Friday, October 7, 2011


So, I stepped up my game this week.  I did my walks, strength training, even went to Zumba.  I am completely sore and tired but I still have work to do today.  I ate better than I did last week, stayed away from soda and guess what??  I gained 2 lbs!!  Urr!  Don't say its muscle cuz its not.  Oh well, I'm gonna keep trucking along because I can't continue to gain in the routine I'm in.  My body will just have to give in and start giving up the nasty fat it so desperately wants to hold on to.  I think it is just in rebellion mode for shocking it this week.


  1. UGh! Kim I a sorry. everyone keeps telling me its because your breastfeeding so I am hoping (but not counting on) That everything will just fall off in May!! A girl can hope right!!

  2. I'm sure that is what it is. I increased my breastfeeding this week because Riley is sick and doesn't want food. So maybe...
