Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kim's Mid-Week Check-in

This week has been hard. The last two weeks I honestly slacked off because I had pretty much given up so getting back into the swing of things is taking a little more motivation. My biggest temptation right now is the junk food in my cupboard. Family game night consists of soda, chips, some kind of sweet treat...basically nothing but junk food. Well, it is all in my pantry right now and it calls my name every day! Yesterday I spent the whole day upstairs just to avoid it. I did however end up cheating at night when I could resist no longer. I had 3 gem donuts. 290 calories. So my calorie intake yesterday was about 2000.

This weekend I went out and bought a new scale. My scale tells me how many calories I need to eat to maintain my current weight. The information is based on my weight and height. As of right now, I have to eat 2700 calories each day to maintain my current weight. I look at that number and think, wow, that's a lot, but in reality it isn't hard to reach that number. It is easy if you're eating out. At the workout Monta was telling us about Kira's progress. She was doing good until some co-worker's brought in Mexican food to work. She had something...can't think of the name right now, but she only had 1 and it was 932 calories!! That's how easy it item can give you almost a whole day's worth of calories. It makes me think that maybe my cheat day shouldn't be so laid back. I don't believe in depriving myself so I figure we've gotta think in moderation. Do I really need to eat 2 slices of pizza or can I get my craving filled with just one? Do I need a whole bowl of ice cream or can I cut it to one scoop? I want to satisfy cravings without over-indulging.

I have gotten up and done some kind of workout everyday this week so far. I'm hoping if I keep it up I'll see some progress this week. We'll just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you. Just because we craves things does NOT mean we need to over-indulge. Of course, one slice of pizza will fill the craving! One scoop of ice cream is perfect. You are getting on the right track Kim. We are all proud of you and know you can accomplish your goals. Keep up the good work!!
