Thursday, August 12, 2010

Free Weight!!

I wish I would just hit my goal just so I could maintain for awhile and not feel super guilty about everything that I put into my mouth. This week started out really well weight wise. Then though out the week it has been weird my pants are getting looser and looser but my weight is going up and up!! It is just so frustrating! This is when I wish we had done inches not only weight. I also have been looking at the body for life book and I may start trying to do that. Next grocery shopping trip. I was going to stall the weigh in till Saturday, but Friday night I am going to the Lindsay's house for dinner and it is going to be yummy!!

1 comment:

  1. I usually take anything that is free, but since I'm having a hard enough time losing my own weight I don't think I'll take yours. I bet you are building muscle. Muscle is more dense, takes up less space but weighs more. Don't you hate that. You are looking great. I agree, I wish we would have done measurements. I guess we could always start now.
