Friday, February 5, 2010

Early Weigh In

Well I have been having Internet issues so one day I can get on and the next I can't. So next week we are going to give CLEAR a chance in our home. Yesterday I weighed in and I lost 2lbs but today I stepped on the scale and nothing!! So I guess this week I maintained. I really need to loose 8lbs this month. So I really have to push it the next few weeks. This weeks was hard. My allergies hit me hard. I had a terrible sore throat, cough, congestion, tired, just felt like crud! I am almost back to normal still the wired voice, but getting there. So next week I will be pushing it up a few steps! I have to get this weight off!!


  1. Korina, You are doing great!! Don't get down because you didn't lose anything this week. You will next week. Everyone has to have a plateau week now and then. Mine was last week so hopefully I'll lose this week! That's still pretty good that you kept it up while you were sick. I'm impressed.

  2. Oh girlie, I feel ya! This was supposed to be my first week of loss and I haven't been good at all. Well, I was till Thursday and then SABATOGE!! The run tomrrow will give you the kick you need.
