Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Are we there yet??

I don't have anything major to write about, but I also think it's good to keep up on the blog throughout the week, because it keeps my motivation up. And let's be honest, don't you get excited when you see that there is a new post? I do.
So here is my mid-week report for the week. So far so good. I've been keeping up on eating good, exercising, etc. I'm back to my Friday morning weight which is good because I TOTALLY pigged out not just one day last weekend, but Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.
I can't believe the 1/2 marathon is only two long runs, and a sort-of-long run away. That is how I look at it, rather than weeks. Honestly I am liking running more than I ever thought I would, but the Saturday runs are hard. Mainly it's the fact that we have to go so early to beat the heat, and because we're going to be gone so long. And wow, 11 miles is far. But it gives such gratification, and confidence to know I can do it. Korina and I were talking today as we were running and just marveling at how far we've come. I remember after the Turkey Trot 5K I was wiped out, and needed a good nap that afternoon. That was only 3.1 miles! Now when I see 3 miles on the running schedule I think, "Oh, easy day."
I'm so glad we decided to do this half marathon, but I will be honest. First, I'm still scared about it. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do it running the whole time - unless my adreneline gets the best of me and I start out too fast. I have to pace myself. I'm also a little scared because I think I pulled a muscle in my leg, but at this point I really don't feel like I can sit out a week. I need every run to prepare for this race. Second, I'll be really excited when the race is done. I still definitely want to keep up on my running, but it will be nice to cut back on the Saturday runs so we aren't running 2+ hours, just 1 would be nice. But, on the flip side I hope my motivation doesn't lack once the race is done. Right now I know I HAVE to run, or I won't be prepared.
One thing I really need to work more on is getting sleep. I need to let my body regenerate, and also it is hard to make it throughout the day with working out without enough sleep.
I'll be taking new month pictures tomorrow! I'll try to get them on tomorrow, but it might not be till my weigh in post on Saturday.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sarah's weigh in and 11 mile aftermath

Are we completely crazy??! I hardly slept last night because I was running in my dreams all night. When I'd wake up I was so sad that I still had to actually do the run. I've been really nervous about the 11 miles all week, even though I did 10 and knew I could do 11, but still it's a lot. We woke up before the sun on a SATURDAY! and ran 11 miles! I think we are crazy. I've had my nap to refresh from the big 11 mile run today, so I feel much better - till I stand up to walk around. My legs are killing me, my quad muscles ache every time I sit down, and my foot has been hurting a lot this week. Oh the joys of running. I did push myself a little harder today, I knew I had to be back early enough for Jerry to get to work, and the run wasn't actually too bad. Marlo was kind enough to run slower (than her regular pace) and stick with me today. That helped me to go a little faster too. She also had some electrolite jelly beans that give that burst of energy when you need it. I think I'm going to have to buy me some of those. I'm proud of myself for improving my time a bit, but I do feel it now. I just need to keep stretching and icing and hopefully it will be much better by tomorrow. But as of right now I'm hobbling around like an old lady, and my kids are doing lots of running up and down the stairs for me because I can't bear to even think about the stairs. So yes, we are crazy, but what an accomplishment. It feels so good to know that I ran 11 miles, and I am pretty sure I will be able to do 13.1 - even if I won't be able to walk for the whole next week.
As for my weigh in, I'm using yesterday's weight for my weigh in because I went to lunch yesterday, and pretty much ate bad all night. So I lost 4 1/2 pounds. Yes, that does sound like a lot, but really it was losing the 2 pounds I put on from Disneyland. So really I lost 2 1/2 pounds. Yippee!

Weigh In and 11 miles!

This week I lost 2lbs! Finally hit 20lbs! This week I kind of felt like I was not trying very hard, but then I thought about it, and I was being good. I have just made being good part of my life now so it is not has hard. Not saying there is not going to be rough days, but at least every day is not a rough day.

