I'm roughly basing it on the Body For Life eating plan. I have never been a super skinny toothpick, and for as long as I can remember I was always trying to lose weight. Part of that probably came from having 5 older sisters. As they hit those teenage years where they were worried about weight I was still quite young, but it made me start thinking about weight at a young age. I was always tall and looked more mature than the girls my age so I felt like I was overweight. Looking back at pictures I wasn't that bad, however I never really was a stick. Once I hit puberty I did legitimately struggle with my weight. I wouldn't say I was ever really overweight, but I don't really remember a time that I wasn't trying to lose weight. About 9 years ago I started the Body For Life program. It is a 12 week program and it worked for me, where nothing else that I'd ever done before really did. I lost 30 lbs in 12 weeks and gained a lot of muscle. I can show you the before and after pics in person, but sorry, no way am I posting pics of me in a bikini online. I was also able to maintain for about 2 years until I got married, then the weight slowly started to creep up, and then babies blew it out of the water. Not because it's necessarily hard to eat this way, but much more fun to eat yummy fattening stuff, and easier to eat take out than to plan meals. I will say though, I don't think our family dinners will be completely on the plan, but I'll make modifications and still make healthy dinners.
To be honest, I think any logical plan will work if you stick to it. I'm kinda anti Slim fast, Atkins, etc. They don't make sense to me, and I love the taste of food. Basics are burn more calories than you eat right? But I like the structure of Body For Life, and it's something that works for me, so there is my eating plan, in a big fat nutshell.
I found a couple recipe's that are healthy cures for the my sweet tooth. I'll post them next. I have tried one, and the others I'll be trying.
Tonight I am proud of myself because I made steamed broccoli with our dinner. I actually LOVE steamed broccoli, but I've been really bad about making any sides of vegetables or fruit for the longest time. Jerry even liked it. (Well, the one piece he had) He complimented me and said, "I think that's the most vegetables I've had in a while." I've been consciously trying to eat more veggies this week and it's been good.
For my eating plan I'm trying to eat meals that include a balance of protein and carbohydrates. I'm roughly basing it on the Body For Life eating plan. I have never been a super skinny toothpick, and for as long as I can remember I was always trying to lose weight. Part of that probably came from having 5 older sisters. As they hit those teenage years where they were worried about weight I was still quite young, but it made me start thinking about weight at a young age. I was always tall and looked more mature than the girls my age so I felt like I was overweight. Looking back at pictures I wasn't that bad, however I never really was a stick. Once I hit puberty I did legitimately struggle with my weight. I wouldn't say I was ever really overweight, but I don't really remember a time that I wasn't trying to lose weight. About 9 years ago I started the Body For Life program. It is a 12 week program and it worked for me, where nothing else that I'd ever done before really did. I lost 30 lbs in 12 weeks and gained a lot of muscle. I can show you the before and after pics in person, but sorry, no way am I posting pics of me in a bikini online. I was also able to maintain for about 2 years until I got married, then the weight slowly started to creep up, and then babies blew it out of the water. Not because it's necessarily hard to eat this way, but much more fun to eat yummy fattening stuff, and easier to eat take out than to plan meals. I will say though, I don't think our family dinners will be completely on the plan, but I'll make modifications and still make healthy dinners.
To be honest, I think any logical plan will work if you stick to it. I'm kinda anti Slim fast, Atkins, etc. They don't make sense to me, and I love the taste of food. Basics are burn more calories than you eat right? But I like the structure of Body For Life, and it's something that works for me, so there is my eating plan, in a big fat nutshell.
I found a couple recipe's that are healthy cures for the my sweet tooth. I'll post them next. I have tried one, and the others I'll be trying.
BAD WEEK for Kim!!
You guys know that over Christmas break I got really sick. I was down for the count for 7 days and then it took almost 5 days after that to feel like I wasn't sick anymore. It was horrible! Not only was it horrible but it totally ruined my groove. Because of my down and out phase plus the holiday eating I ended up gaining back all of the weight I lost in October and November....TOTALLY DISCOURAGING.
I was really dredding getting back to working out on Monday because I could feel how much strength I had lost. I knew it was bad and I was right. This week's workouts have nearly killed me. Aside from Monday I have been eating really good all week. I'm averaging about 1700 calories/day, which I thought was really good. I have been very good about keeping balanced nutrition and I have done some kind of exercising everyday this week...except today so far, but I will be playing WII FIT a little later...maybe some EA Active too. Anyway, to sum this week up... I gained weight!! I am so frustrated I honestly felt like crying when I saw it.
I will not let this discourage me, but at the same time it doesn't feel good. Who knows, maybe next week I'll end up with a 10 lb weight loss. My body probably just needs to come out of the shock I put it into this week.
