Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday already?

Almost missed the midweek check in. Overall I've been doing pretty good this week. Exercising has been great, eating good, not perfect, but nothing too horrible. Sleep.... horrible. Why on earth do I think it is important to stay up till 1:00 am, to finish watching a stupid tv show that I don't regularly watch anyway, but I just get curious to see how it ends? Dumb, dumb, dumb. I know I need good sleep to let my muscles heal after working out, etc. But even worse than that I have no energy the next day. I do my workout, but I end up being lazy the rest of the day because of no energy. So, tonight I'm going to bed before midnight! Baby steps. Maybe tomorrow it will be before 11.
I have lost some weigh already, thank heavens!! But I still have a ways to go, even to get back to my low of where I was this summer. But I can do it. The best thing so far this week is that I don't feel nearly as bloated from eating all the crap, and not enough water. I'm planning to run 5 miles on Saturday. I'm a little nervous. Isn't that silly. 5 miles used to be no problem, and now I'm kind of scared. I can tell taking the time off during the holidays has made it harder to run. But 5 will get easier.
I want to check out to see if there are any 5K or 10K races coming up in January or Feb. That will help motivate me too.

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