This week has been a little harder than I thought. I am much more motivated than I was in December, but I can also tell I'm not quite as on fire as I was last January. BUT I'm still motivated, and I really NEED to lose this extra weight that I put on over the holidays. It's amazing to me how quickly my endurance and speed was lost. I'm building it back up again though. I ran on Monday and Wednesday. I did weights on Tuesday and Thursday, and yesterday I sped walked 3 miles. Today I ran 5 miles!! I wasn't sure if I could do it. Monica ran with me, and it's a good thing. Running with someone else is so much more enjoyable and it helped me to do 5 miles, rather than skipping out and only doing 4. I want to do 5 again next Sat. then move up to 6.
So for the weight loss part. Ready, 1,2,3 pounds. That's it! I really had thought that I'd easily be able to lose at least 5 pounds because it is the first week back. But nope. That's ok though. 3 pounds is better than nothing, and 3 pounds is better than gaining. Hopefully I can lose another 3 next week.
That is awesome Sarah! Great job! I am proud of you for getting up this morning!! Very impressive!