Friday, January 7, 2011

Getting some of the Holiday Weight off!

Last night I did not get on Wii until later in the night. As I was so upset that I was not what I weighed the day before. Gary reminded me, "YOUR PREGNANT!!" and it was also night!! This morning I was much happier when I stepped on the scale! I lost 6lbs! Before anyone yells at me for loosing that much. I changed my habits this week. Christmas break I think I worked out 4 times the whole two weeks. I have worked out every day except for Tuesday and we have not ate out and have been eating better around the house. At night when I have munchies instead of making a sandwich I have been eating veggies. It has also helped that Gary is on board with me. Which makes it fun and if he is going to workout then I better get my butt up and do it!!


  1. That is awesome! Congratulations! Isn't it crazy how seeing that we don't lose weight (when you weighed last night) can make us so depressed, even if we are better than we were last week? We're crazy. I'm very proud of you. It makes a huge difference having hubby onboard.

  2. That is great Korina! Please do remember you are pregnant and you are now in the trimester where you should gain the most weight. That doesn't excuse you to eat bad, but realize the scale is going to go up occasionally. =)