Now for running!! I stuck to the schedule this week hoping it would get me ready for the big 11 miles! Well I did run the whole thing. But I just wish I was faster. I was really down on myself today while running. Part of me thinks KORINA you are running 11 miles who cares how fast you go. The other part just wants to go faster!! Then people say well JUST pick up the pace. WELL if I could!! I would!! I was so happy when I ran into Monta then I could stop thinking about how slow I was and just talk to her!! I stuck to the schedule this week hoping that the run would go easier. But I am so so sore!! It hurt so bad. Then there was a crazy bike rider who almost ran into Monta and I so somehow I stubbed my toe, and it hurts! Along with every other part of my body also!!! Okay there is my one man pity party!! On to 12 miles next week!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm still alive! Even after 10 miles.

We did our 10 mile run this morning, and at first I really couldn't get going. I think that first mile is always so hard. But after a nice hot shower and icing my foot I actually feel great! (Then again I am sitting right now.) Even while I was running I was shocked that I wasn't more winded at 10 miles. If I keep my pace I think I just might be able to run the whole half marathon! These last couple weeks I have broken through a mental barrier. I never thought I'd be able to run this far at once. I'm amazed.
As far as my weigh in goes, I did gain 2 pounds. I guess I can't really beat myself up because that's after eating bad for 4 whole days, with my trip to Disneyland. I was really hoping to at least be back to where I was last week, but that's ok, it gives me something to shoot for next week.
Good job today girls!


Well I just got back from running my 10 miles and I am to tired to even type. So all I have to say is I lost a pound this week. Fit into some jeans that I won from Lee Jeans in December that I bought 2 sizes to small! And did not die running the 10 miles!! Thats it and still alive!

Good Bye!

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's that time again!! Kim's Weigh-in

This week was much like other weeks...BAD! I didn't lose anything, but that again, doesn't surprise me. We haven't had much money for groceries this month so I've been eating a lot of peanut butter and jelly for lunch. Not the best when you're trying to lose weight. On top of that I have to find a new groove for exercising. Watching 2 extra kids everyday is taking a toll on me. I can't seem to get myself up early to exercise because I NEED my sleep in order to have the energy to take care of everyone and keep the house decent at the same time. For example, this morning I had my alarm set to get out to the park at 6am but my alarm went off and I was still SO tired. I decided to just sleep a little longer because if I don't get my rest I turn into a very cranky woman. I wish getting to bed earlier was an option but I need to spend time with my husband too. So, my dilema now is finding a time to work out that won't kill me. Strength training is easy. I can do that at any time during the day...its the cardio! I'm gonna get up in the morning when can, but don't give me a hard time if I don't (Korina). =) JK

See you guys tomorrow!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I've been a bad girl!

We just got back from our vacation tonight and I guess I'd better report. I DID HORRIBLE!!! The vacation was great and I had so much fun, but eating good was the last thing on my mind. I did start out good though. I tried not to pig out as we drove there, and the first night I wasn't too bad. But let's be honest. It's pretty hard to eat healthy while you're on vacation at Disneyland, and also trying to be cheap. So we had lots of snack food and I ate bad. BUT I'm not going to beat myself up over this. I'm not going to dare weigh myself for at least a couple days, but eating bad for a couple days can't do too much permanent damage hopefully. And I had great intentions of trying to get to the gym while I was there, but honestly we were at the park right when it opened, until 11:00 each day. I had NO energy to go work out when we got back to the hotel at night. But we did a lot of walking each day so it wasn't like I was sedentary at all. We got home early enough tonight that I could have worked out, but my belly was full of junk food and my mind and will were still on vacation so I didn't. So back to work tomorrow. Yeah, I might have a bad weigh in this week, but the vacation was so fun and it was worth it, so I won't regret it. Wish me luck on 5 miles tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Who's on Vacation???

Monday could not get out of bed to workout. Then during the day I tried to find time to workout, but all I did was one mile. NOT SO GREAT. I did eat good and drank my water.

Then Tuesday you think I would have learned but NOPE!! The only thing I did workout wise today was walk to Kim's house. Not quite a workout!!

So tomorrow no excuses I will be working out!! And Thursday!! And Friday!! And of course Saturday!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Made my goal!