I was really dredding getting back to working out on Monday because I could feel how much strength I had lost. I knew it was bad and I was right. This week's workouts have nearly killed me. Aside from Monday I have been eating really good all week. I'm averaging about 1700 calories/day, which I thought was really good. I have been very good about keeping balanced nutrition and I have done some kind of exercising everyday this week...except today so far, but I will be playing WII FIT a little later...maybe some EA Active too. Anyway, to sum this week up... I gained weight!! I am so frustrated I honestly felt like crying when I saw it.
I will not let this discourage me, but at the same time it doesn't feel good. Who knows, maybe next week I'll end up with a 10 lb weight loss. My body probably just needs to come out of the shock I put it into this week.
Korina's first weigh in!
Well my first official weigh in and I lost 5lbs! Gary, the kids and I are going out tonight so I really hope I don't go crazy and gain all of the weight back. I just don't understand how it is so easy to put on and so hard to take off! We also have a birthday party on Saturday. Yummy food and cake! I just have to try to watch what I eat this weekend. On Saturday Kim, Sarah and I are meeting and running 4 miles! What do I think about this? Scared to death! I really may die! On the side of the road. I think one mile of it is up hill well atleast will fell like a 10miles up hill when we run it! Well worst comes to worst I can walk a little bit of it. Atleast I am getting a workout in. Well weigh in #1 is over and I lost! I am really hoping to loose 10lbs a month for atleast first 2months.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Why does everything have to be so good!
Well I am having a hard day!! Why does everything good have to be so bad!! I love food and I can't eat any of it!! Well I know I can, but not if I want to loose weight! I have decided to give myself one bad day a week. But man does that day need to get here! And then I am worried when I do enjoy on Saturday then I will gain all the wieght that I lost this week so frustrating!!
SLEEP! It is so hard waking up in the morning to workout! I just want to sleep. I know it is nice to have my workout done my 8am, but man is it early! I just need to become a morning person. Or get used to it!
I am just hoping tomorrow when I step on the scale it is good
Well I am having a hard day!! Why does everything good have to be so bad!! I love food and I can't eat any of it!! Well I know I can, but not if I want to loose weight! I have decided to give myself one bad day a week. But man does that day need to get here! And then I am worried when I do enjoy on Saturday then I will gain all the wieght that I lost this week so frustrating!!
SLEEP! It is so hard waking up in the morning to workout! I just want to sleep. I know it is nice to have my workout done my 8am, but man is it early! I just need to become a morning person. Or get used to it!
I am just hoping tomorrow when I step on the scale it is good
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
That Run Just About Killed Me!!!
So, I just got done running for today and WOW! It was a killer. I even went the same distance that I went on Monday, but I was much slower and it was so much harder. I couldn't get my legs to go. I'm thinking that Monday I still had all the sugar from the holidays in my system. I guess the thing I can feel good about is that I put it all out there and didn't hold back at all.
So here's the mid-week update on the rest of my goals:
Sleep: Yes, I've actually been getting about 7.5-8 hours per night, but I'm still so tired in the morning?? I am waking up during the night still, but it's not for very long. It does feel good to get more sleep though.
Water: Yippers!! NO problem there. In fact I've way exceeded 10 cups per day.
Exercise: So far, so good. Ran 3 miles Monday, Ran 1 mile and did some weights on Tues, Ran 3 miles Wed. I plan to do weights tomorrow, run 2 miles Friday, and 4!! miles Saturday. Wish me luck!
Eating: I've been doing pretty good. I haven't had any "bad" food, but I have waited too long between meals because I've been busy and I don't get to eat till I'm REALLY hungry. Maybe that's why I'm so tired still, because I need to be eating more often to get more energy. I also have been very good about eating after 8:30.
So here's the mid-week update on the rest of my goals:
Sleep: Yes, I've actually been getting about 7.5-8 hours per night, but I'm still so tired in the morning?? I am waking up during the night still, but it's not for very long. It does feel good to get more sleep though.
Water: Yippers!! NO problem there. In fact I've way exceeded 10 cups per day.
Exercise: So far, so good. Ran 3 miles Monday, Ran 1 mile and did some weights on Tues, Ran 3 miles Wed. I plan to do weights tomorrow, run 2 miles Friday, and 4!! miles Saturday. Wish me luck!
Eating: I've been doing pretty good. I haven't had any "bad" food, but I have waited too long between meals because I've been busy and I don't get to eat till I'm REALLY hungry. Maybe that's why I'm so tired still, because I need to be eating more often to get more energy. I also have been very good about eating after 8:30.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Korina- Mid Week Check In!
Well I have decided to make Friday my wiegh in day! Mostly for the fact that I have a hard time being good on the weekend. Plus, I started on Saturday so it makes since to weigh in on Friday! Here is my mid week check in.
