Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sarah's weekly weigh in

This week I lost 2.5 pounds! I know the .5 probably isn't really necessary to count, but it puts me in the next group of 10, so I'll count it.
This morning we did our 8 MILE RUN!! To be honest, I was REALLY dreading it for several reasons. I've been sick, but I feel like if I skip this run I won't be ready for the 9 miles next week and I won't be ready for the half marathon. I've also had a lack of sleep because of sick kids, my foot has been hurting, and it was very windy out there today. And to top it all off, I've got cramps (Sorry, if it's TMI, but I wanted to sound really dramatic.)
The run was actually not as bad as I'd been expecting, but MAN that wind was killer. It added some resistance training. I almost got attacked by some flying sagebrush. But I actually think the last mile or two were the easiest, maybe because I hit my stride, maybe because my body was numb by then, but most likely because that's when the wind was at my back, pushing me.
I was feeling very good about the 8 miles when I finished and realized only 5 more miles to make the 1/2 marathon. 5 MILES! That's still a lot in my mind. But we're getting there. Closer than we've ever been. I've never run 8 miles before in my life and I did it, and feel fine. So hopefully by the time we hit 13.1 it won't kill me.
We are going to Disneyland next week, and I am so excited, but a little worried about missing my workouts, and do you think I'll be eating healthy?? Ummm, NO. I will be walking a lot which will help, but my plan is to run 2 miles Monday night after the park. (Good luck huh) Tuesday, we're doing the park again, Run 3 miles Wed. before coming home, Run 5 miles Thurs. 2 on Fri, and the 9 on Sat. Wish me luck!!


  1. You are crazy...running while on vacation!! Good luck. I know you'll do it because you do everything you say you're gonna do. Great job!!

  2. You are doing awesome Sarah!! If time runs out while on vacation. This week we had two days off. You will for sure get plenty of walking in M & T. Then when you get home you can run W, Th, & F and you will be fine on Saturday!!