I did not gain any weight this weekend!! It is so nice not having to work so hard for the first part of the week to loose the weight, that I gained over the weekend!! Hopefully I can loose a few pounds this weekend. Did not wake up and workout this morning. Which means I have to make up for it now!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weigh In

I FINALLY LOST SOMETHING!!!! YIPPEE!! ONE POUND!! I am hoping now that something finally came off, it will create a domino effect and the pounds will start falling off! Well I hope at least! :) Today we ran 8 miles I felt better running the 8 miles then I did last week when we ran 7 miles. The big reason I think is because I was prepared for the run. It gave me more confidence that we can run the half marathon. It was also very nice that my sweet husband met us at the top of Temple hill with water! It was so nice to only be tired, not thirsty and tired! I decided not to really go crazy on my cheat day. We did not go out, but still was not great my brother made some yummy cheeseburgers, then for dinner we made homemade enchiladas. SO GOOD!! But not very healthy so I plan on doing some strength exercises tonight to maybe work off a bite. My goal is to not gain any weight over the weekend. That way it does not take me half the week to work off what I gained on the weekend. OH I almost forgot I went today and got new pants a size smaller and they fit!!!! YAHOO!!

Sarah's weekly weigh in

This week I lost 2.5 pounds! I know the .5 probably isn't really necessary to count, but it puts me in the next group of 10, so I'll count it.
This morning we did our 8 MILE RUN!! To be honest, I was REALLY dreading it for several reasons. I've been sick, but I feel like if I skip this run I won't be ready for the 9 miles next week and I won't be ready for the half marathon. I've also had a lack of sleep because of sick kids, my foot has been hurting, and it was very windy out there today. And to top it all off, I've got cramps (Sorry, if it's TMI, but I wanted to sound really dramatic.)
The run was actually not as bad as I'd been expecting, but MAN that wind was killer. It added some resistance training. I almost got attacked by some flying sagebrush. But I actually think the last mile or two were the easiest, maybe because I hit my stride, maybe because my body was numb by then, but most likely because that's when the wind was at my back, pushing me.
I was feeling very good about the 8 miles when I finished and realized only 5 more miles to make the 1/2 marathon. 5 MILES! That's still a lot in my mind. But we're getting there. Closer than we've ever been. I've never run 8 miles before in my life and I did it, and feel fine. So hopefully by the time we hit 13.1 it won't kill me.
We are going to Disneyland next week, and I am so excited, but a little worried about missing my workouts, and do you think I'll be eating healthy?? Ummm, NO. I will be walking a lot which will help, but my plan is to run 2 miles Monday night after the park. (Good luck huh) Tuesday, we're doing the park again, Run 3 miles Wed. before coming home, Run 5 miles Thurs. 2 on Fri, and the 9 on Sat. Wish me luck!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Half Marathon!!

Well the half Marathon is paid for! As it was processing my credit card I had butterflies in my stomach. I think the whole idea of no turning back!! I am weighing in tomorrow. But I would really like to loose 14 pounds before we run the half marathon. But lately the weight has been sticking pretty nicely!! So hopefully it will start to fall off!!

Tomorrows run

Tomorrow we are running 8 miles... That is really scary! Well tomorrow if I live through the 8 miles I will let you know how it goes!

Kim's Weigh In

I am officially down 2 lbs this week. After I got over the fever I started eating again so I got 2 back from the 4 I lost. I got another shot in my foot today so hopefully it works this time. We'll just have to see. I can't afford to keep getting shots so I'm just gonna have to lose weight. I guess that means I have to stop slacking off! =) haha... I know, I've been sick. Seriously though, I can't change much about what I'm eating so I'm just gonna have to kick up the working out a notch or two....or three or four...well, you get the point. =) I'm gonna try and get out 5 days a week, but I can't guarantee it with my crazy schedule. Calories in calories out. I really need to save some money and get a polar so I know how many calories i'm burning. Birthday is coming in 2 1/2 months...we'll see.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Positive Side

