Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm still alive! Even after 10 miles.

We did our 10 mile run this morning, and at first I really couldn't get going. I think that first mile is always so hard. But after a nice hot shower and icing my foot I actually feel great! (Then again I am sitting right now.) Even while I was running I was shocked that I wasn't more winded at 10 miles. If I keep my pace I think I just might be able to run the whole half marathon! These last couple weeks I have broken through a mental barrier. I never thought I'd be able to run this far at once. I'm amazed.
As far as my weigh in goes, I did gain 2 pounds. I guess I can't really beat myself up because that's after eating bad for 4 whole days, with my trip to Disneyland. I was really hoping to at least be back to where I was last week, but that's ok, it gives me something to shoot for next week.
Good job today girls!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah you just barely got home on Wednesday. You did great!! And you will loose that weight by Monday. You are doing awesome.
