Saturday, January 22, 2011

Its amazing what going to the doctor can do

So after who knows how long, I finally decided to go see a doctor. I am now on Claratin daily, thanks to Dr. Harter, and am finally feeling human again. The sad news is that this week was a horrible week for weight gain. Up until the day before my appointment I had gained NOTHING then, all of a sudden I was up 5 lbs!!! Dr. Harter took one look at my hands and feet and knew it was water weight, but that didn't keep me from crying. Yes, I broke down and cried! I think it was just the tip of the iceburg. I have been so stressed out about one thing or another over the last 3 months, on top of feeling like a walking zombie and on Friday I finally had my meltdown. It started in his office and lasted about half the day. My poor husband had no idea what to do with me. I have to say, poor Dr. Harter too. He offered me medication for my stress, but I refused. I think I just needed a really good cry, the only problem was, once I got started I couldn't stop and even typing it here on the computer is making me tear up.

So, on to the details of my week. I felt awful until about Thursday, when I started taking my allergy meds so I didn't work out. I have been trying to eat healthy, but I did cheat and have a couple of my delicious chocolate chip cookies. I had to taste them before I gave them out. ;) I'm not being perfect, but unfortunately depression gets the better of me and I haven't exactly kicked out the emotional eater in me. Even if it is munching on dried fruit... I just tend to munch. STILL NOT GOOD

My goal, now that I'm feeling better is to go back to my original goal and get a 15 minute walk in every day... at the very least. Hey, by the way, I saw you girls, and if you're going on a walk, you could always call me!! =) I miss you guys and it would be great to catch up once in a while. Of course, when I saw you I was on the way to my doc appointment. =)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you start to feel better. I hate once the tears start you just can't stop them!! We have been walking on Fridays since last January, to let our bodies rest but get ready for the long runs on Saturday. Even I have been a slacker on Saturday we just keep going on the Friday walk. You used not be able to go with us because of babysitting. Then you guys were moving. But you are always welcome to join us! The more the better! Gets my butt out of the house! :)