So, this weekend I came down with this HORRIBLE cold. Normally when I get sick I end up eating all day cuz there is nothing else to do. Well, since I got sick I have dropped 4 lbs because I don't feel like eating! That isn't a good way to lose weight, but at least I lost something. That's the positive side to being sick. Let's just hope I get better soon. So far, unless I've got drugs in me, I'm death warmed over.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lost but now found

This week I have a tough week!! I think coming back from a weekend of doing everything wrong and trying to get back on the horse has been really hard. I have had no motivation this week. To be honest the only thing that kept me going was that I have to much pride to tell Sarah or Kim that I QUIT and to let all the work I have done go to waste!! So today when we met up to run the 6 miles I was like GREAT(NOT) but I knew I just had to prove to myself that I could do it. Then Sarah came over and we decided we should do 7 miles to prepare for the earlier half marathon. So we ran and I finished without walking!! :) A little slow, but as long as I finish is the only thing I care about!! I am not going to lie at first I had the worst shin splits. They hurt so bad. Finally they went away and I coasted then I got really hungry. I know weird right? My stomach was growling then my legs started getting sore yes while I was running!! But I finished and it gave my the motivation that I needed!! So I found my MOTIVATION!!! and I am very happy to have it back!! My new goal and something to help me keep my motivation is to loose 5lbs by the time Gary's sister and her family come visit us.. They are coming during spring break. So weigh in I maintained this week. I did gain just about 6lbs in California so to loose all that is a good thing!

Training schedule:
Okay Sarah I looked at the Calendar if we add a mile every week until April 10 we will be up to 12 miles. Then on the 17th run 7 miles and the following week is the half marathon. What do you think?

Kim I believe they do have a 5K I will email the website!

Sarah's Weigh In

I am SO excited. I lost 4 lbs this week!! And last night I squeezed into a size smaller pants! They are still a bit to tight to wear in public, because of my major problem area - muffin top!
Korina found a cheaper 1/2 marathon that we can do instead of the one in California. The California one isn't a horrible price for the registration, but when you add the gas, plus hotel stay in there it was adding up to be an expensive trip. So this 1/2 marathon will be only $35 for early registration, and it's in Hurricane, UT. Still, because it starts so early in the morning we'll have to get a cheap hotel, but it will be easier to get a cheap hotel there, than in CA. We can even stay in Mesquite if we have to and it would be super cheap. That way, Jerry and the kids could also come to cheer us on! The only problem with it is that it is 3 weeks earlier than the other one. (And I'm not quite sure how hard AKA hills, the course is) SO today, instead of running 6 miles we bumped it up to 7 miles. I won't lie. It was hard, and right now I'm not sure how on earth we'll be able to run 13.1 miles in 7 weeks. BUT on the other hand, I was remembering how we were SO scared to do our 4 mile run. I didn't think I'd be able to do it without walking, and today we did 7! We can do it! Nothing like pushing yourself to the limit right?!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kim's Weigh In

I realized a little late, but IT'S FRIDAY!! I have been SO BAD this week. Let's just say I had many cravings and satisfied them. I was craving chocolate so on my weekly trip to the nearby Walmart Supermarket I picked up a gallon of chocolate milk. While I know I had help, I still feel like I drank the whole gallon myself this week.

Once you fall off the wagon it is very difficult to get back on. I fell off the wagon at the end of January when I was in such despair over no weightloss. I have been gradually getting better at watching what I eat, but today I finally took charge and made a change. Korina has been telling me to get on Spark People for months now and I finally did. I have input every little thing I've put in my mouth today so far. The trouble I'm going to run into is tonight. I have no dinner planned and we're going on a trip to Costco....never a good combination.

Now to the weigh in:

Good News: All my bad eating didn't make me gain weight
Not so Good News: I didn't lose anything either, but that was expected.

