Friday, October 28, 2011

Another week

I changed my weight tracker because ever since I lost that 5 lbs I've been bouncing between the two weights.  One day I'm up, another day I'm down... I'm just fluctuating in that five pound range so until I start fluctuating in a different bracket I'm not gonna count myself 5 down.

I ate bad this week.  I was so good Monday and Tuesday.  I walked 5 on Monday, 3.3 on Tuesday, and ate very good.  Unfortunately things got crazy around here, causing Tuesday and Wednesday to be a complete wash.  I was supposed to get out yesterday, but again, things got busy.  BUT, today was a different story.  It is hard getting Skyler out of the house when the kids are here and we have no where to go, which is why Thursday was so bad.  We are doing this together and I don't want to go without my buddy!  Every mile I walk, Skyler walks.  It is so nice to have him doing this with me because I want so much for us both to get in shape.  I don't know if I'll go back to running because he can't run very well with his flat foot.  Although, if I get him walking at top speed, I have to run. =)  So, today we took a long walk with the kids. I forgot to take my calcium last night and I could FEEL it.  My leg was cramping SO BAD!  And going up Bonanza on a cramping leg is NOT fun.  I ended up running a little just to get through it faster.  We, as a family, walked 2.48 miles this morning.  It was more than they're used to, but they enjoyed it.

As for weight loss this week.... NONE, obviously.  I need to stop drinking soda.  I don't have it very often... not every day anyway, but I am having it a couple times over the weekends and it is not helping me.  I think if I shun it completely I have half a chance at losing something.  The sad thing is, I'm not ready to make that commitment yet.  I am going to wait until after our Disney trip.  Just because, I KNOW I will drink soda on vacation and I don't want to disappoint myself by not keeping to my goal.  After the vacation I am positive I can do it.  I have had such a rough road over the past year and I don't need to set myself up for another disappointment.  So, I am posting a pic of myself.  I'm using my mom's webcam...those pics are never flattering.  Here goes......

I am the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life...including pregnancy!  This is not because of a lack of effort.  I can reasonably say, this is hormones.  I have had major issues with my hormones since I had Riley.  If you remember, I managed to lose about half the weight I gained with him about 2 months after he was born.  I was my max pregnancy weight for the longest time, which is extremely odd.  I always lose at least 15 lbs by the time I go home from the hospital.  Considering I normally only stay 24 hours and this time I stayed almost 3 days, I knew something was wrong.  Then after I lost the 15 lbs I ended up gaining it right back 3 weeks into June when I started having "issues".  I can honestly say, since I've gotten on this new regime of supplements my "issues' have diappeared and I feel so much better.  Unfortunately, the damage of 6 months with issues is done.  In reality, it may take my body a year to recover from what it has been through, and who knows if I've still got underlying problems.  

As for exercising, I am currently measuring my strength.  I know I cannot run long distances because when I did a mile it nearly killed my ankles.  So, I've decided to do a walk/run... ya know, walk then sprint, walk then sprint.  It is helping and I am getting stronger, but I've got a long way to go.  


  1. PS I totally get it, it is so hard to go without your partner. Monta is out of town! And it sucks!!