1st No Caffeine- Well I have to say AWESOME!!!! I have not drank any soda since Saturday!! And I am actually doing really good!
2nd Goal no fast food- Again AWESOME!! No Fastfood since Wednesday actually! So tomorrow it will be a week with no fast food!
3rd Goal working out- Well I worked out on Monday and today I just got to busy. So not very good today. :( So I will have to makeup for it sometime this week.
4th Goal water- During pretty good with water, could probally drink more. But at least drinkig more.
5th Goal not eating after 7pm I have done good with this one too this week! So I am not taking extra calories that I could do with out.
6th Goal eating Breakfast okay not very great I have only ate breakfast once this week :( I really need to make time for breakfast.
The midweek result so far this week I have lost 4lbs!! My goal is to loose 10lbs the first month, so to start off with 4lbs down is a good way to start. My official way in is on Friday. I am not going to change it on my trigger until then. Hopefully it will still be minus 4lbs or more on Friday!
1st No Caffeine- Well I have to say AWESOME!!!! I have not drank any soda since Saturday!! And I am actually doing really good!
2nd Goal no fast food- Again AWESOME!! No Fastfood since Wednesday actually! So tomorrow it will be a week with no fast food!
3rd Goal working out- Well I worked out on Monday and today I just got to busy. So not very good today. :( So I will have to makeup for it sometime this week.
4th Goal water- During pretty good with water, could probally drink more. But at least drinkig more.
5th Goal not eating after 7pm I have done good with this one too this week! So I am not taking extra calories that I could do with out.
6th Goal eating Breakfast okay not very great I have only ate breakfast once this week :( I really need to make time for breakfast.
The midweek result so far this week I have lost 4lbs!! My goal is to loose 10lbs the first month, so to start off with 4lbs down is a good way to start. My official way in is on Friday. I am not going to change it on my trigger until then. Hopefully it will still be minus 4lbs or more on Friday!
Kim's thoughts....
We had FHE last night and I came to a realization. You can't control the treat when the kids are in charge. Yesterday was a good day. I planned my meals and they went according to plan...except lunch. I smelled the turkey and it had gone bad so I was out of luck...nothing to eat, except this piece of cheese pizza left over from Saturday, a corn dog, chicken nuggets or pb &j...what do you think I ate?? Nothing good! So since my lunch was bad I stayed really good about my snacks and dinner was awesome. I did a great job making beef stew for the first time. Then came treats for FHE...BROWNIES AND VANILLA ICE CREAM!!! My faaavooritte!! Let's just say it was a not so good day for me.
I have decided I am finally going to weigh myself and see the damage from December. You'll see my ticker and figure out the results. =)
I have decided I am finally going to weigh myself and see the damage from December. You'll see my ticker and figure out the results. =)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
My Turn, My Turn
I started thinking about my short term goal to help me reach my big goals as well. Here are the changes I'm going to focus on right now.
Sleep: I know sleep is important to weight loss, (not to mention it helps me be a better mom.) So I'm going to try to get at least 7 hours each night. This will be a huge improvement since I've been getting about 5 1/2. (Getting my baby to sleep through the night would be helpful too.)
Water: Just like Korina and Kim I want to drink, drink, drink. At LEAST 10 cups per day. So I guess I better increase the budget for toilet paper:)
Exercise: I want to exercise at least 5 days per week. My goal is to run 4 days and strength training 2 days per week. I know that is six days, which I'd like to do, but this way if I require 5 I won't beat myself up if I can't fit it in one day, or if I am not feeling well and I miss one day, I can still meet my goal.
Eating: I'm going to focus on eating small portions of balanced carb. and protein every 2-3 hours to increase motabolism. And I don't want to eat anything 1 1/2 hours before bed.
I think that's enough goals for now. Wish me luck!
I started thinking about my short term goal to help me reach my big goals as well. Here are the changes I'm going to focus on right now.
Sleep: I know sleep is important to weight loss, (not to mention it helps me be a better mom.) So I'm going to try to get at least 7 hours each night. This will be a huge improvement since I've been getting about 5 1/2. (Getting my baby to sleep through the night would be helpful too.)
Water: Just like Korina and Kim I want to drink, drink, drink. At LEAST 10 cups per day. So I guess I better increase the budget for toilet paper:)
Exercise: I want to exercise at least 5 days per week. My goal is to run 4 days and strength training 2 days per week. I know that is six days, which I'd like to do, but this way if I require 5 I won't beat myself up if I can't fit it in one day, or if I am not feeling well and I miss one day, I can still meet my goal.
Eating: I'm going to focus on eating small portions of balanced carb. and protein every 2-3 hours to increase motabolism. And I don't want to eat anything 1 1/2 hours before bed.
