So, I did pretty good this week. I exercised in some form every day except Friday. So, just for the fun of it I'm going to give you my excuse. =) I had to do my 3 hour glucose test. Let me just say I nearly vomited all over the waiting room floor trying to drink that nasty stuff!! The lady next to me saw my face and changed chairs. LOL Don't worry, I held it down, but I barely made it within the 5 minutes. After the test was done I came home, ate lunch and rested. Not eating takes a lot out of you! Then once the boys got home I had to take Matt to his doc which is ACROSS town. I got home about 5:30 ate dinner and then went to a movie where I enjoyed a nice BIG coke and yummy movie theater popcorn WITH butter. I know, I'm horrible, right!? It is my anniversary, I get to splurge. =)
So, the good news... I didn't lose and didn't gain. Awesome! I am being VERY cautious about my weight gain right now. If I end up losing a little, that's great, but I am certainly not expecting it.
Good job!