Sunday, February 27, 2011

I guess I'll post first!

Alright ladies!  Just cuz we're prego doesn't mean we get to slack off on the posting! =)  This is sometimes my only contact with you SO POST. lol

I have 5 weeks left...that's it!  Braxton hicks are coming regularly and they are still hitting my back, but I'm surviving.  I have eaten BAD yet again.  I'm not too worried about it though.  As long as I'm good this week my weigh in on the 7th should be fine.  I went to the park with the kids and I have to say it was SO NICE!  It didn't matter that the wind was blowing and it was cold.  It was much better than sitting in this HOT house.  My mom keeps it at 74 during the day and 76 in the evening so we sit in our "living room" with the window open and a fan blowing in the cool air.  I am DYING!  She freaks out if the boys open the back door for anything, which is next to her chair.  She says it is cold in the house, while I sit here dizzy and feeling faint because I'm so hot.  NOT FUN.  They went to see Kristi last weekend in California so we were able to turn the air down to 69 which was chilly but I loved it.  I'd rather bundle up than sit in heat.  So the hot air has pushed my booty out the door which I suppose is a good thing.

I hope you guys had a good week and I look forward to hearing about it!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be posting soon - promise! I want to get my new month pictures. You'll be surprised how pregnant I look - even though I'm only 12 weeks. Depressing! I can't believe you're so close Kim!!