I think that's enough goals for now. Wish me luck!
Korina made me think about GOALS!
Kim -
I've decided to make my start weight what I am today, not what I was in October when I started exercising because like Sarah said, we are starting now. So....
0 lbs down
I have never been one to make goals for myself. If I want to do something I usually just do it, no planning, no prepping, just take the bull by the horns and do it. Unfortunately that is not the case with weightloss.
I am only making one goal this month and that goal is:
I like fast food, but to be honest I am beginning to really lose my taste for it because we've had it so much this month. I miss my veggies!! I miss my water! I miss feeling good when I wake up in the morning!
With life being as busy as it is I REALLY need to plan my meals. It is when there is a lack of planning that I slip up and buy dinner. No more of that. I do have extra motivation because my son is gaining too much weight because he's eating bad and my other son needs to be on a strict, healthy diet to control his behavior. More than that, I need to gain motivation within myself, for myself. How do I do that when I live for my kids?
So, tomorrow my plan is this:
5:30am - Oatmeal and a glass of water
9:30am - Apple
1:30pm- Turkey sandwich
4:30pm- baby carrots
6:30pm- beef stew
I will constantly have a bottle of water with me with the intent to drink at least 64oz...that is the daily average right? =) Knowing me I'll get to about 96.
I've decided to make my start weight what I am today, not what I was in October when I started exercising because like Sarah said, we are starting now. So....
0 lbs down
I have never been one to make goals for myself. If I want to do something I usually just do it, no planning, no prepping, just take the bull by the horns and do it. Unfortunately that is not the case with weightloss.
I am only making one goal this month and that goal is:
I like fast food, but to be honest I am beginning to really lose my taste for it because we've had it so much this month. I miss my veggies!! I miss my water! I miss feeling good when I wake up in the morning!
With life being as busy as it is I REALLY need to plan my meals. It is when there is a lack of planning that I slip up and buy dinner. No more of that. I do have extra motivation because my son is gaining too much weight because he's eating bad and my other son needs to be on a strict, healthy diet to control his behavior. More than that, I need to gain motivation within myself, for myself. How do I do that when I live for my kids?
So, tomorrow my plan is this:
5:30am - Oatmeal and a glass of water
9:30am - Apple
1:30pm- Turkey sandwich
4:30pm- baby carrots
6:30pm- beef stew
I will constantly have a bottle of water with me with the intent to drink at least 64oz...that is the daily average right? =) Knowing me I'll get to about 96.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
My Goals for the first few weeks!
6lbs down
I am hoping to start off with a few goals. Then every few weeks I will add a few more on.
Goal #1
No Caffeine- Today is day 1 with no caffeine! I thought I was going to have the worst headache, but I am actually doing really well. Tomorrow may be another story. But day 1 okay!!
Goal #2
Fast Food- I love fast food. I love the convience of fast fast food, I love the taste of fast food. The goal is to cut it down to once a week! Which is a big step for me and my family.
Goal #3
Working Out- M,W,F I will be working out with Kim, Marlo, Monta, & Monica. T and Th are up to me! But we did put the treadmill in the front room so I am hoping that will help with it starring at me!
Goal #4
Water- Thats right drink it!!
Goal #5
7pm- No eating after 7pm! This one will be hard. Mostly with Gary getting home and eating after 7pm.
Well wish me luck!! It won't be fun, but hopefully worth it!
6lbs down
I am hoping to start off with a few goals. Then every few weeks I will add a few more on.
Goal #1
No Caffeine- Today is day 1 with no caffeine! I thought I was going to have the worst headache, but I am actually doing really well. Tomorrow may be another story. But day 1 okay!!
Goal #2
Fast Food- I love fast food. I love the convience of fast fast food, I love the taste of fast food. The goal is to cut it down to once a week! Which is a big step for me and my family.
Goal #3
Working Out- M,W,F I will be working out with Kim, Marlo, Monta, & Monica. T and Th are up to me! But we did put the treadmill in the front room so I am hoping that will help with it starring at me!
Goal #4
Water- Thats right drink it!!
Goal #5
7pm- No eating after 7pm! This one will be hard. Mostly with Gary getting home and eating after 7pm.
Well wish me luck!! It won't be fun, but hopefully worth it!
The Beginning
Our journey is long. It will be hard. It will be inspiring. It will be fun. It will be amazing. We are so excited to share with you readers our ups, downs, and our recipes. The following are pictures taken today. Every month each of us will post new pictures so our progress is not only documented, but hopefully it will motivate and remind of us where we were and where we are going.



As embarrasing as these pics are, I am sure we will look back and be grateful we posted them.
As embarrasing as these pics are, I am sure we will look back and be grateful we posted them.
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