Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kim's NON-weigh in

I have chosen not to weigh in this week. While I know I've eaten better this week, I have not exercised at all! Monday I was way too busy with last minute shopping for Blue and Gold, Tuesday I was running around like a crazy woman getting everything ready for that evening, Wednesday my sister-in-law showed up and made me get out of bed, we ran about 2 miles, Thursday I was too tired to wake up early and then, along with all the other days, had to tend to 7 kids, go to play group, and clean the disaster that was left from Tuesday, then Friday my alarm went off and I must have turned it off without waking up because I remember it going off, but I did not get up. I chalk it up to the 7 kids completely wearing me out. =) Saturday I did go on a run. We got about 2.5 miles and my sister-in-law got sick so we walked the rest of the way home.

I know it all seems like one BIG excuse, but still, why bother weighing in when I know the results. Eating + no exercise = no weight loss

I did however get my new Biggest Loser Cookbook which I am really excited about. I just have to wait 2 more weeks to go grocery shopping and then I'll be able to get started


  1. You have been crazy busy this week. I think you have been exercising, just in doing everything you had to do this week. I don't think I could have kept up with you this week at all. I'm betting if you do well this next week you'll see good results for the two weeks!

  2. AHH I need to give you money!! I will give it to you tomorrow!! You had a crazy week. Plus waking up that early is hard, mostly with 7 kids there is no way you are getting a nap!