I'm going to try and be dilligent next week and call that my RE-DO. My motivation is lacking and I'm really trying to force myself out there to exercise. It has just been so hard the last two weeks because taking care of 7 kids every day is just wearing me out. It is non-stop around here lately. The thing that makes it so difficult is the fact that I absolutely have to get to the park by 6am because I have to be home at 7. I, like Korina, am NOT a morning person so going to bed late with my hubby and then getting up at night with kids + waking up at 6am is not an easy task. Especially when I know there is absolutely no chance for a nap during the day. I guess that's where I'm having the most trouble...lack of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep you can't lose weight. Honestly though, I don't know a mom who does get enough sleep. Isn't in our job work 24 hours a day?? LOL

Someday this weight will come off. I'm just gonna keep on trucking through. If anything I am at least stronger.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pre Vacation Weight

After the workout this morning I am back to pre Vacation weight!! YIPPEE!! I am hoping to lose at least one more pound by the end of the week.

Mid week check, I am doing pretty good. I am having a hard time drinking the 8 glasses of water. I have been working out, but I have had a hard time getting back into it. I am so worried about the run on Saturday, after taking a few days off I already feel so out of it. So I am just going to take it slow and hopefully be able to finish even if it takes 2 hours to run 6 miles. (Hopefully not that long) On Calorie Counting there is a great website it is and it is a free diet website. It is awesome has food journal, your own profile, counts calories, tons of recipes with Nutritional Info, support groups, fun little water triggers. Check it out it is awesome. The problem with Calorie Counting is I don't have time to go online to put everything in. But I have been doing it in my head. I have been eating a orange for breakfast, for lunch I have been having pita pizza, and for dinner I have been trying recipes from this site. They have been really good so far!! So I have been under my calorie count this week! I still am not back to normal my body still feels gross from all the crap this weekend. I would like to loose 15 pounds by May 1, 2010!

Sarah actually gave me the idea on the Pita Pizza
Wheat Pita Bread-130 calories (Pita Bread is really cheap at Fresh & Easy)
Pizza Sauce-15 calories (you use just half of a serving so it last forever)
Cheese-110 Calories
One Slice of lunch Meat- 15 calories

Bake in the oven at 400 for about 10mins.

So only 270 calories!!

Taco Salad- I made this the other night I got it from Sparkpeople. It is more like Chicken Chili but the kids also enjoyed it!

1lb Chicken breast
1 large onion, chopped
1 pkg taco seasonings
1 pkg Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing mix
1 16 oz-Can Pinto Beans
1 16 oz-Can Chili Beans (Hot, medium, or mild to taste)
1 16 oz-Can Whole Kernel Corn
1 8 oz-Can Mexican tomatoes
1 8 oz-Can Tomatoes

Cook chicken breast and cut into bite-sized pieces. Chop onion. Combine chicken breast and onion with remaining ingredients and simmer for 1 hour.

Total Calories: 145.6!! Isn't that wonderful!!
I also added Cheese which is 110 calories
Crackers-60 Calories
Fat Free Sour Cream-20 Calories

A whole meal for only 335 calories! It was very yummy!! There was also leftovers and Gary brought it to work.

Monday, March 1, 2010

2 months of progress

Here are the pictures to show the progress. I wasn't sure if I should put last month's pictures again, but I decided to just put my beginning pictures -as much as I hate them. In the first two months of this year I have lost a total of 26 lbs!!! That shocks me. I know a good portion of that was holiday weight, and I know it will definitely slow down now. I'm sure I'll hit a plateau, but hopefully it won't get me too discouraged. I am only 3 lbs away from my weight that I was when I got pregnant with Sydney. I'm hoping to lose that within the next two weeks.
I'm very happy that I reached my 20 Lb goal, and it's time to set another. I would like to lose 9 pounds by April 1st. This month will include a trip to Disneyland and I hope that doesn't do too much damage. But we'll also be increasing miles on our Saturday runs.
It really is amazing to me that I have lost more weight these last two months than I did all last year - well, the 10 months after I had Sydney. And I was trying to lose weight last year, it just wouldn't come off. I owe that to you girls for getting me motivated, and encouraging me! I'm so proud of all of us!

Jan. 2010

March 1, 2010

Jan. 2010

March 1, 2010

p.s. I will be losing my boobs this month because I'm finishing nursing. (Not that there's much to start with) That might be the whole 9 lbs right there!